I do not own "The Outsiders" or any of the characters, only Nicole Curtis.

"Nicole wake up." I hear this in a whispered tone coming out of my twin brother Sodapop's mouth. I open my eyes quick and rub them sleepishly, I roll over on the couch, where I sleep, too look at the wall clock above the loveseat. I sit up and wipe my eyes again.

"How long have you been up?" I ask yawning, I am usually the first one up at this time in the morning. It is 7:30, so I don't mind the fact that he woke me up, at least I got an extra half hour in.

"I just woke up. But that doesn't matter, we just got a call from The Oklahoma State Prison." I got up immediately without even knowing who the call was from, it was one of my boys I didn't care who was on the other end of the phone, "It was Dallas, he wanted you to come pick him up, he said he had no way of getting back to Tulsa." I sighed in relief, knowing that none of us were getting put in the cooler.

"Did you tell him I'd come?" I asked walking up the hallway to get to the bathroom to put my jeans on.

"Yeah, he knew you'd come. Well, thats what he said anyways." I laughed a little while coming out of the bathroom.

"Haha, cocky bastard.." I said to my self while grabbing my car keys and soon bolting through the front door.

Soda popped his head out the door and hollered. "Drive safe!" as I fled up the street in my Ford. I put my window down and light a cancer stick. It is pretty warm out so I guess it's a good thing I didn't grab a jacket. I flick the radio on and put on the tape that is already in there, it was mom and dad's favorite songs everything from Elvis to The Beatles to The Carpenters to Sonny and Cher. I loved it all, but only because they loved it. I took a long drag on my cigarette as I focused on the road, the jail was about an hour away.

As I neared the front gate of the prison I could see a thick head of blonde hair on a man before I saw anything else. Even a few yards back I knew it was Dal. As I pulled up right in front of the gate the breaks squeaked. Dallas covered his ears.

"Welp, I'm a free man Curtis!" he said hopping in the car. "Long time no see Coley, how've ya been lately?" i looked up at a unusually happy Dallas Winston, I was a bit taken back.

"I'm good, why are you so happy?" I say smirking.

"Did you ever think that I may be happy to see you? I know you're thrilled to see me.." He said as I handed him a cigarette and a lighter. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hush up." I say turning up the radio. He rolls down his window then puts his feet up on the dash bored, because he knows I hate it when him and Two-bit do that.

"But really Coley, be honest with me, did ya miss me?" He gives me his signature grin along with that question, I look at him then back at the road.

"Yeah of course I missed ya. Why does it matter Dal? Where are ya going with this?" I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

"Wow wow wow, take it easy, just trying to be civil hun, don't sweat it." He's looking at me now. No, now he's staring.

"What?" I ask glancing over.

"You dyed your hair? Blondie huh? You trying to look as good as me hun?" He laughed to himself, "Ya know what, it makes you look pretty hot." He said grinning. I felt my face getting red.

"Dallas, hun, don't you have a girlfriend? Little miss Slutty Sylvia?" I say staring at the road.

"Well me and miss "Slutty Sylvia" broke up before I went into the cooler she was two-timing me and she move to Vegas with her new man whore." He said with a scowl on his face while looking down at his feet.

"Oh I'm sorry Dal, I didn't hear anything about that. So why'd you want me of all people to pick you up?" I say grinning. He looks up from his feet to look at me, he smiles.

"Why do you think I wanted you to pick me up? Well let's see, ah, your hot, I'm hot, you're stubborn, I'm stubborn, you're funny, I'm funny, and you like me, and I like you." He said winking at me then smirking. "Babe just face it, we're one in the same.." I smiled still watching the road. I look at my watch, it's 9:03.

"Are you hungry? I'm gonna go to the Dingo for some breakfast.." He was staring at me again.

"Are you asking me on a date Curtis?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"It can be if you want it to be.. Now answer my question, yes or no because I can drop you off at Bucks if you want me to." I say watching the road again.

"Sure Coles, I'll go on a date with you." He said then winked. I start to laugh a little. Well here we go, Dallas is back! This is the Dally I've missed, the one that I hang out with every day and constantly flirt with. Even if there is nothing there, there always has been a little something between us. But I'm not sure what exactly.. We drove for awhile in silence listening to the radio. After a little while I pulled into the Dingo.

"What are you getting?" I ask while shutting the car door behind me.

"Probably the usual." He called back to me. The usual for him was scrambled eggs with a side of toast and coffee, black. Much different from my usual, sausage and a bagel with cream cheese. I get my coffee with cream and sugar, I just can't drink my coffee black. "How bout you? The usual?" He asked opening the door and walking into the Dingo. He held the door from the inside, which was pretty gentleman like for Dally, but of course he still walked in front.

"Ummm yeah, the usual.." I say walking through the door. He walked to the booth in the back corner and sat down, I sat across the table from him.

"You've been quiet.. What's eating ya doll?" I look up at him, half smile and look out the window.

"It's nothing just some new soc that's been bothering me that's all." He sat up all protective like, and looked at me hard, I sigh.

"How new? Do I know him? How big is he? Can I take him? Who is he?" He was mad. The boys hate it when other boys, besides them try to pick me up.

"He showed up about a month ago, he's about Steve's size, and his name is Jacob Marshall. He's been trying to pick me up for weeks. He seems to find me whenever I'm walking alone."

"Well you're not going to be walking alone too much until I get my hands on the kid." The waitress came over to take our order before he could get any more heated.

"What can I get y'all?" Dally gave her our "usuals", she wrote it all down and walked away.

"If you see the kid at all tell me, I'll set him straight." I nodded.

"So anyways, I heard about this big party at Bucks tonight, me and apparently all the boys except Pony and Darry are going. Will I be seeing you there or do you have other duties to attend to?" I say trying to sound all smart even though I know I'm not. I dropped out of school after mom and died two years ago, I was 14 then and everyone besides Dallas and Two-bit said that I was throwing my life away.

"Party huh? Ya Curtis you know that I wouldn't miss it." Yeah I knew it I was just making sure.. You really never do know with him. Finally I nodded.

Shortly after the food came, we made side conversation while we ate then I paid because Dal had not even a penny on him. We hopped back into my car and went to my house. We pulled up and there sitting on the front porch was Johnny. I shook my head and looked over at Dal.

"Is it just me or does John have a black eye?" He looked up from lighting his 6th cigarette of mine since getting in the car to look up at Johnny. Without a bat of an eye he was out of the car storming toward Johnny-cake. I got out and followed close behind him.

"Hey Dally! When did you get..." Dallas cut him off.

"Who the hell did that to your face!?" He was pissed. I was now standing next to Dally.

"Oh this?" He said pointing at his eye, he had a saddened expression on his face. "Umm some new soc that's been giving me and Nicki trouble.." He said looking at me. Dallas looked at me when he said this. It was a "why didn't you tell me he was fucking with Johnny too" look.

"Both of you get inside, tell me everything you know about this kid!"

Well what did you guys think? Everyone will be in the next chapter not just Nicole, Dallas, and Johnny. Please review and tell me what you think also any ideas you may have. Thank you for reading! ;)