Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, quotes, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners and are simply used under 'fair use'. The original characters are the property of Stephenie Meyer. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement intended. This story is written for legally recognized adults. Rated NC-17.
Beta'd by blueeyedcherry
Pre-read by AnnaKatherineC
A/N: Surprise! Sorry this has been long overdue! Real life has been keeping me busy! I hope you enjoy! This is dedicated to Kat. Thanks for the nudges to get this chapter complete! I changed some of the wording, so any mistakes are my own.
New Kids on The Block - Step by Step, I'll Be Loving You, Please Don't Go Girl, Hanging Tough
Kid Ink ft. Chris Brown - Main Chick
Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora - Black Widow
Prince - 1999
Vengaboys - We Like To Party
The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
Lea Michele - Auld Lang Syne
"Separated by Fools"
Chapter Seventeen
Tonight, the Cullens are having their annual New Year's Eve party. It also happens to be Carlisle and Esme's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
Rose, Alice, Angela and I are getting dressed at the Cullen's house and helping each other get ready.
I'm sitting in my robe with nothing on but my promise ring, which is attached to a long chain. Edward and I haven't told anyone about the ring yet, because I just want us to keep this one thing to ourselves.
As much as Edward hates it, Kirk is my date for the party and Angela is his.
I'm not sitting in a corner all night, pining away for Edward, so I figure I might as well have fun. Kirk knows we're just friends, so I think we'll all have a good time.
Esme hired a new up-and-coming party coordinator to plan the party. Her name is Nicholle Wilkes, and she is so highly sought after that Esme offered her twice her fee just to make sure she locked her into a contract.
There are several tents in the backyard, and each one acts as a different room. They're all connected by tented hallways.
One tent is set up as a greeting area/lounge area, one tent is set up as a dining room, and two other tents have different types of music playing, each on the opposite sides of the backyard.
The first tent is where Esme and Carlisle are greeting their guests. The tent is decorated in dark violet and a deep plum color. There are white loveseats along the wall with a black mini-bar to the left and a crystal chandelier above the small dance floor in the center of the room.
The dining room tent is set to the theme of white and gold. There are sheer panels draped from the ceiling to the walls and a massive chandelier above, with crystals hanging from it as well. It's very classic and very Esme.
The last two tents are the dance floors. In the first tent, there are white benches aligned against the walls and more current music playing for us younger kids. The other tent, which is on the other side of the yard, plays oldies and 80s music for the adults. Esme loves the slow songs, and Carlisle loves dancing with his wife.
Esme and Carlisle greet us in the lounge at seven o'clock, and soon after we all head into the dining tent.
Kirk is to my left and Angela is to my right. Jazz, Emmett, and Rose are at our table as well. All five of the Cullens are directly across from us, at the head table. For dinner we have our choice of chicken marsala, beef tri-tip, or salmon, and I'm grateful Esme has added a third option.
After dinner, Alice and Edward get a text from Carlisle telling us to meet them in their dance tent.
As we gather around the dance floor, Carlisle is on stage about to make an announcement.
"Thank you for all being here. I have a surprise for my lovely wife, Esme. As you all know, it's hard to keep secrets from her; she has a way of finding out everything," Carlisle admitted. "I hope you enjoy this. Happy Anniversary, darling."
Just then, the lights go down and a familiar accapella intro begins.
I don't know who screams louder, Esme or Alice, but New Kids On The Block appear on stage.
You see, apparently Alice got her love for all things boy band from Esme, and they both are in a fangirl's dream.
As the evening progresses and the mini-concert ends, Edward is noticeably unhappy that Kirk has been leaning into me and brushing his lips against my earlobe, whispering things all night.
Edward flexes his fingers into a fist and proceeds to stand up and walk over to us. "Why don't we all go over to the last tent and dance?" Edward suggests.
We all make our way to the tent where the dance floor is, gathering to the far left side and dancing in a sort of a semi-circle, which makes it easy to dance with everyone. We keep switching partners and I eventually land in front of Edward. We begin dancing to "Main Chick" by Kid Ink and Chris Brown.
