Thank you to everyone who voted in the Baby name poll. please review!

"Please, please, please stop there!" I yelled out frantically. Quil looked where I was pointing and laughed.

"Really babe?" He chuckled.

"Hurry before you miss your turn!" I pouted. He hurriedly pulled inside the KFC drive thru to shut me up. As he came to a stop behind the car ordering, he looked over at me.

"I was nowhere near close to missing that turn ma'am." He smirked. I laughed. "I know, i'm just so excited. I didn't know I wanted potatoes and gravy so much until just now, but I feel like I'm gonna die without them." I groaned. Quil laughed, and brought his hand up to cup my cheek.

"I love you Isabella." He told me adoringly. "I love you more Quil." I said, as he scoffed light heartedly. I leaned in for a kiss and just as our lips were about to connect, someone behind us honked their horn at us. I jumped and looked forward, seeing the car in front of us was already at the pay window. Quil chuckled at my jump, and drove to the intercom.

"Can I have a 16 peiece meal with potato wedges and coke?" He asked.

"All 4 sides potato wedges?"


"Oh! The boys are home, get them the same as you." I reminded Quil.

"Can I actually have 2 more of those?" He asked.

"Two more of the wedges?" The lady asked.

"No, 2 more of the meals, same way."

"You want 3 orders of 16 peice family meals?" The lady asked, shocked. We were long used to servers and fast food workers looking at us like we had two heads. The size of the guy's appetite always astonished them.

"Yes." Quil smiled and looked over to me. "And what would you like darling?"

I laughed, because we had already ordered so much and none of it was for me. "Can I have a large side of Mash potatoes and gravy and an order of popcorn chicken, with a coke?" I almost moaned, imagining how good the potatoes were going to taste.

"Is that it?" She asked skeptically. We laughed quietly.

"Yes." Quil said.

"Your total is $147.59." She said almost in awe. Quil and I looked at each other. "Not bad." We said at the same time, and then cracked up at our jinx.

*** fast forward home***

"Brady, slow down. You're going to choke on a chicken bone." I chastised, as I happily dipped a wedge into my mashed potatoes that were conveniently placed on top of my bulging belly.

"Yeah, ye-" He was cut off by a loud, long howl. The blood rushed away from my face and I felt frozen. All three of the boys jumped up immediately, faces as cold as ice. A polar opposite to the care free faces that were there just seconds before. Collin and Brady were out the back door before Quil had me in his arms fully, which was quick. He'd moved the food from on my lap to on the table in a matter of milliseconds, pulling me to him.

"That was Sam's long howl." I choked out scared. He had made sure each and every member of the pack and their respective imprints knew what that howl sounded like. It meant emergency, for an imprint it meant lock down. For a wolf, it meant get here now.

"Yes. You know what to do, go straight there and don't do anything Leah doesn't tell you to." He rushed out.

"Qui-"I started to cry and he cut me off kissing me soundly on the lips.

"Don't be scared. Whatever it is, we'll take care of it. Get there as fast as you can safely, right now Bella. I'll come back to you as soon as I'm able. I have to go, I love you." He kissed me one more time and started to pull away. I wanted so badly to pull him back to me and tell him he couldn't leave me, demand him to stay. Here, where I have some semblance of safety.

He started to run toward the back door blindingly fast.

"I love you too! Be safe! Please! Please be safe." I screamed almost hysterically as I began to sob. I was so scared. Sam and Emily made sure each new member to our family knew how serious it is for that howl to ring. Sam had said the last time he'd used it outside of a demonstration was when my father was attacked, and before that when Victoria had come. The only imprint exempt was Cassie, who lived in Port Angeles. She was to be called in the event that she needed to get to the reservation immediately, until she moves closer. I knew it had to be at least one vampire near us, but I had no idea what was going on. Sam would never sound that alarm for a nomad. No, he wanted every member of the pack phased and ready. And every imprint locked completely down. I knew I couldn't let myself drown in my emotion like I wanted to. I had to get to Emily and Sam's now. I shakily rushed to get my car keys from the counter, and then I was out the door. I jumped in my truck, throwing my seat belt on as fast as I could. I pulled out the drive, and went as fast as I dared without risking an accident. I was crying hard, and my tears were starting to blur my sight. I slowed down a bit and wiped at my eyes. I screamed when I focused back on the road, seeing a figure there. Right in front of me. I was seconds away from crashing right into her. As I instinctively jerked the steering wheel to the left, and I slowly felt my body begin to shift right. I noticed her piercing red eyes staring back at me, and the perfect pink lips that were pulled into a humorless smirk. I gasped just as I felt the truck pivet. I was flipping. I was about to crash, my heart dropped and my arms wrapped around my belly as best I could as gravity shifted around me. A loud ring echoed in my ears as my scream was cut off by a deafening crunch, glass shattering and then silence. Please God, save my son. Everything faded into darkness.

