Okay okay okay- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I always write the same thing over and over again. Heartbroken girl is in love with a guy who likes somebody else. Guy realizes it and fixes it and they live happily ever after. I'll… TRY not to do that. But….



Okay… now that that's settled….



Mother Freaking Scarlett.

Gorgeous hair, seductive eyes, an attractive voice, with an… awesome… personality to match. Oh, yes. What fun it was, dealing with two Kick Buttowski's. That was all Kendall needed, really.

Can you detect the sarcasm?

Kick was always very focused on his stunts. The only relationships he cared about were the ones that were forced upon him by the blood that ran through his veins and the one with his best friend, Gunther. Nobody was ever really clear as to what kind of girl Kick Buttowski, suburban daredevil (annoyance), was interested in.

Not until Mother Freaking Scarlett.

She was the kind of girl that came out of nowhere, introduced herself, and had no issues with anybody save for a few jealous people here and there. Kendall never thought she'd see the day where she was one of those immature peoples. Nobody else did, either. Everybody assumed Kendall thought she was higher than everybody else. If she wanted what somebody else had, she'd sacrifice a little bit to get it. She wasn't lazy; she wasn't brainless, and certainly not dependent. That was what made Kendall, Kendall. Well, that and her fiery exterior with a soft, truffle-like interior.

That was what was pissing her off.

No matter how hard she worked, no matter what she sacrificed, there was no way on god's green Earth she could achieve what Scarlett had. Scarlett had Kick.

Try as she might, Kendall could never get him to say anything nice to her. Ever.

It would always just be a fight. She would try being nice (if she was in the mood), but to that he always retaliated in a strange way that angered her or made her react in an even stranger way.


Since the stunt-double moved to Mellowbrook there hadn't been a day that Scarlett, Gunther, and Kick weren't speeding down the sidewalks, knocking over trash-cans and accidently shaving people's dogs.

Kendall didn't know the first thing about skateboarding or riding bikes or skiing or wrestling (well, kind of…) or doing stunts. She had accidently pulled off Kick's stunt before, but definitely not on purpose, and he still hadn't said a word. He was shocked, yes, but he was more-so upset that his fans became her fans temporarily.

To get back to the point, it was tearing Kendall apart to know that everything that makes her, her, wasn't what Kick was interested in. He wanted danger. He wanted a girl that would jump off a plane with him or go biking around the top of a volcano. Kendall couldn't do that. She could never, do that.

Not in a million years.

Mother Freaking Scarlett.


"On about THIS again, are we?" Jackie stepped into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She had left the room to go make some hot-chocolate, it being winter and all, only to come back to her (Kick-free for the past five years) room to see her best friend rolling on her floor, banging her fists against the carpet. "I told you he doesn't want a girl to worry about him. He wants a girl in the action WITH him."

"I know, I know!"

"Wait…" Jackie paused. "The window was locked. How did you-?"

Kendall stopped mid-way through a roll and raised an eyebrow at her. "Right, genius. Knows how to picklock. Okay."

Kendall sat up, her legs shifting to the left of her backside. Her jean-skirt shifted in a way that would make Jackie very uncomfortable had she been a boy. Kendall's thigh-high socks were at different places of her leg, one down to her knee, the other half-way to her ankle. There were stains of dirt from Jackie's unclean carpet on the white cloth, forcing Jackie to mentally take a note to run the vacuum through later. "You know, I listened to your advice. You really should listen to your own."

"You and Gunther are a different thing entirely."

"We are not a THING at all. I got over MY obsession with Kick, and if he wants me he can, too."

Kendall looked away from the other girl as she sat down, playing with the rim of her button-up office-shirt. It was wrinkled and also stained with the dirt of the floor. Jackie readjusted her smaller glasses and set her drink down, observing as the mist flew past her nose and covered her dark brown skirt and over-sized peach sweater in the sweet aroma. "But I don't think you can."

"I'm not obsessed!"

"Love is a genuine form of obsession."

Jackie looked down at her and sat on the floor in front of the disgruntled blonde. "People don't like to refer to it that way, but love is just being obsessed with somebody for a good reason. It's the same thing. You feel panicked when they aren't around, you always want to see them and feel giddy or at peace when you do, and they're always on your mind whether it be because you heard a song that reminds you of them or just because you stumbled into the thought. My obsession with Kick was not love. My obsession with Gunther, however, is."

"Did you just essentially claim that Gunther is in love with Kick?"

Jackie coughed and looked away, her eyes seemingly straining to look at some non-existent far-away object out the window. "I'm afraid that might be the case, yes."

"That's why you're making him choose, right?"

