The hiss of tires on damp pavement was the first thing to reach Ayane's senses. She also felt a thin current of cool air on her cheek. It was coming from one of the side windows that was slightly ajar letting in the night air.

I'm in the old bus… huh… wh-where…?

She tried to rise but was gently restrained by her friend Kokoro, who placed her delicate hands on both of her shoulders and eased her back down to the bed she had made on the floor of the van for her.

"Ayane, please be still. You have lost a lot of blood and need to rest. Everyone is fine – Bass is driving the van and is taking us to Nirasaki. Ryu has a safe house there where we can lay low for a while."

As Kokoro's face came into focus, Ayane could only smile. She loved her friend and valued her loyalty and kindness very much. But her concern for her friends was motivating her to get her faculties together. She raised herself to her elbows and fixed Kokoro with a steady, gaze.

"Kokoro – Eliot and Gen-Fu? Where... are they alright? Bass – driving? He's not familiar with right hand drive-"

Again, Kokoro gently but firmly eased Ayane back down as she replied.

"Bass is doing fine – really. Eliot and Gen Fu are right behind us in your car, Omo. Ayane, you have lost a lot of blood so I want you to rest now. Don't be stubborn, or I shall be very cross with you."

Ayane smiled and reached up to gently pat Kokoro's cheek.

"Okay Kokoro – I'll do as you say. Th-thank you for being such a good, and true friend."

Kokoro, leaned over and kissed her friend's forehead. Then stroking the hair out of her eyes, she spoke softly as Ayane allowed herself to succumb to sleep.

"Thank you Ayane, rest well. I'll be up front with Bass if you need anything just let me know."

Then Kokoro thoughtfully tucked the blankets around her dear friend and rose silently to rejoin bass in the front.

As she settled in the front passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt, Bass kept his eyes on the road as he asked in a soft, gruff voice –

"Hey – Koko – how's she doin'?"

Kokoro looked out of the window at the starry sky.

"She is weak Bass but will be alright. We just need to get to Nirasaki with no more incidents."