"Ahhh!" I awoke to a sharp pain in my abdomen. I leaned forward only to see I was still hanging upside down in my truck, the only thing keeping me up right was the seat belt currently holding me and cutting into me simultaneously. I screamed again, as the pain was constant. I almost wished I'd pass out again, before I remembered what happened. My scream was suddenly stuck in my throat as I looked around as best I coud. I couldn't see much but branches, water and mud. But I knew what I saw. I knew there was a vampire on that street only seconds ago. And now I am trapped, upside down and bleeding from who knows how many places. I couldn't even attempt to try to free myself because the drop down would most likely injure the baby horribly. I tried to suppress my next scream as I continued to look around, but I couldn't. The pain radiated through me like a wave. I screamed even louder when I realized what these pains were. I'm in labor. Oh no. Oh no, no,no, no, no. I began sobbing as the labor pain subsided into the pain of the injuries from the crash.

"Awww is poor little perfect Bella, crying? Of course she is. She is so very weak and helpless, just a bag of fucking blood" A sweet voice nearly sang, then snarled. I froze, my breathing stopping. I saw the boots walk closer through the crushed hole that used to be my window. Praying to God that he'd get if not us both, at least my son out of this. Quil would be a good father, the best. And my beautiful baby boy, he would have the entire pack there to love him and be there for him. I screamed out again as another contraction ripped through me.

"Stupid humans. The lot of you are all so easily breakable and mundane. All I had to do was stand in your line of sight to create such a disgusting yet beautiful cocktail of screams and agony. Not one. Finger. Lifted. Pathetic. You're nothing."The beautiful voice sneered with so much hatred my mind spun. I racked my brain trying to understand how this person knew me, trying to grasp onto any familiarity in the voice. There was none. This was my first time hearing this voice in my life.

"W-who are you?" I gasped out through the pain. Watching as the boots came to stop by my window.

"I'm afraid there's an unexpected development I must deal with Bella" She sneered my name like she hated to say it. "I'll have to go for now. I certainly hope you survive this crash. I'm not sure when I'll be able to sneak away again to come visit, but I'd like to ensure the job is done correctly anyway." She chuckled hanieously and I was alone. Another contractions rippled through me at the same time as the truck shifted, leaning back more. I realized the truck was on a small ledge on a ravine and could flip again if I weren't careful. Another flip would kill us. I cried and sobbed, now unable to control it. Completely overcome with fear and desperation.

"Quil! Quil, Quil! Help me! Quil!" I irrationally began to cry and scream for my wolf. Unable to do anything more. Another contraction took my breath away, when I found it again I was full on sobbing and screaming. "QUILLLL! QUILLLL HELP US PLEASE! QUIIILLL!" I screamed so hard my throat ran hoarse and began to crack.

"BELLLLAA! BELLA!" I heard from far away. I gasped, realizing he must be near me.

"QUIILLLL!" I screamed desperately, voice cracking in the end again.

"BELLA!" I heard being screamed much clearer and closer this time. I knew the voice. It was Embry. I wanted my Quil more than anyone right now, but I didn't care who it was. I only cared that someone was coming to help save my son.

"Em HURRY! Please! The baby!" I half cried, half screamed. "HURRY!"

"Oh my God, Bella!" Embry cried as I heard him rush over to the truck. "What happened, I can smell it was here?!" He screamed as he tore the door off its hinges.

"Idk who she is, but she knows me. Please Em, please be careful, I'm in labor." I begged as he leaned in to reach for the seat belt and the truck teatered back. I was doubting my brother's ability to get me out of the truck fast enough to save my son if we began to fall. I was terrified, absolutely terrified. More afraid than I had ever been in my entire life. Because this wasn't about me anymore, this was about my baby. I couldn't help but cry out in absolute agony, as another contraction hit me.

