Ninth chapter is now up \(^.^)/

"Okay come on, let's see how fast you can go"

Isa raced through the air - gaining speed as she went – desperate to catch up with the flock of birds ahead of her. Boy they were fast….maybe they're hunting birds? No she was sure hunting birds didn't fly in a flock….not that she really cared, she just wanted to prove she was faster.

"Come on" she muttered through gritted teeth, her eyebrows pulling together in utmost determination. She could feel herself getting faster as the wind blew stronger and fiercer through her hair and down her spine. How she loved that feeling. It was such an addicting sense of exhilaration, it was almost like her daily dose.

Wings flapped in her face, interrupting her brief moment of bliss and she noticed – with a sense of glee – that she'd caught up with the flock. Pushing herself even further she managed to reach the front of the little air parade. A cry of triumph escaped her lips as she flew in wiggly lines, preventing the birds from overtaking her again. "You're losing" She practically sang the taunting words as she bathed in the joy of her small victory. But there was something bothering her. Despite being birds, they were still ignoring her and she was really starting to hate that. She refused to be overlooked; nobody saw her, nobody heard her, they just walked through her. And it hurt her every time emotionally and physically. Well actually now it was mostly just emotional; at first whenever someone had walked through her it had felt like they'd literally punched her in the stomach…but she'd gotten used to it and now she barely felt it. She still got a bad feeling though, as if she was being burned with fire….just a quick flash, nothing drastic…but it was still the weirdest sensation. She could only presume it was because normal people had a warmer body temperature than she did.

A squawking noise interrupted her thoughts once again as the birds protested at leisurely and deliberately insane flying patterns. Animals could see her which was why she stayed around them so much. She had no idea why they could but for now she was just happy to have some form of life being aware of her.

She rolled over onto her back and leisurely placed her staff behind her head, a mocking smile present on her lips. Looking this way, she could've been floating calmly on water rather than hurtling through the air "You know…" she said to no one in particular, although her eyes were trained on the bird directly at her feet "….this is unfair, you have wings, you're meant to fly" The bird just continued to squawk in her direction while trying to nip at her feet in mid-flight. Isa just rolled her eyes; her grin growing ever bigger "If I was in one of those kids shows, you would be my talking companion by now and you'd be helping me with everything"

Suddenly her head snapped up as the sound of thunder resonated from directly above her. Glancing up, she came face to face with the darkest sky she'd ever seen – not like at night – the sky was filled with overlapping colours of purple and grey, even some black. The wet air told her what was already obvious. This was the storm that she'd been feeling building for the past few days. It was going to be big and destructive….and something she really could not be bothered to endure. She continued staring for a moment, debating, before once again addressing the bird in front of her. "Okay sergeant puffin or swan or whatever you are, you're in charge until I get back"

Well i hope you enjoyed the first chapter, i really love my ideas for this story ^.^ so please stay tuned :3 xxx please leave a review and let me know what you think \ ( ^ . ^ ) / ooo and please check out my other story 'Ever hear of a snowday?'xxx