"I'm sorry sir, you'll need to wait, just like everyone else." The welcome witch behind the counter said pointing to the cracked seats of the St. Mungo's waiting room.

Harry turned and walked toward the double doors marked "Artifact Accidnets" is large red letters. "Sir!" The unwelcoming welcome witch called, "Sir! You must wait to check in to find our where your loved ones are being healed."

Marching forward, Hermione in tow with Teddy asleep in her arms, Harry flung open the security doors and strode purposefully down the corridor, peering in each room looking for Ginny's telltale hair. Turning the corner, Harry and Hermione saw a commotion a few doors down, healers and warders were gathered outside a room attempting to reason with whoever was blocking it. They had wands drawn and pointed toward the doorway, but lower than the average person, at child-height.

Harry ran forward intent on stopping the security wizards from harming the kid, but was brought up short by the sight of Kreacher standing in the doorway, both hands held up, using some sort of elf-magic to create a barrier blocking entrants. Behind the elf, Ginny lay in a hospital bed, tucked neatly covers, her vibrant hair spilling around her and over the edge of the bed.

"Kreacher!" Harry shouted.

"You know this mad elf?" one of the security warders asked.

"Of course I know him. I can handle this," Harry said dismissively, holding one had back toward the wizards, indicated they were free to leave.

"We can't leave!" A healer said back, "We haven't even been able to see the patient, do you know who that is? No one but immediate family allowed.

Harry whirled on the four men gathered around the doorway, "Do I know who that is?" He gestured wildly to the patient room, "No, I'm just marching around, yelling at random elves—who's names I know—trying to get into rooms of people I don't know." He paused, waiting for a reaction, seeing the blank looks on their faces, he blew up. "Of course I know who that is!"

A small hand landed on Harry's shoulder and thankfully his reasonable side won out before he yelled at the newcomer.

"Excuse me," Hermione said quietly, but commandingly, from behind Harry. It was the voice she used when she knew she was going to win with logic. "I couldn't help but over-hear this not-to-subtle shouting matching; and while you might feel that this is the best way for you all to handle security matters at a highly respectable hospital, I doubt that it could possibly be beneficial for the patients." She waited, and nudged Teddy out from behind her legs, "Or their loved ones."

Harry caught his breath; Teddy was once again that perfect angle of a child with freckles, green eyes, and vibrant hair, the exact same shade as Ginny's. Teddy toddled out from behind Hermione, looked up at Harry with obvious confusion contorting his face, and walked past him to the doorway. From the ground, he couldn't see much, but he could tell who was in the bed.

"Mama!" Teddy said quietly, then louder, "Mama! Way up!" Ginny remained motionless despite the boy's cries. He turned his big, round, tear-filled eyes up to meet Harry's, they matched, tears and all. Harry walked over and picked up his godson, who turned his chubby face into Harry's shoulder and wept, crying for his 'Mama.'

With pointed accusation, Harry looked down at Kreacher, "Let the healers in."

"Miss Ginny's instructions were clear—"

Harry cut him off, guessing what her instructions would have entailed, "Just them, you don't have to block the door, let the healers in." Then he thought, "And Hermione, she can take Teddy. Just them. I promise." It almost killed Harry to make that promise, but Ginny's health was more important. Kreacher stepped back, the haze that had been hanging in the doorway faded away with him.

Hermione took a step forward, following the healers through the newly un-blocked door, when one stopped her, "Still only family members."

Apparently, Hermione had taken enough of the beurocracy, "Are you joking me?" She barked a harsh laugh, "You've got a woman in there, with God knows what's wrong with her, and a distraught boy who is obviously her son. Now, her husband is going to stay outside, I however, will be taking Ginny Potter's son to see his mother. If you've got a problem with that, I think that his father," she looked back to Harry, "Harry Potter will be more than willing to handle that issue."

The healer harrumphed, but stood back to allow Hermione through the door, Harry looked pleadingly; she nodded reassuringly, then turned to see to Ginny's safe examination.

Dejected, but knowing there was nothing he could do, Harry dropped his face into his palms and sank to the floor, using the wall directly across from Ginny's door to guide him.

Meer minutes, possibly hours, could have passed, but to Harry it felt like several days, he sat, listening to the healers talk in hushed voices; to Teddy crying and Hermione trying to comfort him; to Kreacher occasionally zapping one of the healers with a bit of his elf-magic, why? Harry wasn't sure. At some point, more healers wandered in and out of the room, and Harry could hear them chiming in on the diagnosis. His clothes were torn from the various explosions, covered with dirt, and smelled of smoke. His eyes hurt from straining while searching, crying at seeing Ginny's body, and drying out while watching her room. His entire body ached from all it had been through, and still Harry couldn't think about his own pain, all he wanted was information: What was wrong with her? Was she going to be all right? What about the baby? Was she going to live?

He couldn't take it anymore; with huge effort, he pushed himself off the tiled hallway floor and practically stumbled toward the hospital room. "Kreacher," his voice cracked as he called the elf over. Kreacher responded, moving quickly, he may be loyal to Ginny, but his first magical alliance was still to Harry.

"Yes Master?"

"Please," he begged, "I just want to sit in there, I need to know what's going on, I need to be with my family."

The elf looked torn, eyes moving from the bed, where Ginny still lay silently, to the doorway where Harry stood, looking ragged as ever. Ringing his hands in his tea cloth, he stepped aside, allowing Harry his first unobstructed view of the scene behind the walls. Teddy was curled in a ball, fast asleep against Ginny's leg, Hermione in a chair next to him, four healers were clustered in the corner, it was such a gloomy scene, full of hopelessness, but Harry had eyes only for one light spot. Ginny's chest was slowly moving up and down.

She was breathing.

Harry stood at the foot of the bed, placed his hands gently on her feet tucked neatly under the covers. Without taking his eyes off her face, he tuned in to the sound of her gentle but strong breathing, he said in the voice of man who had gotten far more rest than he had, "Tell me what's going on."

She's breathing, Harry thought, that was something. It meant she was alive. They had magic; as long as she was breathing, they had magic.