"BELLA!" My heart almost exploded and I couldn't help but try to scream again even though my throat was dry and hoarse by now.

"QUIL!" I cried out, the truck moved again. "AHHHHHH!" I grabbed onto Embry's arm so hard my nails were digging into his skin.

"Come on Bells, we gotta go now. As soon as I break this seat belt, this truck is going over that ledge and I've got only about a second to get you out the window before it snags your belly. On three get as close to me as you possibly can and I'll grab you. Okay?" Embry continued giving clear instructions to me as my breathing picked up, tears non stop. I could hear Quil getting closer, he was yelling my name still.

"Please be careful Em, please I can't lose him." I sobbed completely terrified for my son.

"I've got you sis. I promise. On three Bella, we have to move now."


"BELLA!" Came Quil's terrified shriek.




"BELLLLLAAA!" I heard as I threw myself at Embry as best I could through the pain. I screamed horrified, as the truck flew past me and tumbled the rest of the way down the ledge into the ravine. Embry pulled me into him just in time. I clung to him as hard as I could, completely terrified and frozen. He hugged me to him, crying heartily. "BELLA!" I hear being called again only much closer. I felt a hand grab me, and immediately began to shake and scream as it began to pull me away from Embry. If I was logically thinking, I would have remembered Quil screaming for me before the truck went down, but I wasn't. All I could register was that I was being pulled away from safety. Embry had saved me, and now I was being pulled back into the flames. I screamed frantically, my eyes wide, as I looked at Embry to save me, his eyes were sad and scared.

"Shhhh baby it's me. It's me baby, I'm here." I heard my angel cry, and the shock wore off that quickly. He was pressed up against my back , arms wrapping protectively over my stomach.

"Quilll." I breathed out suddenly exhausted. "You're here." I signed relieved.

"Yes baby, I'm here. I've got you, I've got you both. I won't ever let anything happen to you again. I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry." He cried. My body felt heavy. I knew I was in labor, but I couldn't feel anything anymore. It felt like I was sinking, but the bed I was sinking into felt so much better than the pain I remembered from a moment ago. It felt welcoming. "No, no, no no. Bella baby, stay awake. Don't close your eyes baby, stay up for me, you hear me? Em, she's going limp!" He yelled out fearfully. I couldn't see Embry anymore, just Quil, barely.

"The ambulance is almost here, I can hear them alread-" Embry tried to reason.

"We need to run her! We can't wait!"

"Quil calm down, we have to wait for them. Neither of us are medically trained professionals. She just rolled down a ravine pregnant, we need to wait for them before we move her anymore. Plus I didn't call 911, a family on the road called. I can still hear them up there on the phone. If we leave, it will look really suspicious."

"Em I can't lo-"

""Save our son." I breathed with the last of my consciousness, and everything faded once again.

I woke up in the hospital, I recognized that immediately. My hands flew to my stomach, where I could still feel my son. I was in a hospital gown, with a contraction monitor around my belly. My leg hurt, and it looked like it was in a leg brace. I also recognized immediately I was alone. I knew it was irrational to still be so scared, but I couldn't help it. I was terrified. I was immediately crying.

"Quil!" I screamed as loud as I could. I was looking around vapidly, arms securely wrapped around our son. "Quil!" I screamed again as I saw a nurse rush in, I was even more afraid. Why was she here before him? Was he not here? Was something wrong? Was that vampire here in the hospital with us? What was going on?! "Quil!" I screamed at the top of my lungs completely panicking now that the nurse was trying to touch me to calm me down.

"Bella!" I heard him shout. He was immediately in the room and shoving past the bewildered nurse to encompass me in his arm. "She baby, I'm here. I'm so sorry I left you. Fr. Heldan wanted me to sign some paperwork. I wanted to know all our options before I signed off on something you wouldn't agree with. I'm so sorry I left you."

"I was just still so afraid when I woke up, like I was still on that ledge." I cried into him.

"I know hon-" I cut him off with a loud scream of pain. "What's wrong?! What hurts?" He asked. I couldn't answer him for the time being, see as the pain was rushing through me and I could barely think of anything else.

