"JOHN GODDAMN EGBERT, YOU GET THIS STUPID THINK PAN COVER OFF OF ME THIS INSTANT. IT IS TOO EARLY FOR YOUR TOMFOOLERY!" Karkat raged as he struggled with the knit beanie that had now managed to wrap itself around his horns. "Pfft, sorry Kar but you have to wear that if you're planning on going to school with us!" Damnit. He hadn't thought of that, turns out most humans were uncomfortable with the thought of a horned troll going to the same learning facilities as them, or really being anywhere in there general vicinity. "Urgh, fine. But get this stupid piece of shit off my horns." John strode over giggling and with a slight tug managed to get the beanie off and back on in a comfortable position. "There, good as new!" he smiled. John gave him a quick up-down to make sure nothing was out of order. When he found out Karkat wanted to attend his school he made sure to have Dave spread a rumor the new kid was a kind of albino. He knew if Dave said it everyone would believe it even though Kar had colored hair, but maybe the light grey tint of his skin would be enough to convince them to so they wouldn't ask too many questions. "What the fuck are you staring at you douche bag?" Karkat demanded with a quizzical tone. Snapping out of his thoughts, John hastily replied "Oh! Nothing sorry Karkat, you just, well you look really nice actually."

He could feel the stupid red blush creep on his face, turning quickly he blurt out "Psh, you humans have a shitty taste of fashion, Kanaya would flip her shit if she saw this abomination you call a 'nice outfit.'" John just laughed. He knew better than to expect a thank you or any other kind of polite response to a compliment from Karkat, especially this early in the morning.

You had to be in your classroom by 8 o'clock and from the distance John's apartment was it took about an hour to get there. Not at all convenient but they were a lot more flexible than previous schools he had attended with his absences, and with a plethora of trolls new to the environment expecting you to get them adjusted flexibility was your best friend. "Okay," he took a deep breath, "do you have your book bag?"

"Yeah of course, isn't that a staple if you're going to a shitty human school?"


"Why the actual fuck, John, would I need a snack? In the eight hours we are at this hellhole do they not feed us some assortment of retched collations?"

"Well yeah, but you might get hungry before then, and you're less cranky when you aren't hungry!" John retorted laughing. Karkat was not going to argue with him on this, "No, I didn't think of a snack to pack." Rubbing his forehead, he tried to think of something he could take. "Don't worry about it Karkat, I figured this would happen so I made you a snack pack!" He sounded overly eager, almost glad that Karkat had forgotten a snack to take. Thrusting out his hand, expecting to feel a bag of carrots or some other human finger food be placed inside, he was surprised to feel John's hand slide into his. Faking protest, he allowed himself to be pulled to the kitchen where John had discreetly hidden a medium sized lunch box inside the fridge. Whipping it out with great enthusiasm, John placed it on the counter unzipping it to reveal the contents.

"I packed you some of the chocolate covered pretzels you said you liked, baby carrots, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (with the crust cut off just how you like), a granola bar, and some faygo!" John's smile was giddier than a schoolgirl's who had just been asked to the celebratory dance humans call 'prom' by the boy she flushed for. Karkat couldn't believe the amount of thought he'd put into this, so he didn't mention how much he hated faygo. "Wow, uhm, thanks John. That's actually... really sweet of you." Karkat hadn't noticed the subtle blush that had taken to his cheeks, but John did. He loved when Karkat let his guard down and showed his kind side. Beneath all the cursing and foul names, he was actually a really sweet guy. John loved the way he ogled at the treats; it gave him a lot of pride that Karkat Vantas had approved of it. Snickering he broke the silence, "Okay we better get going or we'll be late!"