Authors note: my first story ever, please be kind. I love the Science Bros and wish I owned them, but alas, all credit should go to Joss and Marvel. A multi-chapter fic.

Bruce let his mind wander to thoughts of the Being trapped inside his soul as he fiddled with the equations on the screen in front of him. This Hulk, this enormous green rage monster; why was he not a beast of sadness or fear—the manifestation of all that had haunted his childhood, his merciless teenage years, the self-imposed loneliness of his adulthood. Only anger. Only blind rage that caused him to push away the ones that he loved. How could he force the Hulk to love someone? Someone in particular named…Tony?

He was a conundrum, Stark. Constantly toying with Bruce, prodding him, making him keep the rage monster close to the surface. Although the Hulk seethed underneath, he didn't really feel that angry to Bruce—more like a curious child looking at the being who would dare to provoke him.

TO-NY... Thought the Hulk, or was it Bruce's imagination? TONY! growled the Hulk out loud.

Bruce gasped. Huh?

A muffled Tony responded, engrossed in something but not engrossed enough to quip "See, I knew he liked me, it was only a matter of time. He was swept up by my genius and charming good looks."

"Tony…" Bruce sighed.

"No see, really. He trusts me. I think if you let him out once in a while he might let you have your way a little more often." he smirked.

"My way? And what would that be, besides working all the time on all the new Starktech for you and the rest of the group?"

"Well if I were you Dr. Banner, my way might involve a little more pleasuring of the body and soul...well, it would be my way if I were me too. And, you could use a little vacation once in a while. I'm not keeping you here am I?" he teased.

Bruce shrugged his shoulders and wrung his hands together out of anxiety. He couldn't think of a witty retort, or anything for that matter.

"Nothing? Surely Bruce, you've spent some quality time with the ol', ah, test tube lately, right? What else have you been up to since staying here? Can't be all work no play all the time?"

"Uh..." Working working. Do not think about the brown eyes staring at you. Do not look up, do not look…

"You know what you need Bruce is a night off. Come to the club with me tonight."

"I don't..." Help!

"—think so? That's just the workaholic talking. Ok, let's do something more casual. Meet me in the common area at 8. I'll order in and we'll watch a movie or something."

And without a word of consent from Bruce, Tony was gone.