"Well I'm not making him choose between myself and Kick. He can be best friends and hang out with Kick all he wants, because Kick is, for lack of a better term, awesome. He just can't keep ditching me for Kick. That is not okay. No me gusta."

Kendall smiled. Jackie always had the most amusing way of saying things.

"So what did I say to you again?"

"Huh, about what?" Jackie's eyes instantly became wide and curious as she turned back. "About Gunther?"

"Oh, right." Jackie mustered up a fake cough, making it loud and muffled against her fist for a special effect. She then proceeded to raise a finger in the air to the right of her, wiggling it around as she spoke. "Confront him on the question at hand, and if he has no answer for you, you walk."

Kendall cringed, just as Jackie did when she had first heard the sentence. "That sounds a lot harsher coming from somebody else."

"Yeah, but it worked! I'm a free bird, now!" Jackie extended her fake wings (arms) to the farthest they could reach and started flapping them wildly. "I can talk to boys and if he has something to say about it, then he can walk away! It's the best kind of revenge-but-not-exactly-revenge there is!" Kendall smiled. "So, what do I ask Kick, exactly?"

"Ask him who he likes."

"Oh god…"


"That's going to sound so weird to him. He might not take me seriously."

"Then start crying when he doesn't answer you properly."

"But then he'll know I like him!"

"Then you're sure to get a real answer!"

"Okay… now how do I…?"

"How do you what?"

Kendall stared blankly up at Jackie, sighing deeply until the girl got it. "OH!"

They said in unison: "Mother Freaking Scarlett."


"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow, Buttowski!"

Kick smirked at the retreating Scarlett as she stepped off of his porch.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kendall huffed. "This is the only time EVER that Kick is without Gunther or Scarlett. We have to do it NOW!" Jackie whispered back. The two hid behind the wall of somebody's house, watching as Scarlett hopped onto her skateboard and left the building. "But it's like, 9:00 at- WAIT! WHY is she leaving his HOUSE so late…?" Jackie gulped. She had been hoping Kendall wouldn't notice that. Said blonde felt her stomach drop, and possibly her heart right along with it. "This is… bad. This is really bad, Jackie, we should just leave!" Kendall made a motion to get up, only to be pulled back down by the, not-so-surprisingly, strong Jackie. "Ohhhhh no, no, no, no. You're marching right up to that door and knocking."

"I won't have to knock if he just keeps staring after her like that."

Jackie looked up to see that the door was still wide open and that Clarence Buttowski was still standing at it, his eyes narrowed in an unreadable way. She pouted. This was going to be difficult. "Just… just… GO UP THERE!"

Kendall let out a yelp as she was shoved suddenly out of their hiding place, alerting the taller, though just as handsome, daredevil to her presence. "Kendall? What are you doing here?"

"Just figured I'd take a short-cut home from school… got lost. But now that I'm here I know my way home."

"What kind of short-cut could you have possibly taken?" He glared at her questioningly, a raised eyebrow and narrowed eye. "A confusing one." was her comeback.

Kick crossed his arms and leaned his weight lightly onto one of his (now much, much, longer) legs. He now towered over Kendall by a good… two… three inches? She took in a deep breath and looked away from him, finding herself preoccupied with the moon. It was about 9:15 at night and there she was, trying to muster up the courage to ask Kick a question she already knew the answer to.

"Ow!" She jumped and clutched the back of her head, looking to see Jackie playing with a rock and glaring at her in her peripheral vision. "What was that?" Kick asked. "Oh, nothing- nothing. Eep!" The sound escaped her mouth before she could stop it. In no time flat Buttowski had crossed the way to her and was searching her head for wounds. "It didn't look or SOUND like nothing."

"How are we to know what nothing sounds like, huh?"

Kick pulled away from his position, his face had been uncomfortably close to her neck as he examined her head, to look at her with an expression that resembled the love-child of curiosity and worry. Worry… great. She was worrying a daredevil. That's new.

"Right, well, I'm going to go inside now."


Her hand grabbed the sleeve on his wrist quicker than he had turned. She yanked on the fabric gently as to not tear it- not that he would have cared if she did (that jumpsuit had been abused for years). "Kick, I, um, have a question I want you to answer."

Now she really had him confused. She knew how ridiculous it sounded. Kendall Perkins, resident smart aleck, was asking resident fearless citizen (a straight D-student) Kick Buttowski a question. Well, it didn't count, she mused. She already knew the answer so there was no use in beating herself up over asking him.

Yep. This was Jackie's fault.

All Jackie's fault.