"It's a contraction." The Nurse I think we both forgot was there, said. "I'll go get the doctors, now that she's awake I'm sure their going to want to reevaluate their plan. I'll send them in immediately." She told Quil, seeing as my eyes weren't even open. They were shut tight, like my fist while I tried to wait for the crippling pain to reside again. Quil kissed me and rubbed my cheek, helping me breathe through it until my eyes opened again. I signed raggedly, grateful it was over, even for a moment.

"Okay, before they come back what is going on? First, the baby is okay right?" I asked quickly.

"Yes, he's fine. Cass thinks you were sent into early labor because of the crash, but other than that he's fine. You have a fractured tibia, a cracked rib, a ton of cuts, bruises and scrapes and a sprained ankle. As well as a concussion, the majority of your injuries were to your lower body, your legs and foot. The doctors were scared that your pelvis and abdomen might be compromised because of that, but they did an ultrasound as soon as we got here and confirmed he's just fine. But then they were afraid they'd have to do a C section because you hadn't woken up the whole time we were here, and you were still 's what I was talking to Dr. Heldan about before you woke up. I'm sure he's confused as to why I just jumped up and left out the conference room." I nodded, so relieved to hear my son was doing well.

"Thank God. Wait, what about her?" I whispered. Quil eyes widened slightly.

"We've been waiting on you to wake up to give us more information. All we know is what Embry told us you told him before he pulled you out."

"Wait, wasn't she the reason Sam howled?"

"No. There were two vamps near the forks border, that seemed to know we were 's what made Sam so high alert. They waited until Paul and Jacob were right on their heels to run. They ran us deep into the forest, so deep Sam ordered Collin and Brady back to the reservation to guard it, and Embry was ordered to go to Emily's to help Leah keep watch of you guys. We were thinking of giving up pursuit when we were near Canada, when Embry smelt your blood. I immediately broke rank to turn around and run to you.I saw the tire marks, I smelt the leech's scent mixed with your and then Embry was phasing out. Obviously, he was phasing to get to you but I had no idea what was going on. I was half mad. I thought the worst and lost my mind, I wasn't even thinking about running, I just was. As soon as we had caught the scent of leech in Embry's mind the entire pack was behind me. Sam snapped me out of it and told me I would feel it if you were gone. I hung on to that and kept running to you. They're still out there looking for them. The imprints are in the waiting room of course, with Leah,Gramps, Sue Lisa and Charlie. And Collin and Brady are outside the hospital. They told me to tell you they can't wait to see you and their new brother soon when you woke up." He chuckled at the end trying to lighten the mood. I smiled thinking of my boys, wishing they were here with me, but knowing they had a duty to our tribe. I sighed, then frowned deciding to finish telling him the rest.

"I was on my way to Em-" I started, but was cut off by another contraction. I grabbed Quil's hand dangerously tight.

"Shh baby, you've got enough to worry about. You've got to get our son out of there. Just focus on that and we can talk about what happened later. Okay?" Quil tried to comfort me, but I could hear the worry in his voice. I nodded, through the pain, but then I couldn't help the shout of pain that broke through my lips.

"Good to hear that scream Ms. Swan, it means you're awake and ready to push my nephew out." Cassie said as she walked in smiling sadly. Dr. Heldan behind her,a slightly dazed experience on his face.

"Hey Cass." I grunted, the contraction finally winding down.

"Hey Bells, I'm so glad you're up. I was worried out of my mind even after you got here." She admitted, pulling up the rolling chair. "But I see that you're really uncomfortable, and you were already dilated to 5 the last time I checked, almost an hour ago. Let's see how much more you're dilated. That'll tell us how fast the ball will move from here, okay?" She asked. I nodded. Quil was sitting on the bed next to me rubbing my shoulders. Cass shifted my leg that wasn't in a brace up, and I groaned. Yeah, I could definitely feel the damage to my legs. Cass looked up at me sadly, telling me to take my time to adjust. I nodded and shifted it how she wanted me to, wincing slightly as I felt her fingers. Dr. Heldan moved forward a little more while Cass worked, seemingly breaking out of the daze he was in since Quil knew I was awake from halfway across the floor. "Whoa, you wasted no time, you're at ten. He's ready Bella." She smiled. I nodded, afraid to talk aloud. Dr. Heldan began to talk.

