Pairing: Yukiteru Amano/Akise Aru.

Summary: Yukiteru invites his friend, Akise, to his house for New Years. He seemed to brought something with him but Yukiteru seemed to have forgotten about it already.

"I finally made it!" was heard throughout the house of Yukiteru Amano, who then quickly tore his vision from the television to make eye contact with his best friend, Akise Aru. He smile widely and was greeted with one in return. The younger one had invited his best friend over to his house, an hour before midnight, which his friend agreed with a cheerful tone which then had made it just in time with a few minutes to spare.

"Akise-kun! I'm so glad you made it!" The raven haired said aloud, but didn't bother to finish his sentence for his eyes had caught something, a white plastic bag that his guest had at his side.

"What's in the bag?" His curiosity was getting the best of him and quickly shifts to try to get a better view. But the bag was moved away and Akise shook his head.

"It's a surprise. You will have to wait," he then let out a chuckle, "But it will blow you away. Trust me."

Yukiteru pouted at the albino standing over him, which caused the other to give shake his head again, slower this time, but not in annoyance as someone might think but because it was the cutest sight in the world. His beloved's beautiful navy blue eyes; big and round, while his pink lips were the opposite, small and in almost a straight line.

He's so cute; Akise thought as he sat next to him, reassuring his friend that midnight was close and he wouldn't need to wait very long.

This made Yukiteru smile again, excited for the surprise.



"1." Akise softly whispered as he leaned in to closed the space keeping them apart, resulting in a sweet kiss between two young boys.

"Happy New Years, Yukiteru-kun."