Chapter 10: RevengeAuthor: Twi-Ranger
Words: 1,111
Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time, I'm just playing with the characters.
Author's Note: Sorry for going AWOL on this. I stopped watching the show halfway through season 3, so I don't know what's going on, and I don't plan to. After this chapter, there is going to be three more chapters. Enjoy.

And happy Thanksgiving.

Red growled at the woman in front of her, the woman who took everything from her. Red took three steps forward and glared at the woman.

Snow White walked toward her, hoping her best friend would remember her. She wanted Red or Ruby back in her life, now that she remembered everything. She stood in front of the werewolf. She noticed how her best friend was glaring at her.

"Ruby, please," Snow cried out.

Red frowned. She didn't know how many times she had to tell these people she was not Ruby.

"It's me, we're best friends," Snow tried.

Red stopped and looked at Cora. She was confused.

"That's how she got you the first time. Don't let her trick you" Cora told the werewolf.

Red nodded and got an arrow and aimed it at the traitor.

"Red! Stop!" David shouted, as he stood in front of the reckless werewolf.

"Move!" Red shouted, glaring at the king.

"We know you. Cora is messing with you head. You're our friend," Emma tried, as she took a step towards Red.

"Don't lie to me! You took my heart!"

"Ruby, please don't do this," Belle pleaded.

Red stared at her. "You're with them! You just as bad as they are!"

"No! I don't care about them! I care about you!"

Not sure what to do, Red took a step back. She was confused. She was scared. She was torn.

"They are lying Red. It's all they do."

"She's lying!" Emma exclaimed, as she took a step towards Red.

"Enough!" Cora shouted. "Get revenge Red. Hurt them like they hurt you."

Red nodded and released the arrow. It lodged into David's shoulder.

"David!" Snow and Emma exclaimed, as they rushed to make sure he was okay.

Regina and Gold stared in shock. Cora had gotten to Ruby. She had turned David and Snow's best friend against them.

"Are you okay?" Snow questioned, as she tried to stop the bleeding.

"Yeah, it just hurts," he groaned. "Get her back. Bring us our Ruby."

Snow nodded and turned to her best friend. "Ruby, you have to remember. Remember everything we went through. Running from the Evil Queen's men. Fighting them? Your mother, do you remember?"

Red closed her eyes as she was hit by a memory.

"I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose your family," Snow told her, as they stared at the small grave. Snow was holding her.

"I didn't lose my family today. I protected it," Red responded. She turned to Snow. "Thank you." She sighed. "My mother wanted me to chose between being a wolf and being human. Granny did too. You were the only person who ever thought it was okay for me to be both."

Snow smiled and wiped Red's tears. "'Cause that's who you are."

"Get out of my head! Stop filling it with lies!" Red ordered them.

"Those are your memories!" Snow exclaimed.

"Th-those are lies! You're not my friend!"

"You have to remember!"

Cora glared at the group. They couldn't ruin her plans.

"Don't forget Red, they have your heart. They played with your emotions and took your heart."

Red shut her eyes and clenched her head. Tears were streaming down her face.

"You were my first friend. You have to remember. Remember us, remember me," Belle whispered, as she took a step towards Red.

"Stop talking!" Cora ordered. She used her magic to knock everyone down. She turned to the werewolf. "I told you they would do anything to get you. They don't care about you. They never will. You have to get revenge now."

Red whimpered as she let her arms fall to her sides. She nodded.

Within seconds, Red changed into the wolf. She snarled at the group. She lounged forward.

Gold used his magic to push the wolf back. Red hit the ground hard. She shook her head and stood up. She growled at him. She charged forward but something hit her side.

She whimpered when she felt something lodge in her side. She looked to her side and saw David with a gun.

Cora used her magic to make the trigger move. The gun fired two more times. Red growled, angrily.

"I-I didn't pull the trigger!"

Red took a step towards him, ready to attack anyone.

"Red, she's lying to you. She's not your mother, she's my mother!"

"And keeping you around was the worst mistake of my life," Cora snapped, glaring at her daughter.

Regina didn't respond. She just looked away. Emma frowned when she saw that.

Belle watched them, trying to think of a way to get her friend back. She looked at the group. Snow was helping David, who was still bleeding. Emma was staring at a sad Regina. And Gold was glaring at the wolf.

She slowly walked to the injured wolf. She showed her that she wasn't going to hurt Red. Slowly, she got on her knees and was face-to-face with the wolf. Belle raised her hand and placed it on the wolf's head. Red watched, ready to attack at any sign of a threat.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she whispered, looking at the wolf in the eye. She stroked the wolf's head, trying to bond. "I miss my best friend. I miss talking to you. I miss seeing you. If I could, I would give you my heart. I'll get you your heart back, I promise you Ruby."

"Are you really? You're nothing. You can't even defend yourself," Cora commented, a smirk on her face.

"I believe in you Ruby. You'll do the right thing," Belle whispered, ignoring Cora's comment. She placed a kiss on the wolf's head and moved back.

Belle and Ruby stared at each other. Ruby took a step back.

"What's wrong?" Belle questioned, worried.

"I know David wants to believe the best, but I've killed before, and I'll do it again," she responded, before grabbing the chain. "Everyone in this town is right to be afraid of me."

"Okay, well I'm not," Belle told her, taking a step towards her.

"You should be," Ruby told her, frantically.

"No matter what you might've done in your past, David see the good in you and," she stopped for a second, "and that tells me one thing."

"What?" Ruby asked, without any emotion on her face.

Belle walked to her. "That it's in there. So if we can all see it, why can't you?"

"I believe in you," Belle whispered on last time.

The wolf took a step backwards. She looked back at Cora. She shook her head, not sure who she could trust.

She growled and then lounged towards her target.