Lone Wolf Returns- Chapter 1

Back to the Basics

"Uzumaki Naruto, for crimes against Konohagakure no Sato and the attempted murder of the Uchiha Clan head, Uchiha Sasuke. You are sentenced to death. Your execution is to be carried out in three days time. Do you have anything to say?"

A bloody and bruised thirteen year old boy with matted yellow hair and cerulean eyes looked up lifelessly at the speaker, his face blank and emotionless in face of his situation.

"I completed my mission to the letter. I kept my promise. I did everything to bring Sasuke back, and succeeded. And this is my reward? You're going to kill me?" The blonde turned his head, the sound of chains rattling from the action as his body shifted the heavy shackles binding his hands and feet to the podium on which he stood. "All of you. This is all I am to you? A traitor? A monster?"

The surrounding Shinobi didn't answer but Naruto could see the conviction in their eyes. All of them, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Asuma, Kiba, Shino, Kurenai, even team Ten (A.K.A team YOUTH) were looking at him with the same contempt, disappointment and relief.

They were all in support of this it was apparent.

"And you." Naruto turned his head back to the one who had sentence him. "Oji-san would be twisting in his grave if he saw you now Ba-chan. Is this the Will of Fire you have inherited? Do you execute loyal shinobi because they completed a mission that went beyond your predictions?"

the blonde haired woman shook her head sadly and looked down to Naruto. "this matter has been decided Uzumaki Naruto. Eye witness accounts confirm that the Uchiha surrendered before you attacked."

Tsunade looked away from him and nodded to a masked ANBU guard, gesturing for the shinobi to take Naruto away. "You're Chakra will be sealed and you will be kept in a maximum security cell until your execution. I pray you find some measure of penitence in the time given to you."


"Betrayer they called me..."


"I am disappointed Naruto. I thought I taught you better than this."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and looked through the bars to his cell, restraining the urge to pointedly glare at the silver haired Jounin standing there. "Come to gloat have you sensei? You always did like to show how pathetic I was."

Kakashi shook his head. "Gloat? Now, there is nothing to gloat about here. What you have done is too serious to disregard with gloating and humor. Do you understand what you almost did?" The silver haired man leaned against the bars and lowered the green covered book he had been reading. "You tried to kill your teammate. Not only that but you used ninjutsu designed only to be used on enemies on a fellow Konoha shinobi. I thought you better than that."

"And never mind the fact that Sasuke not only stabbed me with his Chidori, a jutsu you taught him mind you. But tried to do so multiple times as well as set me on fire." Naruto retorted.

Kakashi shrugged. "Sasuke knew you were in no danger. He was defending himself."

Naruto growled under his breath. "Well then say what you came here to say and be done with it."

Kakashi nodded. "Very well. The Council has allowed Sasuke the right to execute you. As he was the one who you tried to kill, it is only fitting he be allowed to personally meet out justice."




Naruto rubbed his eyes tiredly and shifted on the floor of his cell. How long had he been waiting, two days, three? When would they put an end to him.

"Kukuku, now isn't this fitting Dobe?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed and he sprung to his feet. "Sasuke!"

The source of Naruto's anger, a bandaged but still smirking Uchiha Sasuke let out another laugh as he rapped his knuckles along the bars that separated them. "Finally, Konoha finds a place for you. Don't you find it interesting that you are the one behind these bars and to be put to death while I am out here, free as a bird and praised as a hero?"

Naruto ground his teeth together and advanced on the Uchiha, stopping only when the chains connecting him to the wall pulled him to the floor.

"Kukuku, still a slow learner then. Let me explain." Sasuke's eyes shifted and Naruto watched as a fully mature Sharingan lit up the otherwise dark room. "I am the last loyal Uchiha. My eyes promise the continued authority for Konoha over the rest of the world. When you dragged me back here the Council came to me with an interesting proposal. I help them kill you and remain loyal to Konoha, and they will give me all the power I could ask for. Which they already have started to do mind you." Sasuke pointed out. "I have been inducted into a program made just for me that puts me on the fast track to become an ANBU officer and when I kill you I will be granted the Mangekyo Sharingan and become even more powerful than you."

Naruto shook his head. "Idiot. You will never be stronger than me."

Sasuke flared his chakra and blasted a massive amount of killer intent at Naruto, which, because the blonde was currently sealed, caused him to start to hyperventilate. "What was that dobe!"

