Luke sat on his bed at the manor, no light shining through his open window during the moonless night. He crossed his arms angrily, still upset with Natalia for badgering him all day about manners and remembering his promises. He understood that she was trying to help, but he just wouldn't understand how everyone expected him to remember things he didn't even think he'd done.

"Stupid Natalia," he grumbled, sighing childishly.

"Still mad?" a familiar voice from the window asked, the sound of someone jumping into the room from the window seeming oddly loud in the quiet room.

"Guy!" Luke whispered happily, getting up from the bed to walk over to his childhood friend. "You took forever getting here," Luke grumbled, always quick to complain.

"Sorry, I-"

"I didn't ask for an excuse. Just sit with me." Luke sat on the bed once more, patting the space next time.

Guy sighed, a smile playing on his lips as he sat next to the hot headed teen. "Luke," he whispered, making sure to keep quiet lest someone hear them, "you said you had to talk to me about something?"

"Yeah," Luke said blankly, staring at the floor in an attempt to seem emotionless and uncaring, "Why do I have to marry Natalia?"

Guy swallowed uncomfortably, "Because. You two are engaged, you have been since-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Luke looked at Guy, irritation apparent on his face, "But I don't love her. I mean, she's like a friend to me," Luke explained, Natalia's face in his mind. He just couldn't ever see himself loving her.

"Luke, do you know what love is?" Guy asked softly, finding it ironic that he had to explain what love was to the person he happened to.

"Yes!" Luke snapped, "It's thinking about them constantly and being around them all the time. And worrying about them and stuff," he huffed out, turning his head indignantly.

"That's part of it. But don't you think you love Natalia," Guy insisted, hating that he had to become the person to push Luke towards Natalia.

"No. I think about her sometimes, but not all the time."

"You don't literally have to think about someone all the time to love them," Guy chuckled softly.

"Don't make fun of me!" Luke shouted, shattering the silence.

Guy quickly put a finger to Luke's lips, hushing him. They waited for several moments, then continued their conversation in hushed whispers. "I don't even miss her when she's gone. I just…don't care," Luke argued, pushing Guy's hand away from his face.

"Luke," Guy swallowed hard, wondering if he'd even get an answer to what he was going to ask, "is there anyone that you think you love? Maybe you don't love Natalia because there's someone else?"

Luke blushed slightly, opening his mouth as if to say something, then closing it again. "Well, there is someone I think about a lot. And I kind of care about."

Guy smiled softly, chuckling he asked, "Only kind of?"

"Shut up!" Luke crossed his arms angrily, sighing and muttering, "Okay, yeah, a lot. And I hate it when they're gone."

"Did you talk to her about it?" Guy's mind began to wander off on the possible candidates of who could be the person Luke supposedly loved. He never seemed interested in anyone but Van; yet his love for Van seemed almost fatherly.

"No…and it's…" Luke blushed once more, looking Guy in the eye and whispering sternly, "Well, you can't tell anyone the next part, alright?"

"Okay…" Guy answered, searching his friend's emerald eyes, his heart beating at the thought of finding out who the mysterious woman was.

"You have to promise," Luke insisted, holding out his pinky like a small child.

Guy smiled, unable to not notice the innocence that shined in his friend's eyes, and unable to deny that he loved that innocence. It was one of the many characteristics Guy had grown to love about Luke. He reached his hand out and latched their pinkies together, shaking them and whispering "Promise."

Luke pulled his hand away, a blush spreading across his face yet again as he began to speak. "I…I don't like a her. I like…a he," Luke said lamely.

"You're…gay?" Guy finished awkwardly, looking down at the floor as he felt himself blushing. "Are you sure you don't just like him as a friend? I mean…have you ever…you know," Guy glanced at Luke, hoping he'd understand.

"What?" Luke whispered, reaching a hand out to run along Guy's arm, "Have I ever what?" he pressed on.

"Had…sexual feelings for this guy?" Guy coughed awkwardly when Luke didn't respond, praying silently that Luke's parents had had this talk with their son.

