Ada stood in the crowd of brightly dressed men and women who she alone stood out from. For her attire was black, not for such a happy occasion, never for an occasion such as a wedding. She stood near the front pew, just a few behind it, and had stood and turned towards the center isle when a lady of white, the wedding dress, paler than herself and that red hair brighter than any dress Ada had masqueraded in, preceded down slowly and nervously.

Up ahead a man stood in a brilliant suit, crisp and neat. Husky eyes were lit to their brightest for the first in a long time, something that Ada had missed and something she wanted again so badly but could never get. As the music played and the woman made her way to her beloved husband, Ada contemplated that if she'd made different choices, perhaps, safer choices in the future, would she have been in this situation?

Maybe not, but she knew this day would come, she'd done everything for this day to come. But still, it hurt so bad, her heart ached so badly. This, after so many months of hardening it, so many years, she hadn't thought possible. This was proved to be even more true when the two kissed and sealed their bondage for good.

"In sickness and in health, till death do us part…"

The music played once again, and all around her clapped for the newly wed couple. Ada watched as the two walked viciously down the isle, reaching out just one more time to grab the arm of the man who would hold her heard forever, even until the end of time. She knew that physically, she'd never be able to touch him again, and the people crowding around her would never move out of the way in time for her to reach him.


It hadn't been more than a year since the happy couple moved into their old home, yet, Mrs. Kennedy was already talking about moving out, unless they could change a few things. Leon was reluctant, he loved his wife and wouldn't give her up for the world, but he loved Ada too. But, she was his wife, so renovating started after they had their first child, Arthur Kennedy.

He was put in Ada's old room, rather than it remaining locked up and stored with all of her belongings, Leon proved to his wife he was finally ready to move on. He started with throwing many of Ada's things out or donating them to goodwill, he painted the room a light blue since his child was a boy, he'd changed to setting and even the curtains.

With a large white crib, two chairs, small bookshelves and toys all around, the room was perfect. And young Arthur Kennedy couldn't agree less. For the moment they'd put him in the room, he was always looking up and about, always looking around, giggling and smiling and sometimes even laughing. The new parents' nightmare's were finally over, their son loved the room. They took pictures, many pictures of him, he was always happy in that room, his smile was always the largest and eyes always their brightest. It was perfect.

Besides, he had a little playmate that came out whenever he wanted her too.


Ada made another funny face at the boy as another light flashed. Finally, she didn't feel so alone anymore. Yes, this new wife of Leon had changed almost everything she loved and knew about this home, but, this woman had also brought in happiness in the form of Arthur. Ada loved Arthur, and whenever his parents brought him upstairs to "their" room, Ada spend every second with him.

He smiled for her and she could feel his happiness, and he could feel hers. She never wanted this feeling to end. When she looked at him, she pictured herself looking at her own son, the son she'd always wanted to have but never could.

It was truly a magical feeling.

This all changed though, when they got the pictures processed. Lights and orbs and even a misty form in front of her child on the picture was enough to send Mrs. Kennedy in a hysterical fit. Never had she seen such things, the chills she felt from the pictures bothered her.

Leon passed it off, or at least tried to, as a trick of the eye or a smudge in the film. But Mrs. Kennedy wouldn't accept that. She feared for her child, and she feared for her home. Ada sat and listened as the two argued all night about it with Arthur. He looked at her, his eyes asking, "You're not leaving, are you?" She couldn't answer, she didn't know what to say.

But she knew that soon, she'd have to go, whether she wanted to or not. But she smiled, she wouldn't leave him without a goodbye gift…if only she could find it.


Mrs. Kennedy was hysterical, and as soon as she'd seen the smile her son gave at the ceiling, and the clapping he'd done to nothing but air, she'd taken him out of his room and moved him into her's with Leon. She'd closed the curtains, turned the light of and locked the door. She never wanted to go in their again, she could feel eyes on her and on her son. Her husband thought she didn't know, he still couldn't let this woman go, and it was splitting them apart.

Whenever Mrs. Kennedy was left alone with her son, she could her loud and violent noises coming from the room upstairs, as if someone was looking for something. It terrified her, yet, her son squealed in delight. Oh no, she couldn't take it anymore. What if this woman became more active, what if she became aggressive? It was final, if Leon wanted to keep his family, than this woman would have to go, Mrs. Kennedy would make sure of it.


The argument was loud and emotional, probably the worse one they'd ever had, but in the end, Leon got his family, at the cause for something much greater. He knew how to get rid of it, he knew exactly what he needed to do.


The three slept soundly in the room, the noise from across the hallway finally ceased.

Arthur, however, awoke to a mass of dancing lights floating in front of him. Ada stood above him and above the bed of the sleeping couple. She smiled as Arthur giggled. "I love you," she said silently, knowing that she'd only be heard by the boy, but it was meant for another as well. He looked at her, and she at him. He knew now, that she would have to go. He would miss her, and she would miss him, but, that's how it had to be.

