Half of Heart
The moment Thorin Oakenshield took on the mission of taking back Erebor with twelve other dwarves, another stepped up and took the mantle of protecting the people. It was Lirin Bladedancer, Wife and Queen to Thorin Oakenshield. Lady of Sieges. "Lie a promise then! Just for me!" (Mix of Book and Movie Verse) Thorin/OC
Hobbits, as much as they are peaceful folks, are inherit-ably curious. You cannot blame them of course. But Thorin Oakenshield found himself blaming our dear Master Bilbo Baggins at every turn. Not the first and surely not the last. More so than ever at this very moment. It wasn't for any mischief, no, dear Bilbo is not that kind of hobbit. He might be a child of Lady Belladonna Took but I assure you it wasn't mischief, nor delay (except for the initial one), or damage of any kind.
He blamed him for bringing up a Name. Yes, a name.
You will know who, how and why, I assure you. First, we need to retrace what happened a few hours before our Thorin was brooding to himself.
The Company was setting down for camp, a few days after leaving the Shire. Gloin and Oin had already started the fire and it was dancing beautifully, warming the travelers with fingers of colors. The supper was done and the company were scattered in their camp, talking and eating and telling stories. Fili and Kili hoarded our dear Master Baggins, the hobbit between them as they regale him with stories and their adventures so far before the Shire. Being the youngest in the group, they were the loudest in their laughter, sure of their safety and relief at finding their burglar. Bilbo on the other hand, just sat there listening and eating gladly. He was happy to have food to eat at last! For his stomach was rumbling protesting at the loss of the other three meals from his usual six. The others were fairly quieter in their chatter. Some were silent and lost in their thoughts. The comfort they experience was a boon in comparison to the days to come. They knew it so.
In this merry moment did Bilbo asked. "I know that Thorin has told me of Erebor, but, have you seen it?"
Without missing a beat, Fili and Kili answered together, "Definitely!"
Another beat and Fili added his merriment even greater. "Not personally, no."
It confused Bilbo so that his brows scrunched together and his mouth opened and closed, trying to find the right question or statement to say. The chatter died down and Bilbo's question was heard by all. "How?"
"Paintings." Kili said simply, food halfway to his mouth. "Very beautiful ones at that!"
And here we take a glimpse of Thorin, who was brooding alone and farthest from the fire. The moment the burglar spoke, he looked up and listened suspiciously. When his nephews answered, he wondered who to blame for the sudden stab of pain, his nephews or the hobbit? He wished he didn't listen and to his pride blamed the curiosity of Bilbo Baggins.
"Do you remember Fili?" Kili seemed to abandon his meal for a while, his hands doing gestures unconsciously. His awe and wonder were prominent in tone and action. "Aunt Lirin made such enchanting paintings! Her hands were like liquid gold!"
"L-Liquid Gold!?" Poor Bilbo almost choked on his food.
"Expression, Master Baggins." Fili shrugged, thumping the his back.
"Wait. W-what? W-who?" His gaze jumped between Kili and Fili, wanting to shake them hard to have an answer. The Took in him wanted to know more.
"Our Aunt Lirin!" Then they cleared their throats, as if announcing the winner of a great battle. "Or rather, Lirin Bladedancer: Artist and Scribe of Erebor. The Lady of Sieges."
A moment of awe passed on Bilbo's face, his jaw slackened and his eyes widened. Then, there was another question. "Aunt… Your mother of father's sis - ?"
"My wife." All eyes swung attention to Thorin Oakenshield, whose gaze was haunting black with licking fire. Bilbo was more than surprised at his growl, for it was a growl. He never expected one as determined and daresay, dark as him would have a wife. A wife who seemed not one out of duty even! Thorin however, already turned his head away and to the West. He looked there, past everything that blocked his view, to the Blue Mountains were their kin now stay. If he let himself, his memories, take over, he would feel her calloused yet gentle fingers through his hair. He would hear her chuckling softly by his ear. Maybe, he would even see her chocolate eyes always ablaze, yet with an eerie calm. He would hear her voice, her joy and also her anger.
But he wouldn't because it will lead to harsher and sadder circumstances.
So Lirin Bladedancer was the name which was brought up and resulted to our present event of Thorin blaming Bilbo as he sat in front of the now dying fire.
"Lie a promise then! For me!" He lost to Memory after all.
Author's Notes:
Song for this prologue would be: 'If you could Hie to Kolob - Instrumental'
And warning:
Lirin has an RP blog which is for personality research (Lirin's and Others) as well as an illustration site for this story. Fore URL (the one you put before tumblrcom) 'theladylirin' There would be a link for 'art' there but nothing's up yet.
This was only inside my head first, then an RP blog. I am still scared to write on this because there are so many better Thorin/OC stories.
One I advice would be Lady Firehammer. Go read it if you haven't.
Thank you to everyone who reads and I am open to your suggestions and criticisms, constructive as they are. Have fun and review!