Naruto coughed and turned around, walking back over to the wall and sliding down it to sit down on the floor once more. "You will never be stronger than me Sasuke. Do you know why?"

Sasuke said nothing, waiting for Naruto's answer.

Naruto allowed a small smile to flicker across his face. "You lack hatred."


"In truth it was I who was Betrayed..."


"Who is it this time? I'm getting tired of these visits. I'm starting to feel like I'm on display in a Zoo rather than on Death Row." Naruto called.

The blonde raised his head to his latest visitor and blinked when he saw the unmistakable figure of Hyuga Hinata standing there.

"You as well Hinata-chan. What words of hatred have you for me? I've already had Kakashi and Sasuke express themselves. Even Sakura had a few choice phrases."

Hinata's body flinched and a hiccup shot out of her causing Naruto to frown in confusion.

"N-Naruto-kun... f-forgive m-me."

Naruto's eyes widened at this phrase. He hadn't heard that from any of the people he had once counted as friends. And honestly had never thought to hear it from a Hyuga of all people. "Pardon?"

"F-forgive me Naruto-kun." Hinata looked up and Naruto flinched back when he saw that her cheeks were stained with tears. "I-I should have been stronger. I should have fought for you. And now you're going to die."

Naruto let out a long breath and forced a smile on his face, trying to comfort the only person who seemed to be saddened even the slightest at his coming demise. "Hey don't look so down Hinata-chan. It's not that bad really."

"How!" Hinata almost screamed, fresh tears pouring. "They're going to have you executed because you had to hurt that asshole Uchiha to bring him back. How could it possibly get worse?"

Now Naruto was completely shocked. He had never expected to hear Hinata say things like that, let alone in a loud voice. It was almost funny to hear her swear.

"Well." Naruto scratched the back of his head, trying to think of a way it could have been worse. 'They could have made the punishment torture until death.'He briefly thought drearily. "Um, they could have made the execution to be carried out by the villagers. That would have been a really bad way to die since those ones usually involve stoning. At least this way I get to go out as a Shinobi and rather quickly I guess."

Hinata shook her head. "It's not fair. Uchiha Sasuke should be getting this punishment not you. Tsunade was furious when the Council put forward this."

Naruto blinked. "Hang on, Ba-chan was angry? She was the one who sentenced me."

Hinata blinked owlishly. "That's not right. T-Tsunade-sama wanted you rewarded and promoted for bringing the Uchiha back alive, despite his injuries."

Naruto frowned. "Well she sure seemed professional about the decision."

Hinata frowned as if trying to piece together what had happened to Tsunade and her loyalty to Naruto when the blonde spoke up and brought her out of her musings.

"Say Hinata-chan. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I mean it means a lot to me to know that I haven't been completely abandoned, but why are you even here? Fair enough you are upset that Konoha is going to have me killed and all, but this is a really depressing place to be. You didn't have to come here."

Hinata shook her head and gripped the bars as if she was afraid that the entire room would suddenly disappear, Naruto included. "I had to Naruto-kun. I had to see you one last time at least."

"But why?"

"Because..." Hinata looked down sadly, more tears flowing. "Because, I-L-love you Naruto-kun. I always have. And I wanted you to know that. To know that even if everyone else has abandoned you. I'm always by your side."


"...I was abandoned by all bar one..."


"We are gathered here to bear witness to the execution of former Konoha Shinobi and S-class Traitor, Uzumaki Naruto for the crimes of High Treason and the attempted assassination of a Clan leader." Tsunade declared, standing before the large gathering of people who had come to witness the 'event.'

Naruto was standing in the middle of the main square of Konoha, his arms and legs spread out wide by steel chains connecting his wrists and ankles to two large wooden posts on either side of him. With the addition of several chakra draining seals applied to him, he was completely immobile and defenseless.

"Uzumaki Naruto has been tried and found guilty of these crimes and as such with a betrayal of such magnitude his punishment is execution. As a Shinobi he is granted only a single honor, and That is a Shinobi's death at the hands of another Shinobi." Tsunade continued. "Will the appointed step forward."

At this Naruto watched as Sasuke stepped down from his place behind Tsunade's right and walked over and into position in front of Naruto fifty yards away. It almost made Naruto sick to hear the joyous cheers the other shinobi and villagers gave the Uchiha when they realized he would be the one to rid the world of the hated 'Demon.'