"The car did the most damage to your legs Ms. Swan. That, as well as your cracked rib is going to make delivery especially hard for you. That being said, the safest option for the baby is always natural birth. But if at any moment, you feel like you cannot get through this, please let us know and we can arrange an emergency Cesarean. Okay?" He asked. I was breathing hard even though I wasn't contracting, I was scared out of my mind. I nodded, a few tears escaping my eyes. "I need to do what's safest for my son." I told him firmly through my tears. Quil brushed them away and took my face into his hands.

"I got you baby, I'm here. I'm scared too, but I'm gonna be with you right here through everything, you can do this I know you can. You're the strongest person I know." He told me, his voice ringing with serenity. I nodded, kissing him back as he leaned down to kiss me softly. Halfway through our brief kiss, another contraction hit. I leaned into Quil groaning loudly.

"You ready Bells? This is it, I need you to push through this one. On three. Keep pushing all the way to ten." Cass told me. I didn't answer. I just put both arms around Quil's shoulders and grounded the one foot I could move, determined to get my son here safely. Cass, and Dr. Heldan both started counting.

"One, two, THREE-" I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow as I began to push. "- four, five,six,seven,eight, nine, and ten." I slumped back, crying profusely.

" You're doing great Bella. Breathe, and again, on the next one." Cass told me comfortingly. We did this twice more, through two more contractions. I slumped back again crying out in exhaustion.

"That was amazing baby, I'm so sorry I can't take the pain in place of you, it's killing me." Quil whispered to me.

I knew it was really tough on him, everything in him called for him to protect me from pain m, and there was nothing he could do right now. Still breathing heavily, and crying, I moved one of my arms around his neck to push back the damp from sweat hair in his face, like he was doing for me a moment ago. I moved upwards, holding on to his shoulders tight again, beginning to feel another contraction come, whispering in his ear.

"I know baby, but you risk your life everyday to protect us. The least I can do is push through this pain to bring us our son. I love you." I moaned out the end louder, in more pain from the contraction.

"I love you more baby." Quil told me meaningfully. I had no time to argue, as the contraction rolled up my back and back down. I cried out.

" On 3 Bella! 1,2,3!" Cass shouted. I pushed as hard as I could, not even focusing on them counting. Just squeezing Quils body as hard as I could and pushing harder. I screamed louder than I ever have before, feeling like I was on fire and then the pressure was gone, I felt hot liquid puddle in the bed, and looked up from Quil's neck to see my son in Cassies hand, his airways being suctioned by the nurse. Before I could move or think, I heard my sons piercing cry for the first time. I shouted out in relief and joy, completely sobbing and unable to describe the feeling I felt in the moment if I'd have to, I couldn't. My heart grew 10 times bigger in order to hold all that the love I had for the tiny bronze bundle of goo and blood. Quil was crying with me, looking at our son in the same astonishment. I briefly saw Quil cutting the umbilical cord, and then my life was complete. My son was being placed directly onto my naked chest. The feel of his soft skin on mine, had my chest raking with sobs, I held him to me gently but firmly as he cried his first ever cries. Quil's face was amazed as tears continued to make their way down his face as he gently rubbed his head full of hair. Quil and I were wrapped in our own world gazing down at the life we had created together, as Cass and Dr. Heldman worked on me swiftly. I was aware of the handling, but I was much more focused on my son. The nurse and doctors worked to rid the bed of the birth padding and sheets and pushed fresh warm blankets under me, I winced and looked back at my son, then up to Quil. I held him out to him, knowing I was being greedy. Quil looked excited and then scared as he looked at his arms that were halfway extended, and then back at the baby.

"He's so small Bells." He said quietly.

"It's okay baby, you won't hurt him." Knowing he was afraid he was too big to hold such a tiny thing. Dr. Heldan clicked the bed that had been dropped back into place, and Cass came over to Quil's side. She adjusted his arms the right way to hold him and then nodded at me. Quil still looked scared but with his arms still the way Cassie arranged them he slowly reached out, breathing harder the closer he got. I couldn't blame him, he was the most precious thing I had ever seen too. I gently laid our son in his father's arms for the first time, bring my hand up to my mouth to cover my cry as Quil brought our son to his chest, completely overcome with emotion just as I had the first time I held him. Quil hunched slightly, protectively over him as his shoulders slightly shook from emotion.

