Chapter 10
To Rivendell
A few hours later, Kendalla opened her eyes, feeling very dizzy. She had no idea where she was or what time of the day it was. "Hullo?" She asked weakly when she heard footsteps.
"About time you woke, my lady." A male voice broke the silence.
The mage held a hand to her throbbing forehead and slowly sat up, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light. She realized she was lying on a patch of soft moss in the middle of a forest, and Natannael was peering down at her with concerned brown eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Kendalla asked, still groggy.
"We'll fill you in. But we have to get going again-we're going to Rivendell. I've just filled the other's in-there is a council being held in a few days there, and it will aid us much on our journey."
Natannael helped the still-woozy mage to her feet, and that's when Kendalla recognized the other members of the party. Irene and Erisana were staring at her from a few feet away, as was Omar. Two white horses stood side by side and slowly memories began to flood back.
"Oh yes-we're going to Mordor." She replied, chewing on her lower lip.
"You do remember quickly. A bit too quickly." Natannael chuckled. "Yes, we are."
Kendalla shook her head and stretched her arms up into the air. "Malia ten' vasa?"
Kendalla jumped as Irene spoke to her in Elvish, holding out a handful of Lembas, the Elvish bread.
"What did she just ask me?" Kendalla turned to Erisana who was smiling calmly.
"She asked if you would like something to eat."
"Oh-yes, thank you." Kendalla accepted the food. "How do you say thank you in Elvish?"
"Diolla le," Natannael whispered.
"Ah." Kendalla turned to Irene and replied, "Diola le."
Irene nodded respectfully. "Lle creoso," (You're welcome) she replied, before going to stand with Erisana again.
Kendalla ate the bread as she listened to Natannael explain instructions to the others, translating from English to Elvish so Irene could understand, and soon Kendalla found herself back on her horse and they were off again.
The next few hours of the journey were uneventful, thank goodness, for the attack of the Orcs earlier that day had been very taxing on Kendalla. She tended to use more magic than necessary to destroy enemies and that left her in a bit of a fix. When early evening fell, the company decided to take camp at the edge of the forest, when they finally reached the exit. They were careful to make their camp amongst the trees to prevent any creatures from spotting them.
"Fires are risky." Natannael told them when Erisana asked what in the name of Middle-Earth they were going to have for supper that night.
"Our food supply is getting low, Natannael." Omar pointed out as he rummaged through his pack. "Just enough to last us a few days. We'll have to ration it out carefully and have no snacks in between time."
Kendalla didn't mind, as she had been on scouting expeditions with Natannael and Omar before, and knew that food did not last forever. But the other two Elfess's looked rather horrified. They were clearly used to luxury, rarely having to leave their small villiage.
"Welcome to reality, Erisana." Kendalla said, handing her a piece of bread and cheese, and Erisana said no more.
Dinner was a very quiet affair that night. The weather had grown cooler, and it was hard to get comfortable when you were constantly shivering, despite the blanket over you.
The company could not be more happy when morning arrived, and they were able to start off again. Rivendell was not far at all now-at least one more day away. Irene spoke to Erisana about the stories she'd heard from Legolas about Rivendell. "It was a beautiful place," She said. "Very warm and welcoming."
Kendalla gazed about at the scenery around her, grateful to be away from her home. She loved to travel, because everything about nature was so beautiful-so colorful-so peaceful. Even if it meant she had to wander around with the over-proud Natannael and the (though it sounds rediculous) tad-intimidating dwarf, she didn't care.
Natannael began to sing after a while, a famous Elvish song:
"Earendil was a mariner, that tarried in Arvernien; he built a boat of timber felled in Nimbrethil to journey in; her sails he wove of silver fair, of silver were her lanterns mad her prow was fashioned like a swan, and light upon her banners laid." (J.R.R. Tolkien-a song in the chapter "Many Meetings" in the FOTR)
Irene smiled as she walked beside Erisana. It had been almost five years since she had run away from Legolas, and she was beginning to actually miss the Prince. He had been the only father she'd ever known, of course, and she hoped that one day she would meet up with him again.
