"Hey Ri." I turned around, my friend Barbara Gordon smiled back.

"Hi Babs." I sat staring out the window, disconnected. "What is it?" My blue eyes shifted, she was holding two tickets in her hands. "You... did you?!"

"Yep, scored two tickets to see Hawk Town in concert!" she smiled politely "I know what we're doing next Friday night!"

"I can't wait!" I tried to show enthusiasm, honestly I was still drained from last night. I smiled back.

"Something wrong, Ri? You seem totally disconnected today, and I KNOW for a fact Hawk Town is your favorite band. Especially now that we have BACKSTAGE PASSES!" she pulled two yellow tickets from her purse.

"WHAT?! Let me see those!" I reached, but I'm not exactly that tall. I tumbled onto the floor.

"Now Miss Mopeypants, you don't get the tickets until you at LEAST cheer up!" Babs looked at me, and upon seeing me nod, handed me my ticket and pass. "Next Friday night at 7 pm! See you there!" she closed her locker and ran down the hall.

I pulled out my hobo-bag, slinging it over my shoulder and closing my locker. I looked behind me, Bette Kane was showing a new student around. Artemis Crock? She wouldn't recognize me anyways. I brushed aside the bangs on my wig, straightening my skirt and walking out.


"Alfred! I'm home!" I closed the door, dropping my bag on the mat. I immediately moved to my room, taking off my uniform. I dropped my wig on the bed, revealling my short black boy hair. I found the tape in the closet to bind my chest. I pulled on my uniform next. I am Robin, the 'Boy' Wonder!

"Mistress-" Alfred knocked on my door, which I opened to see him with a tray of cookies "Ah, Master Robin. You're wanted in the Batcave." he left the cookies.

I munched away, pulling on my utility belt and sticking my mask on. I ran downstairs to the Batcave, finding Batman and Flash standing infront of the computer. Kid Flash was farther back by the Batmobile, I quickly and quietly snuck behind him, then "Boo!"

"GAH!" Kid whipped around. "DUDE! Totally not cool!"

"Hey, get whelmed. What are they talking about?"

"Apparently some guy are trying to kill a major pop artist that is coming to town next Friday. No big."

"Someone's trying to kill Hawk Town?! BIG." Hiding girlyness achieved. I walked over to Batman and Flash "So, um... how are we going to prevent this. Tickets for Hawk's concert are sold out."

"That may be difficult... we need your team on the inside as they wouldn't expect you to protect Hawk.I'm not sure how we would do that without-" I pulled my tickets from Barbara infront of him "TICKETS?!"

"Uh, duh. What do they look like?" I tucked them back into my belt. "I'll be on the inside with Babs, and then if the guy attacks, I'll hold him off, and get the others in."

"Your plan is more complicated than you think Robin. If you're with Miss Gordon..." Bat-glare. Oh man. I forgot I'd be Ri, not Robin then. I nodded. "For now, you two can go to the Cave. Flash and I have to talk."

"Okay. C'mon KF." I pulled Kid towards the ZetaTubes.

"Recognized, Robin, B01. Kid Flash B03." the computer confirmed, ZAP, and gone. Feelin' the aster, maybe.

-The Cave-

I walked into the Cave first, seeing it was empty, pulling out my bo staff. Walking forward reluctantly, turning when I heard Kid Flash enter. We made our way to the kitchen/TV room, everyone was sitting infront of our flatscreen watching (what seemed to be) the Amazingles.

"Hey, Mind if I raid the fridge if you guys are so busy watching that superhero-rip off movie?" Wally rushed over to the fridge, grabbing anything he could get his hands on.

Artemis entered, holding something in her hands. I looked closer. "Hey, are those what I think they are?"

"If what you think they are is five tickets to Hawk Town, then you are correct!" she smiled, passing them out to the others, Kaldur declining upon seeing the last ticket and offering it to me.

"Well that's good, because your next mission is on Friday. To protect Zane 'Hawk' Oldyy from being killed." Black Canary walked in with Batman and Flash.

"Wait! What kind of person would kill Zane?" Artemis looked at the Bat, then to me, holding out a ticket.

"Kaldur, take the ticket. I'm going to be stuck at GA for a few hours Friday." covering my ass was never any easier. I left out the ZetaTubes as the mission briefing began.


I bound my chest and put on a zip sweater-vest, utilty belt (mask stuffed in it) and uniform underneath. I pulled on my jeans, and a leather jacket. I pulled my wig of black, back-length hair on, brushing it slightly. I ran down to the front door, Barbara was already there.

"You ready to go?"

"You bet!" I pulled my pass and ticket from my pocket, holding it up with a smile.