Edward stands behind me, grinding on my butt, and it is glorious. He leans in and starts to sing the hook in my ear. "Girl I know you wanna be my main chick, my main chick. Said fuck whoever you came with, who you came with."
When the song ends, the guys go to the bar and us girls keep dancing. Iggy Azalea's "Black Widow" starts playing and all of us are clapping, singing, and dancing. Rita Ora's verse is sick!
I'm gonna love ya
Until you hate me
And I'm gonna show ya
What's really crazy
You should've known better
Than to mess with me, honey
I'm gonna love ya, I'm gonna love ya
Gonna love ya, gonna love ya
Like a black widow, baby
Alice walks over to Jazz and sits on his lap. He hands her a glass of champagne and whispers something in her ear.
I sit down on the sofa and fan my face. Kirk asks if I'd like something to drink and I ask for a cherry cola.
When Kirk leaves to get my drink, Angela sits to my right and Edward sits to my left.
Angela leans in and whispers to me. "Hey, B, Edward filled me in on your secret."
I snap my head up and look at her, bug-eyed.
"Don't worry, it's cool. You can't help who you love. Age is just a number and all that good stuff." Angela teases me while squeezing my hand. "I'm going to help you two get some alone time tonight."
"Wh━ how?" I ask dumbly. I can't believe that Angela would help us sneak around.
"Go tell Esme you feel sick. I'll work out the rest," Angela replies over her shoulder as she walks away.
Kirk passes my drink to me and I tell him I'm starting to feel terrible.
"Do you want me to take you home? I can stay and watch a movie with you, if you'd like?" Kirk inquires.
"No, thank you. I'm going to take a hot bath and see if that helps. Warm compresses usually help with cramps," I confess. The look in his eyes tells me he registers what I've said, and that he gets it.
"I need to find Esme to tell her I'm leaving. I'll be right back." I inform Kirk and set off to find her in the various tents.
Seeking out the party coordinator, I find her whisper-yelling at one of the servers. As I approach, she immediately smiles at me.
"Excuse me, but would you happen to know where Esme Cullen is?" I question her.
"What's the Eagle's twenty?" she asks into her sleeve. "She's in the main house, Miss."
"Thank you, the party is lovely." I respond, and walk into the house to find Esme.
I have no luck finding Esme on the lower level. Instead, I find her walking out of Carlisle's office as I step on the top step of the second floor.
"Oh, Bella, what are you doing at the house? Are you all right?" Esme asked quizzically.
"I was looking for you, actually, to tell you I'm going home. I'm having bad cramps and want to go home and take a warm bath," I answer.
"Do you want me to have Edward take you home?" Esme asks.
"No, I don't want him to miss the fireworks. Kirk is going to walk me home," I reply.
Just then, Edward and Angela climb the stairs, stopping as we make our way down.
"Mother, I'm going to take Angela home. Her sister's boyfriend got into a car accident. I'm going to drive her down to Olympic Memorial Hospital," Edward conveys to Esme.
"Of course. I'm so sorry, Angela. Please send my regards to your sister," Esme replies apologetically.
"Let me know if there's anything I can do," Carlisle says to Angela, who nods her thanks as we all walk back downstairs.
Kirk comes to hand me my coat, and we all say our goodbyes.
As Angela and Edward leave in his car, Kirk walks me home across the street.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Kirk asks for what seems like the tenth time, once I get the door unlocked.
"No, thank you. I'm going to go take a shower and then lie down with the heating pad on my tummy. Go enjoy the rest of your New Year's Eve, before it gets too late," I reassure him. I glance at the time on the oven. It's almost eleven o'clock.
"Okay, I hope you feel better," Kirk says as I walk him to the door.
"Talk to you tomorrow." I tell him, shutting the door behind him.
Just then, I hear a tapping sound on the back door.
I walk to the door and move the curtain to the side, and see Edward standing on my porch.
