It's been toooo long since i last wrote ! so a long overdue chapter !

Within maybe 8 minutes we arrived at my school. I thought he was just going to drop me off and leave, but that's not exactly what happened.

"Do you mind if we talk for a few minutes before you go?" he asked as we got closer to the main entrance of my school.

"Uh-ya-yeah that sounds good to me." I stuttered, thank goodness he can't see me blush.

"Sweet." His body shifted to the left and before I knew it we were in the small forest next to my school. He ran a few feet in to make sure we wouldn't be seen. He slid me off his back and slowly pressed me against a gigantic tree trunk.

My thoughts started racing as I felt the tree against my back, I thought he was going to do…well something! But he didn't, he just pushed me against the tree, took a couple steps back and looked at me.

A smile crept on my lips, "Well…hi." I even added a little wave for more awkwardness.

His eyes smiled, "I was just thinking," he paused…a little too long for me.

I rolled my eyes, "What!?"

"Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I would love it if we could…" his eyes started to roam the trees. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Is someone watching us?

"You know what? I'll just finish my thought on our date." He smiled and grabbed my hand lightly. He walked me to the building entrance and then let go of my hand, ever so slowly. "Be careful now." He smirked

I raised my eyebrow, "Yah I'll try not to get kidnapped by any more weirdos." I winked, spun around and walked to class.

Wow, I've never felt so…attracted to someone before. Once I was out of his sight I bit my lip, did a little dance and strolled ever so slowly to my class.

'Kagome…even thinking her name makes me feel… Wait, what does this girl make me feel?' He watched her disappear behind a wall. He smiled and made his way back to the forest 'I've only known her for an hour and now I-' he couldn't finish his thought.

His eyes widened, jaw dropped, 'This isn't happening.' He couldn't look away from the woman standing in front of the small lush forest.

"Inuyasha…" his name escaped her lips.

"Kikyo…?" he was so confused. There she was, standing right in front of him. She was wearing a simple red elegant dress, with her long flowing hair against her back slightly blowing in the breeze. Her eyes were fixed on the ground with her hand up to her mouth, as if she were biting her nails.

"Kikyo?" he said louder. She heard him, her cold dark eyes looked up at him and her beautiful pale face turned into a horrific monster and flew itself at Inuyasha.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" what he saw confused him but before he could comprehend anything, she/it was gone. He started breathing heavily, "What the hell is going on?" he asked himself.

It took him a few seconds, but he composed himself. He looked around for a few minutes, just trying to understand what had happened, but there was no explanation…as far as he knew. He sighed to himself, and began his walk home.

Two eyes watched him from the forest. They watched him and the girl ever since the walked into the forest. "Inuyasha." The words snarled out of her mouth.

It was the woman, Kikyo, in the trees. She sat on a branch, one leg over the over, with her long hair flowing behind her. "So he found her." She spat the words.

"My lady." a male voice spoke from the ground. Her eyes met his. "I don't mean to bother you, but my love, why does it matter if he found her or not?"

"She slid off the branch and her 5 inch red heels landed a soft thud next to the man. "My love," she grabbed his right hand, "it means that he will try to replace me by making a clone!" she shrieked.

"Maybe we should leave this place. We have so many places to go, my dear. Why stay here?" The gentleman's question was answered by silence. "Unless you don't want to go anywhere…." His eyes shifted to the earth. He felt her let go of his hand and felt her stare.'

"How dare you say that!" she snapped and started moving away from him. "That GIRL," she pointed toward the school, "Is a fraud! She is trying to look like me and seduce Inuyasha! I bet you she's just trying to steal the jewel!" Her eyes began to change to a crimson red; her fangs and fingernails grew about 3 inches long as her body shuddered.

"Kikyo please calm down, we can't have you going on a murder rampage again. You've already got the demon slayers adding extra security everywhere." He tried to step closer to her, "Please settle down."

Her red eyes met his, "I need to finish her, Naraku. I need her dead. She will be the end of me!" She took a deep breath, and as she exhaled her eye color returned to normal, and so did her fangs and nails. Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the ground.

He rushed to her side, "She will be the end of you?" her words weren't making any sense to him. He pulled her into his chest as she tried to catch her breath. "I don't understand…" he began to stroke her hair

"I just need you to believe me, as I had believed you a long time ago…"

They sat on the forest ground for a while as he waited for her to regain her strength.

"The jewel… it's been acting so strange lately." she finally said

He looked down at her and slowly moved his hand toward her neck, "What do you mean?" he gently grabbed the silver necklace around her neck and pulled it. A beautiful jewel hung from it, sparkling in the sun while changing colors. "Why….why is it doing that?" his eyes grew wide. He held the jewel in his hand while examining it.

