
I know, I haven't been around for a while. But it's still me, honest! I'm currently in the middle of exam revision, which is hitting me right at the same time as a large bout of procrastination. Oops.

So, where does this leave me? Where does this leave writing fanfic and, in particular, Give Me Strength? For a while, I am sure you've been aware of the dip in quality and frequency of uploads of GMS. In fact, even when I have written something, I often forget to upload it. It's not that I've lost interest in this story. I love this little tale, and want to read the finished thing myself. But I can see that, from where I am, I'm not going to reach that soon. I have not lost interest; I have lost motivation. And meanwhile, a hundred other little ideas are buzzing around my head, and while I am still putting this as a priority, those other ideas are going untended. My motivation for those is increasing, but the pressure I am putting on myself to write GMS is doing nothing for my productivity.

So, over the last few weeks (since my last upload) I have come to a somewhat difficult decision. I love this fic, I really do, but I can't keep going with it. I want to rewrite it entirely and start again. I know exactly how I want the story to unfold, and what we have so far isn't a drop in the ocean. And as much as I hate abandoned fics, I admit that it's the best thing I can do here.

This doesn't mean that I'll never return to this fic and edit it, but it does mean that I won't be writing or uploading any more of it for probably at least a year. Now, as I have said, I know where I want the story to go, so if you're interested and want to know, drop me a review or a PM or something, and I'll give you the plot summary for the rest of the fic. I shan't post it here in case there are people who don't want to be spoilt for a fic which may still happen. But I'd hate to leave my readers on a cliff-hanger of never knowing.

Thank you for your understanding, and I really hope that I can continue this story at some point in the future.


(And yes, I still reserve the right to just come back to this and start uploading sh*t chapters again, rather than rewriting it, because I do know exactly where I want to go...)