I unlock the door and stand to the side to let him in.
He walks past me, catching my wrist and pulling me along.
Once we get past the kitchen and walk into the living room, Edward sits down on the couch and pulls me into his lap.
He gives me a peck on the lips and smiles.
"Alone at last. I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to pull this off," Edward mutters.
"What happened? Where's Angela?" I ask, scooting back to see his face.
"I dropped Angela off at the Olympic Suites Inn. I think she was meetingJacob there. I don't know, I was just afraid of my dad wanting to go to the hospital with us," Edward states.
"Don't you guys think it's bad juju to say Angela's sister's boyfriend got into an accident?" I shudder as I lean over and knock on wood.
"You're so cute. Angela doesn't have a sister, silly. There is no boyfriend to worry about," Edward chuckles.
Edward pushes me off of him so I can stand up, then he gets up and pulls me up the stairs to my room.
Once in my room, he waits for me to pass by him and shuts the door behind me.
He approaches me in a sexy way and leans down, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Let's celebrate," he whispers in my ear. He stands straight and begins undoing his cufflinks, which have the Cullen crest on them.
We both undress slowly and crawl onto my bed.
Edward pulls back the comforter and sheet and climbs in, patting the bed for me to join him.
I crawl under the sheet and lay next to him. He rolls over and leans on his side, turning on my alarm clock radio. Prince's "1999"begins filtering through the speakers and Edward rolls back over to face me.
"Do you know how gorgeous you look, naked with nothing but my ring around your neck?" Edward inquires.
He leans down and kisses my chest, right where the ring lay.
His lips leave a trail of feather light kisses over to my right breast, before engulfing my nipple with his mouth. I draw in a shaky breath once he releases it, the cold air making it pebble before Edward switches breasts and begins showing my left nipple equal attention.
Edward kisses his way up my chest and neck and across my cheek. He darts his tongue out, swiping at my lip and silently asking for entrance to my mouth, which I willfully grant him.
I moan into his mouth as Edward's hand makes it's way down my thigh, parting me slowly where I want him the most. As he is working me up, I reach down and seek out his cock, grabbing ahold of him and stroking him up and down.
Edward pulls the covers down, and I reach out to grab the sheet to cover myself when he tells me, "Baby, let me look at you. Don't hide from me."
He reaches out and cups the back of both of my legs, pulling me down lower on the bed and pushing both of my knees forward.
"Hold these," Edward commands.
I do as he says and hold my legs back to my chest, opening myself up for him.
Edward begins circling his fingers around my opening. He presses one finger in and rubs to spread me open wider, lowering his face to where I want him the most. He begins to lick and I let out a low, guttural moan.
Edward stares into my eyes. He has me in a hypnotic-like trance and I can't help but teeter on the brink of orgasm.
"I love looking at you while I touch you," he whispers as he is stretching, rubbing, teasing.
He lines himself up and enters me ever-so-slowly. I can feel every inch of him opening me even more than I thought was possible. Once Edward exhales and begins to move, I feel complete.
At this moment, I fully understand that the way Edward loves on me is unlike anything else I've ever known.
He loves me. No matter what has happened in the past, there will only ever be me and Edward.
After Edward and I get cleaned up, we crawl back into my bed and I lie safely in his arms.
We hear a loud boom, and look over towards the window where we see the fireworks starting to go off.
Edward moves his head and leans down and kisses me. "Happy New Year, baby."
Just then, we hear it … the doorknob turns and swings open.
"I made it! Happy─" Dad stops mid-sentence. "What the hell is going on here?" he shouts.
We scramble to sit upright, but it's a little bit too late. The last thought I have as Charlie reaches out for Edward, is if he's going to make it out of this house alive.
A/N: I know I've been terrible about not updating and I've been trying really hard to write. Thank you for sticking with me! Before I go, please go check out 'Gamble of Love.' onlyinyourdreams77 writes Twilight Poems Based on Fics, and did one based on Separated by Fools. Thank you!