Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight series only the characters and details made up in my own mind.

Chapter 1: Oh, You Turn Me On

Jacob POV

I can't believe it. After everything he put her through, after he just left her like that, she went running back to him. I mean sure, she had to save his life. I get that. What I don't get, is how she can get back together with him after I was the one to pick up the pieces and make her whole again and if not completely whole she was at the very least happy. And then she turns around and chooses him.

"Come on Jacob, stop thinking about her. Tonight is about having a good time and celebrating one of Sam's last nights of bachelorhood," Paul says to me in an abnormally good mood. "Let's just wrap this up and head back I want you out of my head," I growl back at him. "Now that's the best thought you've had all night. I'm sick and tired of hearing about that stupid leech lover."

I snarl as I run through the trees and back towards Sam and Emily's place, which is essentially the pack house. If Paul had been next to me and not on the other side of the border, I would have attempted to rip his throat out for talking about Bella like that. "You wish you could take me," Paul teases. I ignore him and my thoughts go back to Bella. In my mind's eye I can see Paul in his wolf form shake his head and sigh in disappointment.

Damn this whole pack mind thing sucks. I can't even mope in peace. "But where would you be without us?" I don't answer and finally reach the pack house. I feel Seth and Leah phase-in and phase out of my wolf form before they can so much as greet me. As much as Paul and I don't get along, I know he's right. I would probably be moping alone in my room if it wasn't for the pack. One of them let it slip earlier that tonight isn't just about celebrating Sam's last month as a bachelor, but it is also an attempt to cheer me up and give me just one night where I won't think about Bella and her stupid leech. Fat chance of that happening, even if I do get that lap dance Jared plans on getting for me.

Paul and I reach the door at the same time and shove each other through the doorway. We immediately head to the kitchen, where we can smell Emily's famous lasagna wafting through the air. "What's the special occasion?" I ask as I sit myself down at the kitchen table and join the majority of the pack. Leah volunteered for tonight's patrol shift because, "there is no way [she] would be caught dead going to a strip club," and Seth was assigned to tonight's patrol and sulking; because even though he looks like an adult, there is no way we are letting a 15-year-old come with us. Sue definitely agrees.

I tried protesting as well, I'm only 17 after all, but Paul said that's old enough and where we're going doesn't card. Emily places the lasagna on the table and smacks Quil's hand before it reaches the food. She finally answers my question. "Just want to make sure Sam remembers what he has waiting at home while he is surrounded by strippers. I already gave him a demonstration earlier," she winks at me. The rest of the pack and I shudder at the mental image. Sam just sits there with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Emily has no problem with Sam going to a strip club. Neither does Kim for that matter. The imprints are confident in their wolves. After all, why wander when you have already found your soulmate. Personally, I think tonight is more about me than anything else. The pack has not bothered to hide their annoyance with my constant depressive thoughts about Bella.

After wolfing down as much food as we can, Paul and I head out to go back to our mutual places to get ready. Can't really go into Forks in just cutoffs, can we?

I reach my house and walk right past my dad with a quick wave, heading straight for the bathroom in my room. I get into the shower and turn the water as hot as it can go and just stand there, letting the water beat down on me and letting my thoughts get caught up in Bella all over again. I wonder what Bella and that stupid leech are doing right now. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and turn off the shower. I shake like a wet dog to get rid of the excess water and bump my elbow against the wall.

Cursing at the hole I made and wishing that my bathtub and shower grew when I did, since it's a tight fit, I wrap a white towel around my waist and walk into my room. My room hasn't changed much since I first phased. The walls are still a dark navy blue, my mom's favorite color, and posters of various cars with girls in provocative positions are taped to the walls. The furniture is all black and the one change is the new custom full-sized bed that my dad ordered for me when I first phased. Even though my bed takes up most of the room, I still take up most of the bed.

I pull on some black dress pants and a nice hunter green fitted dress shirt. I slip my feet into my brand-new black dress shoes (a gift from my older sister Rebecca) which I have not had a chance to wear yet. I use my towel to dry my hair and then run my fingers through it. Turning to look in the mirror, I look myself over. Eh. Good enough.

Ducking under the doorway, I walk out into the living room to talk to my dad a bit before heading out. He wolf whistles as soon as he sees me. "Looking good there Jakey. Are you excited?" I give him an incredulous look. "I don't even want to go dad. I can't believe you're even letting me go." I knew for sure my moping was getting bad when the pack managed to convince my dad that it was a good idea to let me go to a strip club. Embry's mom doesn't know he's going, hell she doesn't even know he's a shape shifter, and Quil is going because my dad convinced Old Quil to let him go since he is one of my best friends.

"Just go Jake. You should be excited. I didn't get to go to my first strip club until I was 19. Live life, relax. You and the rest of the pack are always patrolling, have a little fun. You guys need it." On that note, I give my dad a quick hug and head outside where I hear the car pulling into the driveway. I get into Embry's little black Toyota Camry that his mom handed down to him before getting herself a silver Lamborghini (how fair is that?), returning his nod of greeting and quiet "sup?".

"Hey Jake, my man, you ready to go watch some sexy ladies wave their asses in our faces?" Quil asks, slapping his hands on my shoulders from the back seat. Since Quil doesn't have a car, he always gets stuck sitting in the back. He doesn't mind because he never has to be designated driver either. No one in their right mind would let Quil drive their car. I grunt in reply and cross my arms over my chest. Quil recovers quickly and launches into an excited conversation with Embry.