"I don't think so," Luke admitted, blushing deeply, "I usually just think about light stuff with him…like little kisses or holding hands."

Guy smiled at the childlike mind his friend had. "So nothing else?"

Luke nodded, not wanting to go into detail about the dreams he had actually been having about the source of his feelings.

"Then how do you know you're gay? Maybe you just really like him. As a friend," Guy finished, praying he could push Luke back into the discussion of his marriage to Natalia. He could understand losing his love to Natalia, the woman who he was engaged to, but the thought of losing him to another guy who he might actually have feelings for. . .was something else entirely.

"Because!" Luke insisted, refusing to lose any battle as always.

"Well, until you're sure of which sex you like, you shouldn't go for the other gender. Besides, how can you know if you've never even been with a guy," Guy explained, struggling for an excuse.

"Then I'll prove it to you!" Luke growled, jumping Guy and shoving him on the bed, biting his neck roughly.

Guy gasped in pleasure, shock filling his body as Luke continued to kiss along his neck. He licked up to his ear, biting his lobe softly and whispering "See?"

"Th-this doesn't mean anything," Guy whispered, more to himself than Luke. "You can't just do things with another man and claim you're gay," he argued, now happy to have found an actual excuse.

Luke frowned, licking Guy's neck once more and enjoying the shudder he felt that ran through the blonde's body. "What if I like it, then?" Luke whispered huskily, grinding his hips down slightly.

"What are you suggesting?" Guy asked cautiously, his heart beat speeding up as Luke began to unbuckle his belt.

"Like you said, how can I know when I've never been with another guy?" Luke whispered, tossing Guy's belt to the floor where it landed with a soft thud. He then took a hold of Guy's hands, removing his gloves and licking his index finger seductively.

Guy's mouth dropped open as he stared at his childhood friend in surprise. Watching as he removed his finger and began to undress himself from his night clothes, revealing his toned abs. He then began to undress Guy, removing his vest and shirt that he still wore, tossing them to join the other clothing on the floor.

"Luke, you don't know what you're doing," Guy whispered as Luke began to lick down Guy's chest, stopping to lick around a nipple and toy with the other one in his hand. Luke bit his pink bud softly, licking it testily. "Mmm…L-Luke…stop," Guy moaned out, his growing erection becoming harder to ignore.

Luke stopped briefly, blowing cool air on the blonde's perk nipple and whispering, "I want you, Guy," followed by the red head grinding his hips down roughly, grinding their erections against each other.

Guy groaned again, bucking his hips up and creating more friction, then bringing his hips back down quickly in an attempt to compose himself. "Luke, please, stop," Guy whispered breathlessly, the thought of walking away from this seeming to become more and more farther away.

"You don't want me, do you?" Luke whispered, trying to mask his sadness but unable to from his close friend.

"That's not it," Guy admitted, trying to ignore his nether regions and keep his eyes on Luke's face, "I just don't want you to do something you'll regret."

Luke frowned deeply, growling out "Stop making excuses!"

Guy sighed exasperatedly, debating on what he should do. If he stopped Luke, he'd hurt him, if he let him continue, he'd hurt him. Physically and emotionally. Not to mention that either way, their friendship would change dramatically. Guy sighed once more, looking over Luke's body as if the answer would appear there. "Luke, you know things will change," Guy tried to explain, hoping Luke would understand.

"Then promise me they won't," Luke whispered, holding out his pinky once more. "I want this."

Guy's body shook at the words, willing himself to deny Luke and leave the room…and failing horribly. He latched pinkies with the boy again, promising that no change would come of their night together. Half hoping it would stop there and he'd be allowed to leave, Guy began to push Luke away.

"No," Luke argued, pushing back and grinding his hips down again, groaning in unison with Guy. Guy dropped his hands as Luke continued to rub their erections together through their clothing, his defense falling quickly. "Just…just for tonight," Luke whispered, kissing Guy's cheek softly, "Just this once."