-Gotham Stadium-

Babs and I found our front row seats in no time. I found Bette next to me when I took a look around. Artemis Crock, Wally West, Megan Morse, Conner Kent, and Kaldur Ahm were sitting beside her.

"Oh hey Ri, didn't expect you to be here."

"Bette, I wouldn't miss a Hawk Town concert for the world!" I looked to Wally, who was giving me an 'eyebrows' look. I was about to ask her who her new friends were when I heard something. I saw Conner move, he detected it too. I saw a dark figure approach behind Zane, just as he stepped up to the electric keyboard.

"Hello Gotham City!" Zane spoke into the microphone, a cheer from the fans encouraged him to continue. "I am so happy to play here tonight, as Gotham is my home town! Now, let's begin!"

He began his set, just as I noted a skinny figure with a smile approach behind him. Joker. Why was the Joker here? I saw him holding something. I sprang out of my seat, "Look out!" KLUNK. Conner had that one covered, he dragged the Joker off the stage. I looked, Commissioner Gordon. "Um Babs, your dad is here."

I saw Conner shake hands with the Commish, handing Joker over. Gordon left, just as Conner jumped off the stage, taking his seat again. I noted that throughout that little 'sideshow' that the music had not stopped. Zane began his next set, I looked around, then saw a familiar red and black jester pop out, grabbing Zane and pushing him to the ground. Harley Quinn.

Babs stared open mouthed "Isn't that... Ri, where'd you go?"

I had already run onto the stage, prying Harley off of Zane, tripping her to the edge of the stage. She yelled back at me "You brat! This one was a present for Mr. J! Who are you?!"

"Name's Rionna, and you can tell Mr. J, show's over." another kick, she was in Conner's clenches. "Exit, stage right!"

"Thank You." I heard behind me, I turned around, Zane! "What was your name again... Rionna?"

"Call me Rio. You're welcome."

"You know after the show's over I could let you come backstage."

"I have a pass." I held up the yellow ticket, smiling.

"See you after then." he walked back to the piano as I flipped off the stage to join Barbara, Bette and the others.

"Wow, that was amazing Ri! I didn't know you had those reflexes!" Babs smirked "What'd he say?"

"'See you after the show'. Luckily you scored backstage passes!"

"So your name is Rio?!" Wally looked at me "That is very suiting seeing you just whipped Harley Quinn's ass! Um... I'm Wally, by the way."

Was he flirting with me? I was so lucky Artemis elbowed him, "Shh... just enjoy the show and watch out for any others."

We sat there, continuing to listen to Zane's concert.

-Afterwards, Backstage-

I flashed my stage pass to get past the back-stage bouncers. Barbara followed me, we found Zane sitting in a director's chair enjoying a cappuccino. He spotted us, calling his manager over.

"Who are these two, and why are you playing 'show-and-tell' with me now?" the manager demanded. Seeming to be a tough guy.

"Barbara Gordon, police commissioner's daughter." Babs smiled, a little wave. "And this is Richard 'Rionna' Grayson."

"Rio here saved my life from that mad-jester that attacked on stage tonight! She's a real acrobat this one!" Zane was totally enthusiastic, he hugged me and Babs on the spot

"Grayson? Any connection to that acrobat family that performed with Haly's circus?"

"No connection, sorry sir." Hiding... hiding.. difficulty, hiding... change subject! "How long are you staying in Gotham?"

"Just the night, our next tour location is Central City, then Metropolis, then Star City." That was the first answer, after that we talked for an hour. After that, his manager told us to go home.

-Gotham City, Streets-

"That was amazing Babs! Thanks for the ticket!" I smiled as we exited the stadium. Looking at the moonlight, then a figure that appeared to screech to a stop next to us. Wally.

"Hey babes, do you need someone to run you home?" he smiled 'eyebrowing' me.

"It was Wally, right?" Barbara looked at him "You saw Ri take out Harley Quinn, and I am trained in some martial arts. I think we can walk ourselves home."

"Besides, what are you still doing here? The concert ended and hour ago." I looked at him.

"I was making sure that no other super-villian came and jumped you guys! Can't I be suspicious and curious about your safety?"

"You can do the Safety Dance, Mr. West, my Dad is here to drive Ri and I home." Babs popped the cop car door open, I crawled in after her. Closing the door. Last thing I saw was Wally zoom away.

-Wayne Mansion-

Mr. Gordon dropped me off. "G'night Miss Grayson." he drove off,

I started up the path, then listened, turning around. Kid Flash ran up the driveway. I looked over, he didn't notice me. I threw my jacket, sweater, jeans, and wig into my hobo-bag. I was so glad I bound my chest earlier, I pasted my mask onto my face, throwing my bag up to my room balcony (I have great aim, and strong arms. It stuck the landing) "KF!"