Kendall just barely dodged another rock being thrown at her behind. She glanced in her best friend's direction to see that Jackie had thrown that one on accident. The brunette was more focused on something behind her. She was about to turn and ask her what was wrong when she was reminded that Kick was still there by the yanking of his sleeve away from her hand. "What kind of question?" Kendall inhaled and turned back to him, grabbing her arm delicately. Her gaze was directed to the floor. "A weird one… Kick, who do you like?"


He stepped back, an intense look of alarm spiraling in his face. "You heard me, Clarence." She quickly degraded herself for calling him Kick before. "Who do you like? You've got a lot of fan-girls. Who would you be the most interested in dating?"

Kick stared back at her blankly, trying to comprehend the question.

This placed Kendall in an even more awkward position as she awaited his understanding. She was looking everywhere but his face, her grip on her own arm not-so-tender anymore. They stood there for a good minute, just waiting for Kick to grasp the situation at hand.

"Oh, for pete's sake, Clarence! Just answer the question!"

"Uhhhh…" His head tilted to the side. "Why?"

"I just want to know, geez!"

"But… WHY do you wanna know? That's private."

"B… B… be… because… because…!" Her eyes searched everywhere, searching the cloudy night-sky for an excuse. "Because it's for a project I'm doing!" Kick's eyes narrowed. "A project?"

"Yep! I'm trying to see if 'opposites attract' pertains to people, too. I'm asking everybody!"

"Well you're not getting an answer outta me!" He waved his right hand across his body to further promote his answer. "Look, it's anonymous!"

"Don't care." Kick turned his back on her, walking towards his front door. "Only I'll know!"


"Can… can you at least tell me if she's…" He still walked. "…or he's…?" Kick paused in his walking to glance tetchily at her. Kendall laughed nervously under her breath. "… the opposite of you?"

"Kendall, why are you asking me this? There are tons of people in the suburbs!"


Another rock flew by Kendall's head, once again by accident from what she could see. What in the world is going on over there…? What did she… run into a feral cat? "I know there are!"

"Then why ask me?!"



Kendall raged and threw her arms in the air. "AUGH! NEVERMIND! You're… you're… IMPOSSIBLE, Clarence!"

Kick frowned. "I do the impossible, too."

Can't argue with that… "Just tell me whether or not you like Scarlett!"

Kick's face went from angered to bewildered again in two seconds flat. "Scarlett?"

"Yes!" Kendall kicked one of the rocks Jackie threw, specifically the one that hit her head, into the street. "Clarence, I want to know if you are interested in Scarlett!"


"Don't! Don't even bother answering I… I already know the answer!" Kendall sighed. "It was… Jackie. Jackie made me come over here."


The deeper, cuter voice rang out from Jackie's hiding place. It was aged but it was a voice Kendall knew as much as she knew Kick's. The two twisted to look just as Gunther emerged with an extremely angry Jackie thrown over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN! PUT! ME! DOWN!"

She fruitlessly banged her fists against the blonde's back.

Kendall audibly gulped and frowned.

"Scarlett caught me at work and told me you wanted to go over some plans for tomorrow's stunt and I found her hiding out in your next door neighbor's yard throwing rocks at Kendall." It was just then that they noticed he was still in his uniform. He had gotten a job at the family restaurant about three weeks ago.

"Thanks for that, by the way, Jackie." Kendall hissed and rubbed the back of her head where the stone had hit. Said brunette merely crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out. "I'll be surprised if I don't have a bruise there, tomorrow!"

"So that was the 'nothing'." Kick recollected, raising his eyebrow again.

Kendall nodded.

Gunther looked at Kick and nudged him, speaking to him without saying a word. He sighed.

"Well my parents are out tonight and Brad's got a date, so it's just me and Brianna. Why don't you guys come inside and we'll talk about this?" Kendall hated the forced kindness in his voice. Jackie said nothing as the foursome walked inside.

And as they crossed the threshold, all Kendall and Jackie could think was: "Mother Freaking Scarlett!"


Yeah… this is gonna be a two-chapter story… :X

The next chapter will probably be up in a few hours. So no waiting for weeks and months for me to update like the other fandoms do. (Dear god… a year since I've updated AY: DOTS… oh I'm so sorry! TwT Writer's block is NOT FUN!) So just leave a review and tell me how this was. Tell me if I misspelled anything… if there's improper grammar anywhere… yeah. I don't have a beta reader for this fandom (I have friends that share an interest in the fandom I wrote about check things over for me… so pretty much VocaNoelle. XD But she doesn't really care for Kick Buttowski, she's only seen one episode of it, so I won't torture her with a fandom she knows nothing about. XD).

So thanks and pretty please give me a critique. Everything helps! :)