A/N: I laughed out loud when this word popped up. Naturally, I had to take the silly cliche route with this one. I own nothing.

Prompt: Grant

"He looks just like you!"

Blaine was gaping at the computer screen in disbelief, looking back and forth from the picture on the screen to Sebastian, who was shaking his head.

"That guy looks nothing like me. Are you out of your mind?"

"I think I might be," Blaine nodded slowly, "Suddenly there's two Sebastians in the world and that's a little crazy if you ask me."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Grant. His name is Grant. Not Sebastian. There's only one Sebastian Smythe in this world, and he's right here. This guy would be lucky if he even resembled me in the slightest."

"Why are you acting like this is a bad thing?" Blaine asked, grinning devilishly. "Personally, I think that two Sebastians is better than one."

Sebastian groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. "You can't seriously be thinking about a threesome with him. I'd have one with a woman before I'd have one with him."

Blaine spun around in the chair to face Sebastian, still grinning. "It's cute that you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous of him!" Sebastian protested. "I have no reason to be. If anything, he should be jealous of me."

Blaine shook his head, spinning back around to look at the picture with an overly dreamy sigh. "Just face it, Seb. We've found your doppelganger. And he's just as sexy as you. Maybe even sexier," Blaine added with a smirk, yelping as he was pulled out of his chair and onto the bed, Sebastian already fumbling with his shirt.

"Maybe you just need to be reminded how sexy I am."

Blaine silently thanked Grant Gustin. Twice.