"Rob!" he stopped, screeching on the pavement. He turned around, then running over to me. "You totally missed the most awesome thing ever!"

"Saw it on the news already. Why do you think Joker and Harley want Hawk Town dead?"

"No, there was a girl there with amazing reflexes! She took out Harley Quinn. I think her name was Rionna." I shuddered at the sound of my middle name.

"What kind of person names their child, daughter, Rionna?"

"I think it was her middle name, I heard them talking afterwards. Hawk, Rionna and another girl. She was insisting on being called Rio."

I looked at him "So this GIRL, singlehandedly took out Harley Quinn, and none of you helped?"

"Superboy helped, somewhat... he just dragged Harley and Joker to the door, to Commissioner Gordon. Anyhow, get the message from Bats? He wanted us at the Cave."

"BatCave or Mount Justice Cave?"

"THE CAVE, Rob. I know you have a ZetaTube in the BatCave." he smirked.

I gave in finally. "Let's go."

-Mount Justice, The Cave-

Kid Flash and I were the last to get to the mission briefing. I ran in behind Aqualad, KF stood in between Miss M and Artemis.

"What took you two so long?" Artemis looked at me.

"Guess." I pointed at Kid Flash

"Can I please continue?" Batman silenced us. Then showing the security footage from the concert again, "Can none of you tell me why you weren't paying closer attention when the Joker came on stage? Only this girl here, and Superboy detected sound, and only that girl and Superboy reacted when Joker moved. Tell me why."

"They're not that observant?" I looked at Batman, who narrowed his eyes. "What? As soon as you see a figure in the shadows, followed by shoe-stepping sounds out of beat to music, is when you have to really pay attention!"

"Continuing." Batman played the rest of the footage. "How come none of you helped that girl when she attacked Harley Quinn, removing her from Mr. Oldyy?"

"She seemed to have it under control. Can we get her on the Team?" Kid Flash looked at Batman.

"Wrong. If there is a civilian in danger, you help them." Batman narrowed his eyes at Kid Flash. "I'm going to leave you with Black Canary now for your training session." he left out the ZetaTubes, I don't think he knew that girl was me.

"Robin, Kid Flash. You're up." Black Canary looked at us. The floor lit up bright blue.

I watched Kid run around me, I flipped when he ran at me, avoiding a strike. I watched him zoom by, a flash of yellow and red - I tripped him then, holding him down. Kid Flash - FAIL, lit up next to him. He got up, putting up his fists, I blocked his shots. I saw him turn to kick, trying to land the kick on my stomach to knock me over. That's not where it hit, if I was actually a guy, I would've fallen then. I leapt forwards, knocking him to the ground. Kid Flash - FAIL.

"Dude! I'm sorry about that! How come you're not affected?!" Kid Flash stopped talking when I 'held my manly nuts in pain' and slumped over. "Are you alright Robin?"

"Yeah, absolutely fine." I got up, acting a limp.

"You two hit the showers. M'gann, Artemis. You're next."


I stood at the doorway of the showers. "I didn't break a sweat, I don't need to shower."

"Not even when I kicked you in the nuts?! Dude! How can you not feel that?"

"Practice." I threw him a towel "So, um... what do you think of Rio?"

"She's really cute, I can't believe with reflexes like that she isn't on the team!" he stretched the towel around his shoulders."Too bad Bats won't allow it."

I gave him a friendly hug. "C'mon, you'll see her again. I think she goes to Gotham Academy with Artemis."

"You sure?"

"C'mon, I wouldn't lead you on, would I?"

Silence from Kid Mouth. Woah, what did I... oh right... THAT...

"I'm not leading you on! Seriously." I started for the door."I'm heading back to the BatCave. See you later."

-Gotham Academy, Next Day-

Leaving my chest bound all day yesterday was a bad idea, being B-cup didn't help either. It hurt more than being whacked in the lady nuts. I had tape residue and rash all over, I'm glad my academy uniform covered it.

"You look tired, did you stay up later than when we dropped you off?" Babs was beside me, stuffing her locker. She looked around "Hey isn't that the guy from last night annoying Artemis?"

"I SAID, BUZZ OFF!" Artemis pushed Wally away, who turned and spotted me.

"Rio! I was looking for you!" he smiled, just as the dismissal bell rang. "It's after school now, so I was wondering if you'd like to hang out!"

"Wally." I acknowledged the fact he took my word as not leading him on. "I'd be absolutely fine to hang out."