Ada pointed to his heart, "Here, always," she said peacefully, "I'll always be here." He didn't smile, he stared, a stare full of wisdom and understanding. "Always," and with that, he giggled, as did she. The two forms in the bed jolted up and looked around, Arthur's mother already by his side, grabbing him tightly and taking him to the bed. Ada looked at Leon, and he looked at her. Smiling, she surrendered her rights to the house, and left it to the new family.


The wind blew and caused the trees to whisper. The sun was bright and the crisp Easter air

She sat by the stone that was now covered in moss, it's words damaged by whether and time. She smiled though, she loved it this way, she felt more at peace knowing she'd be hear for a while. Grass covered the once bare brown spot of dirt. No one cared for it anymore, no one accept Ada, it was her home now, her little shrine. It was where she had stayed the first few days after her departure. She traced the worn words and read a loud to herself :

Ada Kennedy

August 8, 1974- March 31, 2013

Here, always, if not physically, than spiritually. I am in your heart, and there I'll always be. God took me away so soon because I am closer to you than ever, fear not, because I have not left you, I will never leave you. I will always be watching you, I will always be with you.

Soon, huh? She guessed it was. The memory of her death wasn't as vivid as she'd liked it to be, but she knew that when she died, her husband started to visit her less and less, and she knew why. She wanted him to move on, she didn't want him to hurt. But, she didn't know it would hurt for her. She did too soon, this was the only mission she'd failed. But she'd seen how happy he and his family were, so maybe, she hadn't failed so bad. She'd been the one to ruin them, or at least split them apart at least temporarily.

So here she was, at her own gravestone, waiting for glory to finally call her, for God's light to finally shine on her.

"Ada" with a quick turn, Ada looked away from the gravestone and in front of her. Leon stood there, a bouquet in his hands and watery looking eyes.

"There's not a day that goes by when I don't think of you and what happened and how you died…I-I felt so powerless and weak when you died," he paused and Ada stared. He couldn't see her, but he could feel her. He'd neglected her after she'd died, or, at least tried to. After her funeral, he believed that if he visited her grave less and less, she'd stay away from him and his heart, but it took the exact opposite effect. She stayed with him and he couldn't bare to let her go.

"You're here, I know you are, you're in my_our home, but…but it can't be like this anymore Ada," he inhaled sharply and looked up at the sky, hot tears forming in his eyes, "I love you, and I always will and I still blame myself for what happened."

No…how could he blame himself? IT was her fault, Leon had nothing to do with it! "Leon, please, it's not your fault, it's completely mine. They were my enemies, not yours! Frankly, I'm happy it was me they killed and not you, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it!"

He looked up, perhaps he'd heard something, perhaps he'd heard a bit of Ada's plea.

"I just wanted to tell you that it will always be you, I will always love you, but, it's time for the both of us to move on. Okay," Leon managed to pull himself together for that instant, and for that instant, he could see Ada smiling at him.

"Leon, it's not your fault, I love you and I think we should both move on," Ada paused as she felt her binds to the earth being loosened, and from behind Leon a light so bright and warm shined, "but remember, I love you and I always will. I'll always be with you, even when time itself ends…"

A large gust of warm air clashed against Leon causing the flowers to go with the wind and his hair and jacket dance behind him. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent, the scent said everything about Ada. Leon could hear her voice in the wind and could feel himself submerged in her, and as soon as it came, it vanished.

A lone tear strayed from his eye, a tear filled with many emotions. He'd done what he had to do, he'd made amends, and Ada was gone.


The feeling of leaving was better than Ada expected. In a second, she was around Leon, taking in everything about him, everything she knew she'd miss. She showered him in her love, and in an instant, felt her self being pulled up by the back of her collar. It felt as if someone attached a long hook shoot to her collar and puller her up.

Up…she could see Leon in the graveyard, looking in the sky and up at the sun.

Up….she could see her old home, and see the amazement of the Kennedy family when they found her old Cross necklace in the baby's room.

Up…she saw the whole family at her grave, Mrs. Kennedy, Arthur (with the necklace on), and Leon all placing flowers, red ones, on her stone.

Up…up…she saw many things, and she knew that Leon would live a good and long life, so, she'd have to wait a while to see him. That was okay though, she would still technically be with him, she could see him and his family.

Now here she was, standing at the gates, the large beautiful golden gates. She knew there was no going back, her time was done, but Leon's had just begun. And he wasn't alone, she'd be his angel, his guardian, she'd do so for his family even after Leon was gone.

Going up she goes, up she goes. Balance yourself like a bird on a beam. In the air she goes, there she goes. Up, up a little bit higher


Thinking of adding an epilogue mainly having to do with Arthur. Hope you liked this, hope it was as good as many of my other one shots, it's very dreary and sad. I do believe in ghost and angels, this story kinda reflects some of my beliefs. Oh, and the last part comes from, "Come Josephine in the Flying Machine," hope you like the story, God bless.