Can You believe that this is the final chapter. I cant!

I want to write an Epilogue, but I need your ideas.

Lipamo and Byron: Thank you for your support it means everything


Zell Am See

At dawn on May 9, the ragtag convoy arrived at Zell Am See. Around the lake stood numerous mansions. The civilians and the German soldiers stood in amazement and starred at the ragtag soldiers. How did these bustards defeat they thought.

Winters and Katie was walking along the lakeshore. It was a beautiful day and Winters couldn't wait to jump into the lake and go for his morning swim.

"So did you give him an answer yet?" Katie asked Winters

"No I told him I would think about it," He told her and handed her his towel and jumped in the lake

The previous day Sink had approached Dick and offered him a promotion if he stayed in the army. Winters told Sink he would think about it. He wasn't too keen on the idea, all he really wanted was to go home to Pennsylvania and find a quiet place to live the rest of his life.

Katie heard footsteps behind her and turned around to find a hungover Nixon standing behind her

"Hey Nix, what can I do for you" Katie asked him and motioned for him to sit down

Nix sat down and handed Katie the package he was holding

"Oh great, we ran into the regimental photographer he told us he had a bunch of photos of easy company and we traded them for a couple of lugers" Katie opened the package and the first photo she pulled out was one of Winters and Nixon together

"I can't believe how handsome you were" A voice behind Nixon said

Nixon turned and grabbed Lane and pulled her into his lap "Hey that's not fair" He said and kissed her

The group returned to the hotel they stayed in, and sat down on the terrace. Amy, Speirs and Welsh joined them. Welsh told everybody that he was going home to Kitty. Speirs and Amy told everybody that they would stay in the army and all of them knew that Lane and Nix would return to New Jersey. The only one who were undecided was Katie and Dick.

The sun was shining and the group was sunbathing. There wasn't a lot to do. After accepting the surrender of the Germans in the area and ordered all weapons to be collected at the local school and church and inspecting the camp for the POW's, Winters and Katie had little to do and the that went for the men as well. Either displaced persons or locals willing to work for food or cigarettes did the activities of daily living.

The men spend a great deal of their time either, swimming, playing sports, or doing close order drills.

The last task Winters had done was sorting out the German and American equipment that was no longer needed for combat and it was shipped to storage facilities in France.

It should have been the perfect summer for the men and women attached to second battalion and the first couple of weeks they loved it. Then the frustration with the army bureaucracy set in, they were bored, they were drinking too much and they wanted to go home.

Shifty had won the points drawing and he handed in his paper work and gathered his loot, he showed up on the sun deck of the hotel where the officers was gathered and said his goodbyes. Lane hugged him and walked back into the hotel and Katie and Mia looked at him "Don't take it personal, she sucks at goodbyes" one by one the officers shook Shifty hand and he saluted them and got on board the waiting truck. The truck was hit by a passing G.I truck and an injured Shifty didn't get home until months after the comrades he left behind.

Adding to the problems of frustration and anger caused by the points system, was the combination of too much booze, too many pistols and too many captured vehicles.

There were many road accidents and there were seventy wreck in the first three weeks in Austria, twenty men were killed and nearly one hundred injured.

Amy and Grant was driving a couple of privates to a roadblock one night. Amy went with him, Amy and Speirs, thought the world of Grant. They were talking about an incident, which had occurred during D. Day, the young private in the jeep didn't get it, he was a replacement who had joined them in Germany. He never met the infamous Bill Guarnere.

They were about a hundred yards from the roadblock, when they encountered a drunken G.I.

The G.I was standing with a pistol in his hand and two dead Germans at his feet. He had stopped the Germans and demanded Gas, because he was out, the two German didn't understand him and when they resisted he shot them dead.

A British S2 happened to drive by. He and his sergeant got out of the jeep they were driving, to check out what was going on, the drunk had pointed at them with his gun and told them to back off.

At that moment Grant and Amy came driving past. The drunk took a shot at Amy, but he missed her by three inches.

The British S2 made a move to disarm the drunk. The G.I turned on him and shot him and his sergeant, both of them died on the spot.

Before Amy could stop him, Grant was out of the jeep and he ran towards the G.I who turned and shot him in the Brain.

Amy screamed and shot the G.I in the knee and the
shoulder with her side arm, she made sure he would live to be tortured by E. Company.

A jeep with Luz and Perconte drove by they didn't stop, they just continued into town and when they told Speirs what happened, he and Foley got in a jeep and drove to the hospital and Katie got in the jeep with them and they drove towards the scene.

A jeep came racing past them and Speirs recognized Amy and turned around he sped all the way back and the two jeeps arrived at the same time.

Katie ran into the hospital and started to bark orders, she then escorted the stretcher with Grant on it to the O.R

Speirs started to follow, but Amy stopped him "Don't, he is in good hands, Katie know what she is doing she did part of her residency in neuro and she is the best in the field and they have an excellent brain surgeon on staff here"

The Drunk had been brought to Company HQ and was still alive, but he was about to wish he wasn't. The E. Company men was milling around him swearing revenge, it turned out the culprit had tried to rape a girl in Zell am See, just an hour before he shot Grant.

Luz walked thru the door to the hospital and found Speirs "We can't find the weapon," he whispered to him

Speirs got on his feet and Amy followed him, Speirs rushed into HQ and shouted at the prisoner "Where is the weapon?"

"What weapon?" the prisoner spit out.

Amy pulled her gun, reversed his grip to hold it by the barrel and hit the man right in the temple with the butt "When you talk to an officer you say ma'am " Speirs let out a little cough and Amy looked at him and then at the man "Or sir"

The man was escorted to the brick, where he was beat until his blood ran.

Nixon and Lane was waiting for Amy and Speirs outside the room. Nixon looked at the two officers "Grant is gonna make it" he told them

Lane let out a breath she had been holding and shook her head; she grabbed Amy by the arm and dragged her out of the hotel and towards the lake.

"Ok let it out" Lane told Amy and waited for Amy to yell and curse

Amy just put her hands on her hips and started to pace "God damn son of a…how the hell…why the hell…oh god I can't believe it"

Amy never got any further "Hunt you should have shot him" Sink saluted the two girls and left

Lane looked after the regimental commander and laughed "What the hell"

Amy hugged Lane "You want to get drunk" She asked him

"Ah ha" Lane said

Lane and Mia stepped into the local Bier Keller and found half the company there. Mia was sitting on Lipton's lap they were happy and they had their future planned out. Lane looked around the group of men. Yeah most of the men would have a bright future and if they took advantage of the G.I bill, they would do well.

Nixon and Winters stepped into the place and found the men. Nixon grabbed Lane and kissed her. "Dick and Katie are going to New Jersey with us"

Lane kissed him back and smiled. Yeah things were going to be ok. They would be ok. They would be family forever a Band of Brothers.


At the end of July the Company was transferred to France, the only veteran left was the long-suffering Webster.

Winters, Speirs, Nixon and the girls was still with the division and was waiting to get rotated home.

In august Katie and Mia were rotated home.

Nixon Winters, Speirs and Amy was sent to Berlin with 82nd air borne and Amy and Speirs fell in love with the town.

In November 101st was in activated and Nixon and Winters was dismissed from the army and went home and Amy and Speirs was rotated back to fort Bragg.

The war was over and now civilian life awaited.