He picked me up. ZOOM. Where were we now... oh, Central City... Lovely. He put me back on my feet, smiling.

"Oh look, speedster child has a girlfriend." someone picked me up. I squeaked, flipping backwards, landing a kick on the captor's face. I leapt over to Wally, getting a good look at this one.

"Ivo... and another Robot?!" Wally looked at him, holding me back protectively.

The robot swung him out of the way, grabbing my wig-erm-hair. I heard the makeup glue start to go. Great... this was going to be fun... Riiiiiip. The robot tore my wig off, I knew I had messy Robin-like hair underneath. I kicked the wig out of it's hands, landing it on Ivo's face, blocking his vision.

Wally was just getting up, then spotting the wig on Ivo. "How... what?" he looked at me "Rio? Your hair is on Ivo!"

"Noted already! Can you whirlwind these two?" I pulled out my customized bird-a-rangs. I made them into hearts for when I was in trouble and did not want to be pinned as Robin.

"Got it!" Wally ran around Ivo and the robot, creating a dizzy-wind. I threw my bird-a-rangs at the robot, knocking it out. Ivo suffered from a bit of O2 loss.

I ran over to the robot, dismantling it.

"So, um, Rio..." Wally sat down next to me. "Why the wig?"

"I don't want anyone to mistake me for a boy." I hate lying, only when necessary I guess. Batman told me not to reveal my secret identity to anyone, but that was Robin. I leaned against him "It's been short since a cooking-class incident where it caught fire."

"Oh." I heard him "I'm glad you're alright though!" he hugged me, not in the friendly way I was used to, more as a welcoming hug. I hugged back, he then picked me up. "Want to go for pizza?"

"You're Kid Flash, aren't you?" I knew already, I just wanted to see what he did under that proposition.

"Um, no, I'm just really fast." ZOOM. In front of the pizza place now. "See, just really fast!"

"Uh huh." I pulled another wig from my backpack (always travel with a spare!) and put it on. We entered the pizza place, it was then I noticed Kaldur, Megan and Conner at a table. I didn't see Artemis, she was probably still at home or on the way home.

"Hey guys! Guess who I brought!" Wally smiled as he dragged me to the table. I looked at my 'teammates' awkwardly as Wally introduced my "This is Rio, from the concert last night?"

"Nice to meet you, is your name really Rio?" Megan looked at me

"Rionna. I prefer to be called Rio, or Ri." AWKWARD! Where was someone to get me out of here?!

Megan looked at me, did she hear that? 'Was she listening to my thoughts now?' I saw her nod. 'Rhetorical question'. She raised an eyebrow. 'Would you please not listen to my thoughts?' I saw her sit back a bit. 'Thank you'

"Ri, we saw your amazing reflexes in taking down Harley Quinn at Hawk Town's concert. I asked Wally to bring you here so we could talk to you." Kaldur spoke calmly. I always respected him for that.

We heard the door open "Hey guys, I'm here..." Artemis walked in, her uniform matched mine. Obviously she used the closest ZetaTube by GA to Central City. "Ri? What's she doing here?"

"I brought her here." Wally looked at her.

I sat quietly beside Megan and Wally. awkward. 'Yes, Megan, I know you're still listening.'

"I'm not listening." Megan insisted to me, out loud. "Whoops"

"Aha! Caught you!" I pointed at her, jumping up "Quit reading my mind!" the very long silence that followed was aggravating. I cut the silence "I'm no Nancy-Drew, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark. Wally, your inhuman speeds that you used to get us here do not mean 'you are just really fast', you must be Kid Flash."

Wally kept his mouth shut, a few seconds later "Eh, heh heh..."

"Where's your Boy Wonder? Robin?" It was fun to see the look on their faces. I got up to leave. "If your question was to join you, I'm whelmed. I rather work alone. No hard feelings, right?" Did I say whelmed? Wally raised an eyebrow. I grabbed my bag and left.

-Wayne Mansion-

"Ah, Mistress Richard. Master Bruce and I were wondering where you had gone." Alfred greeted me at the door.

"They asked me to join them." I mumbled, Bruce looked at me.

"Suit up, meet me in the BatCave in 20." He left the room as I went upstairs to mine.

I walked into my room, pulling off my wig, quickly binding my chest, pulling on my Robin uniform. Mask and utility belt, ready to go. I unlocked my door, walking into... Kid Flash. "KF! How did you get up here?!" I closed my room door quickly.

"By getting lost first, are we going to the BatCave or what?" he grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall "Let's go!"

"KF." he stopped, I looked at him. "It's this way." he then picked me up, I realized that I shouldn't of rushed so much with binding my chest. There was a small 'rip' sound, then... pop.