A few hours later, Kendalla opened her eyes, feeling very dizzy. She had no idea where she was or what time of the day it was. "Hullo?" She asked weakly when she heard footsteps.
"About time you woke, my lady." A male voice broke the silence.
The mage held a hand to her throbbing forehead and slowly sat up, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light. She realized she was lying on a patch of soft moss in the middle of a forest, and Natannael was peering down at her with concerned brown eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Kendalla asked, still groggy.
"We'll fill you in. But we have to get going again-we're going to Rivendell. I've just filled the other's in-there is a council being held in a few days there, and it will aid us much on our journey."
Natannael helped the still-woozy mage to her feet, and that's when Kendalla recognized the other members of the party. Irene and Erisana were staring at her from a few feet away, as was Omar. Two white horses stood side by side and slowly memories began to flood back.
"Oh yes-we're going to Mordor." She replied, chewing on her lower lip.
"You do remember quickly. A bit too quickly." Natannael chuckled. "Yes, we are."
Kendalla shook her head and stretched her arms up into the air. "Malia ten' vasa?"
Kendalla jumped as Irene spoke to her in Elvish, holding out a handful of Lembas, the Elvish bread.
"What did she just ask me?" Kendalla turned to Erisana who was smiling calmly.
"She asked if you would like something to eat."
"Oh-yes, thank you." Kendalla accepted the food. "How do you say thank you in Elvish?"
"Diolla le," Natannael whispered.
"Ah." Kendalla turned to Irene and replied, "Diola le."
Irene nodded respectfully. "Lle creoso," (You're welcome) she replied, before going to stand with Erisana again.
Kendalla ate the bread as she listened to Natannael explain instructions to the others, translating from English to Elvish so Irene could understand, and soon Kendalla found herself back on her horse and they were off again.
The next few hours of the journey were uneventful, thank goodness, for the attack of the Orcs earlier that day had been very taxing on Kendalla. She tended to use more magic than necessary to destroy enemies and that left her in a bit of a fix. When early evening fell, the company decided to take camp at the edge of the forest, when they finally reached the exit. They were careful to make their camp amongst the trees to prevent any creatures from spotting them.
"Fires are risky." Natannael told them when Erisana asked what in the name of Middle-Earth they were going to have for supper that night.
"Our food supply is getting low, Natannael." Omar pointed out as he rummaged through his pack. "Just enough to last us a few days. We'll have to ration it out carefully and have no snacks in between time."
Kendalla didn't mind, as she had been on scouting expeditions with Natannael and Omar before, and knew that food did not last forever. But the other two Elfess's looked rather horrified. They were clearly used to luxury, rarely having to leave their small villiage.
"Welcome to reality, Erisana." Kendalla said, handing her a piece of bread and cheese, and Erisana said no more.
Dinner was a very quiet affair that night. The weather had grown cooler, and it was hard to get comfortable when you were constantly shivering, despite the blanket over you.
The company could not be more happy when morning arrived, and they were able to start off again. Rivendell was not far at all now-at least one more day away. Irene spoke to Erisana about the stories she'd heard from Legolas about Rivendell. "It was a beautiful place," She said. "Very warm and welcoming."
Kendalla gazed about at the scenery around her, grateful to be away from her home. She loved to travel, because everything about nature was so beautiful-so colorful-so peaceful. Even if it meant she had to wander around with the over-proud Natannael and the (though it sounds rediculous) tad-intimidating dwarf, she didn't care.
Natannael began to sing after a while, a famous Elvish song:
"Earendil was a mariner, that tarried in Arvernien; he built a boat of timber felled in Nimbrethil to journey in; her sails he wove of silver fair, of silver were her lanterns mad her prow was fashioned like a swan, and light upon her banners laid." (J.R.R. Tolkien-a song in the chapter "Many Meetings" in the FOTR)
Irene smiled as she walked beside Erisana. It had been almost five years since she had run away from Legolas, and she was beginning to actually miss the Prince. He had been the only father she'd ever known, of course, and she hoped that one day she would meet up with him again.