"Does the Traitor have any last words?"

Naruto clicked his tongue in thought before shaking his head.

Tsunade let out a deep breath before looking to Sasuke and nodding.

Sasuke grinned and flashed his hands together before holding his right hand out, his left holding it to support the Chakra growing on his hand. "Chidori."

Naruto didn't even pay attention to the Uchiha as he advanced on him, the blade of lightning flashing brightly. Instead he looked to the back of the crowd. Finding the one pair of tear filled eyes that belonged only to Hinata and smiled.

Then Sasuke struck.

Naruto bit back a scream as he felt Sasuke's entire arm stab through the middle of his chest, right below his collarbone. It was fatal and hurt like a bitch, not what he expected at all.

"Looks like you're done dobe." Sasuke sneered quietly as he twisted his wrist, causing more pain to flood the slowly dying body of Naruto. "You go out of this world as you came into it. Alone and hated."

Naruto's chest shook as he coughed out a pained laugh. "Hey, sasuke..."

The Uchiha blinked and looked to Naruto, surprised the blonde still possessed the strength to speak. "What."

Naruto flashed a grin at the Uchiha, one that held all the hatred and animosity he had felt about the whole ordeal and shook his head. "I expected more..."

With that Uzumaki Naruto died. And with him, he stole the one thing Sasuke wanted more than the Mangekyo Sharingan.


"...and that one became my light, shielding me from the darkness."


He stole Sasuke's Victory.


As stark lay dying, many would think his last thoughts would either be bored pessimistic and lazy, or to curse the ones who had done this to him. They would be wrong.

Starks thoughts centered on the emotion he had known intimately throughout both his living and afterlife; loneliness. When he was alive, he had been alone since birth and had died, betrayed by all those he cherished but one, the only one in his life that acted as a guiding light.

In death he was alone again, pitted against all the other hollows of Hueco Mundo trying to survive with almost no chance of companionship. Upon reaching Vasto Lorde, it only became worse, all those who had approached him died, suffocated by his reiatsu. Finally he somehow managed to split his very soul in half and from this, Lilynette was born. She became his only companion. Then when Aizen had offered him companionship amongst his other Espada, Stark had thought he could finally be free of the loneliness; but that hope wouldn't last.

The Espada were not comrades as he had thought, in fact, many of them hated each other. He found that he would probably never have any he would care about other than Lilynette. This discovery let to a largely lazy uncaring and pessimistic attitude because he simple had nothing to care about. But Lilynette too was taken from him and now in his final moments a parting question for an uncaring God left his mouth in a cynical cry before the dark overtook his vision, and Coyote Stark knew no more.

"It seems I leave as I came in, alone. Ostracized as the unappreciated hero, and feared as the powerful tool. Was I fated to always be alone?"

Coyote Stark was expecting many things from his death; hell for carrying the Kyuubi in life and his sins in death, heaven for being the unsung hero in life and unfortunate soul in death, or even a land between to continue his lonely existence forever.

What he was not expecting, was to wake up in a white room bare of anything but an occupied white throne by the farthest wall. As he adjusted from waking he took in more carefully what was in the room.

The throne was of intricate and elegant design, with many flowing curves and majestic spire's fanning from the back, while the form currently entrenched in the throne was nothing but a nondescript boy with an ageless face garbed entirely in white, not unlike an Espada's attire.

"Come forth." Called the boy in a voice the belayed his obviously regal stature. "Do you know who I am?" inquired the boy?

He thought of this question for several moments before coming to a realization. "You're the Soul King, aren't you. Here to deliver my punishment personally?"

At this the king laughed. It was a laugh that was both amused yet slightly saddened. It confused Stark for the king to be sad, but he didn't think much of it.

"While I commend your deduction skills, I have called you here for a much different affair. You see, you were never meant to have died as you had. You were to be the hero and get the girl and be happy. But somehow, something changed. It was a small change of actually bringing Sasuke back, but it caused a great many changes to occur."

Stark narrowed his eyes, but apart from that no outward change was evident. "And what of it? The past is the past and I don't think I would go back even if I could."

"Really? Not even for the light of your life? Not for dear, poor, Hinata?" questioned the king with barely concealed curiosity.

"She has probably forgotten of me or been convinced to hate me as well. And even if she didn't, why would she believe that I am the same person who had died so long ago? I don't act or look anything like I had and she witnessed the execution so she would think me dead anyway. There is also the fact that I will be alone again, and this time I will not have Lilynette to at least distance myself from the pain."