"My son, my strong, beautiful son. Akeni Calvin Aterea, your father loves you more than life itself." He cried, speaking the last part in his native tongue. I was so overcome with emotion, it felt like I'd never stop crying. I had immediately known Akeni fit him best as well. To know my soon to be husband agreed was more than anything I could ask. Dr. Heldan came to my side.

"Bella, your body has been through quite a lot, even without the labor. It is really important that you get some rest now, so that your body can heal. I'm going to give you something for the pain, but it will make you sleepy."

I immediately began to protest.

"No, I can manage the pain. I've only just met my son. I want more time with him before I sleep again." I told him sternly.

"Bella, he's right. You're going to need allot of rest to heal and your body has just went through a hell of beating, and then natural labor. You need to regain your strength as quickly as possible so when you're discharged, you have all your strength for Akeni. Right now, you can sleep and Quil I'm sure will never take his eyes off him. But if he wanted to rest as well, you have a team of nurses, me, and a waiting room full of people dying to meet him willing to help. Now's the time to rest Bells, trust me." Cass interrupted. I looked over at Quil and Akeni and sighed, knowing they were right.

"I just can't imagine taking my eyes off him." I told them watching my son cuddle into his father's arms peacefully sleeping now.

"You know he's in good hands baby. I'll never leave either of your side, and we'll bring in the family to meet him before you go to sleep. How's that sound?" Quil asked, knowing what was important to me without me having to say it out loud. I sighed, smiled at him and nodded. I groaned as I shifted back into the bed, as Dr. Heldan injected the medication in my IV.

"This will take about a half hour to kick in, you're welcome to allow your visitors in." He told me, I thanked him before he left. Cass turned to me.

"Alright, it's normally only 3 visitors in at a time, but since I know we're on a time constraint, I'll allow a few more. Who do you want to come in first?" Quil turned to me, letting me know he trusted my judgment.

"I want my sons. I want them here before anyone." I said firmly. Cass looked at Quil, and he looked down at Akeni before carefully handing him to me.

"I'll go get them, I'll ask Leah to switch out with them." I nodded, completely happy to have Akeni back in my arms. He leaned down to kiss us both, Akeni on the forehead and me on the lips. He stayed close after pulled away from the kiss,

"I can never thank you enough. I love you so much."

"I could say the same thing, I love you more." He smiled and rushed out the room to get our boys. Cass looked back at us smiling.

"Okay, who else?"

"My dad, gramps and Embry. And then the girls can come next." I told her. She nodded and headed out.

I looked down at my newest son now that we were alone, in awe. He was everything I expected him to be and more. He had a head full of jet black hair just like his daddy. He looked completely like Quil, with just a little bit of his mommy in his nose and eyes. His cheeks were plumped with the lightest tint of red to his milky bronze skin. He began to move and fuss a little. My heart leaped as I shifted his weight and patted his but until he settled back into me snoring away peacefully. I heard their footsteps and looked up to see Collin and Brady running into the room, and then watched as they both slowed down considerably. Collin's mouth dropped into a little o, and Brady beamed.

"Mom I'm so glad you're okay, and the baby." Brady said excitedly as he came to my side peering down at him.

"Me too, I can't believe he's here. What's his name?" Collin said before I could respond to Brady.

"Thank you guys, this is your little brother Akeni." They awwwed and got close, saying how cute and small he was. I looked up to a throat clearing and saw my dad, em and gramps walk in. I could tell my dad was already emotional. He stopped at the end of the bed, eyes red.

"I can't believe my baby, had a baby." He said gruffly.

" Come meet your grandson, Akeni Calvin Aterea."

"Name fits the little guy like a glove." Gramps told me, his voice gruff with emotion.

" Yeah, perfect name for the first pack baby." Em almost whispered as he looked down at him in awe. I looked down at him too. His little eyes flickered opened and I looked down into my own eyes. There were so many things to worry about, but right now I couldn't bring myself to care about anything except how complete my family finally felt.

" It does doesn't it?" I said running my hand over his warm cheek. I sighed out in complete serendipity again. My son was here, and safe.