An hour later, we pull into the strip joint at the very edge of Port Angeles. The rest of the pack got here before us. We get out of the car and watch as they straighten themselves from where they were leaning against their cars and walk towards us. We greet each other as if we hadn't just seen each other two hours ago and head for the entrance. The outside of the building is black, with pink neon lights spelling the name "The Lucky Pussy" (seriously?) along with the image of an outline of a busty woman with a cat rubbing against her in the same neon pink lighting. The beefy bouncer at the door doesn't bother to ask us for our IDs and we walk straight in.

The inside of the club is dark, dim lights fill the interior just enough so people can watch were they are walking. Little mini stages with strip poles are scattered throughout the room, the floor on those stages lit up enough so that all you can see are the provocative dancers as they twirl around their pole. In the very back of the room sits what is obviously the main stage. It is rectangular, with a small catwalk stretching out into the audience. The base of the music thrums through me gently, the volume not that loud for which my sensitive ears are thankful for.

A blonde haired and blue eyed waitress, wearing a skimpy, black tube dress thingy hugging her petite form, 5 inch white heels (which still doesn't even bring her up to our shoulders) and white cat ears which poke out of the head-band on her head, walks up to us. "Hi, are you the Quileute group?" she asks in a rather high pitch voice that immediately gets on my nerves. Paul grins at her, "what gave us away?" The waitress laughs and motions for us to follow her. "My name is Bethany and I will be your server this evening. You boys are sure in for a treat tonight. You made it just before the start of the show." Bethany leads us to a large rectangular table right next to the end of the catwalk. The table is the length of the catwalk but only about 6 inches wide, enough to hold drinks but not much else. The guys shove me towards the middle and I sit between Paul and Quil. Embry sits at the end on the other side of Quil and Sam sits next to Paul and Jared next to him.

Suddenly, the music fades out and the lights on all the other stages go out while the main stage brightens. A deep male voice rings around the club. "All right gents, put your hands together for the sexy, smoldering and above all else beautiful Snow White." The song S&M by Rihanna starts to play and a figure rises out of the ground in the middle of the back part of the stage. The stripper is standing with a hand on her hip which is cocked to the side and her other hand holds a whip. Her body is shaped like an hourglass and she has a generous bust (DD maybe?) and more than your hands can grab ass (if I can see the curve of her backside from where I'm sitting, it definitely qualifies as a big ass). Her skin is fairly pale with thick, voluminous wavy black locks framing her face and flowing down to her waist. Her head is tilted down, her mouth painted a bright red and her eyes covered in thick black eyeliner.

She is wearing tight black booty shorts with zippers on each side of her hips and a black leather jacket over a blood red and black lace corset top. A black collar with studded rhinestones circles her neck. Black leather thigh high boots with a 4 inch heel encase her long, shapely legs. With the boots she looks to be about 6'3", so she is obviously tall without them. After looking her over, the next thing to hit me is her scent. I feel drawn to the scent of spicy cinnamon that seems to be coming from her. My eyes are glued to her as she looks up and begins to move with the first line of the song. My cock immediately hardens.

Her hips move enticingly and every once in a while she cracks the whip with certain down beats in the song. The song reaches the first chorus and she removes her jacket, exposing more skin. All the men in the club go wild. I still haven't gotten a good look at her eyes, I can't tell the color from where I'm sitting as she is facing slightly away from me and towards the other side of the catwalk. She faces our side slightly on the second chorus and rips open her corset top and lets it fall to the floor, leaving her in a red, lacy, see-through strapless bra. Large, rosy brown nipples poke through. My mouth waters as I imagine wrapping my lips around them. Wait, what?

She winks at Jared, who winks back good-naturedly and I feel my stomach clench a bit. In the next chorus, she zips down both sides of her shorts and they flutter away, leaving her in a sheer red, see-through thong. I get a quick glimpse of a hairless crotch before she sinks down into a full split facing us, legs extended on either side and causing my dick to strain even more painfully against the zipper of my pants. She smiles that Paul seductively and he reaches over and adds a few $20 bills into the string of her thong. She continues to give him some attention before her eyes pass right over me and she crawls towards Quil.

The clenching in my stomach gets tighter and I'm confused at the reaction. Am I… Jealous? No way. I don't even know this girl, though she looks vaguely familiar. My eyes remain glued to her ass as she walks back to where she started, the straining in my jeans becoming even more unbearably uncomfortable. With the final beat of the song, she looks up right at me and my eyes connect with bright shining emeralds. My world falls away, gravity no longer existing and she is all that holds me to this world.

A/N: Ah, my first attempt at a Twilight fanfic. For those of you who like and wish to continue reading, this story will contain sexual content, suggestive themes and coarse languge. After all, my OC is a stripper. I will warn you in case you decide to skip it, though you will miss some information sometimes (which I will recap in an author's note at the bottom if you wish to skip to read that before continuing the chapter). She will be introduced in the next chapter and I really hope to hear from you, good criticism and bad, though I really wish you suppress yourself from leaving any flamers. Saying my story sucks is not constructive in any way if you don't give me legit reasons for why it does.

There will be some Bella bashing, though I am going to try my best to keep her as close to her character as possible for as long as possible. I don't know yet if I'm going to make her majorly OOC once she turns. Or I might scratch the idea completely and make her a total and aware needy bitch. We'll see.

This will not be one of those stories where Jacob fights the imprint with everything he has for Bella, so if you are looking for that, this is not the story for you. My characters and the characters from Twilight will be dealing with enough and I think Jake has been through a lot and deserves so much more, including having someone by his side.