"Appearances can be altered and personalities can change over time. But as for her hating you, look into the mirror and tell me if that is hate."

As he finished speaking a mirror drifted into sight, where it came from he knew not. As he gazed into the polished surface a milky fog began to appear, and as it cleared, the mirror showed not his reflection, but revealed a figure kneeling in a room that was clean and rather Spartan. The figure appeared to be looking at something that it was holding in its hands. The figure gently placed the object down in front of a dish with burning incense, revealing the object to be a picture of a grinning boy, no more than 12 or 13, with spiky blond hair, amazingly deep blue eyes, and three whisker like marks on each cheeks, holding a bowl of ramen.

The mirror seemed to pan in and to the side allowing an unobstructed view of the person as they prayed in front of the shrine. The woman, which was obvious seeing the C size chest, had a dark purple hair cut in Hime style, with delicate facial features and light lavender pupil-less eyes. This woman was Hinata Hyuuga, heiress of the Hyuuga clan.

"Hello again Naruto-kun. It's gotten really bad here ever since you died. It turns out that lady Tsunade was placed under a powerful genjutsu to get you executed and when she was released, she immediately resigned as Hokage and left the village again. After that some man named Danzo took over. When it got out about your execution, a couple nations like Yuki no Kuni and Nami no Kuni cut ties and it's just been getting worse ever since. I hope your happier now in the afterlife then you were here. I pray to you every day so that you know some of us still miss you. It also helps me to vent I guess. Another thing is the Hyuuga council has been pushing for me to choose a suitor, and unfortunately, one of the favorites they have chosen is the Uchiha." Hinata spoke the name venomously, as if the very name was a horrid filth. "I swore that if any man tries to touch me, I will make sure they will never be able to have a family." She had tears in her eyes as she continued to explain all that was happening. "I should be going now. I'm going to eat at Ichiraku's with Shino, Choji, and Shikamaru today. Those are the only three who admit and regret what they did. Again, I hope you're happy and I love you always Naruto-kun." As she finished her prayer and began to leave the milky fog returned and with it the mirror turned blank again.

"You see?" inquired the king, "her and those three friends and Tsunade admit they did wrong and regret it."

This had given him pause. Could he return and be with Hinata? Could he forgive them and Tsunade? It was starting to look more and more feasible, though one doubt still persisted in his mind.

"It wouldn't be the same without Lilynette. I've grown to love her like an imouto and I can't see myself living without her." Stated Stark morosely.

"Now who said anything about going without Lilynette?" this immediately caught Stark's attention as his snapped toward the king with eyes wide open. And there standing next to the throne, stood Lilynette exactly as she had been upon her death. She stood about 5 foot 2 inches with green hair and wore a white short jacket and white shorts with a helmet, seemingly made of bone, with two horns sprouting from the top and a section covering her left eye.

After a couple minutes of getting over their shock, Lilynette of being alive, Stark of the same, and explaining to Lilynette all that happened, Stark had finally made his decision.

"Alright, I'll go. There is nothing holding me back and I won't fail again." This was said with so much determination and with such a fire in his eyes that one couldn't help but see some of the old Naruto Uzumaki in Stark.

"Excellent!" shouted the soul king, "then please, enjoy your flight courtesy of air Shinigami. Oh, and, you might want to go help poor Gaara, he's been having some problems."

Before either of the two souls could react, both were sent speeding away as if by cannon, and into a swirl of the same milky mist that had appeared in the window.

"I hope you're ready elemental nations, because you are in for a rude awakening and nothing will ever be the same again." The mischief could clearly be seen in the soul kings eyes as he watched the two depart for lands lost to time.


A.N. hey guys cyphernate here. I was reading some infamous man challenges recently and I discovered that almost EVERY SINGLE ONE! was Ulquiorra or (and keep in mind this was one story) Tia Haribel. So I thought, 'why not use stark? He's an epic character too' and so here we are! XD

Anyway I wanted to say that I did take a bit from another author. His introduction was just so incredible that I couldn't resist incorporating it into my own story. Powerful stuff right there man. The author's name was Ban Moroichi and if you haven't read his stories, then you better get your ass off my story cause you must not know a good story when it takes a crap in your face. I especially like his story, "A Nihilistic Blade in the Hidden World" which is where I got this from.