"It's purifying." She answered coldly.

He let the jewel drop from his hand, "What?!" it felt like it burned him for a quick second.

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes and she scooped the jewel into her right hand, "I believe she's purifying the jewel."

"That's impossible!" he stood up and pulled Kikyo up with him. "YOU are the protector! YOU said we'd be invincible with it!-" his voice grew louder and louder.

She pushed off of him and staggered back, "How dare you!" she growled, "I said no such things!" She clenched her fists, "Fool! You made ME believe we would be invincible!"

A loud howl was heard in the distance. They both stopped immediately.

"We need to leave, now." He command and within seconds he disappeared into the forest trees.

She hid the jewel back under her neckline and followed after him.

The day had gone on like nothing happened. Kagome couldn't concentrate in class all day, especially when Sango ran out of class earlier, and the day seemed to drag on forever.

"FINALLY!" 3PM hit, and Kagome skipped out of class. She was about to start walking to her locker until her best friend grabbed her left arm and hooked arms.

"So you going to tell me what happened this morning?" Sango asked for the millionth time, "You said after school and by golly it's done!"

They reached her locker, "Can you at least wait till were off of the premises!?" she joked and she placed her math and history book in the small locker.

"You have 5 minutes. I'll meet you by the entrance gate." She unhooked arms and walked away.

Kagome sighed, 'What exactly am I suppose to tell her?' she closed the door and began her walk out of the school. 'Some guy kidnapped me because he thought I was someone else and I asked him out?' she began biting her nails. 'She'll think I'm crazy! Am I crazy?'

She looked up and saw all her classmates, acquaintances and other students she didn't know. Her eyes quickly spotted all the couples. She sighed and dropped her head, 'Am I so desperate that I asked my kidnapped on a date?' she shook her head slightly, 'There has to be more…I felt so…' her thoughts were interrupted.


She looked up and saw her ex boyfriend, Koga, standing by the school entrance.

Her eyes shifted left and right hoping to see her friends close by, "Uh hi, Koga."

"So I know how weird this is and I'm sorry its all of a sudden," He shoved both his hands into his front jeans pocket, "but do you think we could grab a cup of tea or something sometime?" she could tell he was nervous.

"Uh," her eyebrow raised, "Why?"

"I just want to talk?" he inched his way closer to her.

"Kagome!" Sango shouted

Relief! Kagome's face instantly relaxed, "I'll talk to you later." She spotted her friend and literally ran away.

She saw Sango holding hands with Miroku about 10 feet away, "THANK YOU!" she exclaimed and hugged both of them, "I was in desperate need of saving!"

"What was that all about?" Miroku looked at Koga who was staring at them.

"I don't know and I don't care!" she grabbed Sango's other hand and lead them away from school.

"Okay so let's hear it what the hell happened to you?!" Sango was burning up with anticipation

Kagome flew her head back and let out a loud laugh, "I got kidnapped!"

"Obviously!" they both yelled back, "We tried looking for you for a hour! But some policemen saw us and told us we need to get to class."

"Okay, no judging though. I need my best friends to listen to me." She let go of Sango's hand, "So, his name is Inuyasha." She began, "He technically did kidnap me, but he thought I was someone else. Whoever he thought I was, was like a runaway or something so that's why he did what he did. So he took me to his house and once he realized I wasn't her, he apologized and asked me not to press charges and that's basically it."

They both stared at her waiting to finish.

"That's it." She lied

"How stupid do you think I am?" Sango stopped walking.

"I don't understand-" she got cut off

"You expect us to believe nothing happened!?" Miroku stopped as well

"Fine!" Kagome's cheeks began to burn, "I asked him on a date…"

There was complete silence.

"A date?" they both repeated in disbelief.

Kagome stared at the ground, "I can't explain everything to you two, but when I was with him, it felt like…" her voice trailed off

"Felt like…?"

She met her friends eyes, "Felt like my soul knew him. I know how stupid this must sound, but I was feeling things I've never felt before. And I just want to get to know him."

They began walking again, "Are we going to get a chance to meet him?" Miroku finally asked.

She giggled, "Only if we make it past the first date."

Sango wrapped her arms with Kagome's, "We'll hope for the best then."

"I gave him my number, but remember I don't have my phone!" she hugged her friends back

"Well you're almost there, call me later if you get to talk to him today, okay?"

"You got it."

"And don't worry Sango will tell me everything so no need to call me." Miroku joked and received a soft punch in the arm.

"I don't tell him everything!" Sango informed Kagome.

"Suuuuuuuure you don't!" she laughed

Sorry i know it was short but i'll get another one out laterrrr