A/N: Ehehehe… sorry for the late update? Typed this up and posted immediately, so please don't kill me for the grammar mistakes!

BTW, reread Bleach, and I just love Karin.

Yuzu: Brother, move aside! *carries boxes of stuff*

Ichigo: Yuzu? What are you –

Karin: MOVE IT, MOVE IT! *Races past with a patient's stretcher in tow*

Me: … aren't you supposed to be more careful with patients…?


'Man, these lessons are boring,' Karin grumbled in her mind. Her arms were folded on her desk and she laid her head on them, staring out the window at the clouds.


'I thought that Toshiro could help me study, but who knew that he would start going through the entire textbook? But I have to admit, he is a good teacher…'


"What?" Karin turned her head around to glare at Yuzu.

The more feminine twin set her hands on her hips, pouting down at Karin. "I've been calling for a long time already!"

"You have? Oh, sorry then. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to eat lunch with me and my friends on the roof," Yuzu explained, leaning in the peer closer at her sister. "Are you not feeling well? You usually don't space out like that."

Karin gently shoved her sister's face away and stood up, rifling through her bag for her lunch. "Yeah, I'm fine, nothing to worry about. Come on then, aren't you going to eat on the roof?"

Yuzu stared at her twin curiously for a few seconds before sighing. "Yeah, Midori and Yuki-chan are waiting for us."


Once again, Karin found herself staring at the clouds instead of eating her lunch.

'What did Toshiro say about clouds again? Oh yeah, a cloud is a visible mass of liquiddroplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body… Argh, all that genius talk is getting to my head!'


"Ah?" Karin found herself face-to-face with Yuzu.

"Are you sure that you're feeling okay?" Yuzu asked as she felt her twin's forehead with one hand, chopsticks held in the other. Karin brushed her hand away from her forehead.

"I told you, I'm fine, Yuzu."

Yuki laughed creepily over her pineapple dessert, "Ufufufu, I bet that she's thinking about her boyfriend. Love-sick, Karin-chan?" (Anybody catch my joke? You should know if you read Katekyo Hitman Reborn)

"Psh, a boyfriend? No way in hell," Karin dismissed Yuki's comment casually, sipping from her cup of Sprite.

Midori sighed sadly, looking up from her sushi, "You'll never get one either if you continue wearing those boyish clothes of yours."

"Who said that I wanted one?" Karin retorted.

"I'm worried, Karin-chan. Will you ever get a boyfriend? I'll never get a cute niece or nephew at this rate," Yuzu mumbled, looking considerably sad.

Karin waved a hand at Yuzu, "No need to fret about that, Ichi and Rukia will take care of that for you."

"But brother said that they're just good friends –"

"Now that I think about it though, do you have a type, Karin-san?"

"Type?" Karin questioned, looking over at Midori.

Yuki nodded at a break-neck speed (catch my lame pun?), catching her friend's 'girly flame'. "Yup! Like, a kind of guy that you prefer or something."

"Hah? I don't have a type or whatever you call it –"

"But what about Toshiro-kun?" Yuzu cut in, giving Karin a disappointed look. "You two look so cute together!"

Cue Yuki's evil laugh. Over pineapple juice. "O-hoh, what's this I hear? Our little Karin-chan has a guy that she likes, eh? And yet, you still say that you don't have a type!"

"Describe this 'Toshiro-kun' to us!" Midori said excitedly, not cowering under Karin's fearsome glare as she usually did, as flamed up as she was now. Karin wholly blamed Yuki for influencing Yuzu's groups of friends with more 'girly flame' than they already did.

Said girl groaned and leaned back on one arm. She tipped her head back, staring at the clouds upside down. 'Ah well, it'll get them off my back… It's just a few questions, right?'

"Be more specific if you're going to ask a question. What do you want to know? What does he look like, what's he like, or what he does?" Karin grumbled, head still tipped backwards.

Yuki hummed thoughtfully, this time with a pineapple ice cream. "Let's see… EVERYTHING!"

Karin was just a little bit startled by the girl suddenly shouting at the top of her lungs, causing her to choke on her saliva in her position. Beating her chest to clear her airway, Karin sat up. "Everything, *cough*, as in everything I said, *cough*, or, *cough*, whatever questions you spout out?"


'Annoying,' Karin thought. 'Almost as annoying as Goat-chin. Almost.'

"Uh, well, he has white hair?" She offered hesitantly. And it's surprising fun to ruffle…

That earned her blank stares from both Midori and Yuki. The latter asked bluntly, "And just how old is this Toshiro?"

Karin shrugged and answered honestly, "Dunno."

Yuzu cut in, attempting to rescue Karin. Well, it kind of worked. "He's friends with our brother though, so they're around the same age right, Karin?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess."

"Hmm… so you like older guys…" Yuki wrote something down in a notepad with a pineapple design. "Okay, I've got it. You can continue."

"Who gave you the right to order me around, huh?" Karin's eyebrow twitched, visibly annoyed. Yuzu noticed immediately and gave her the 'look'. The 'look', also known as the 'no dinner for you tonight if you don't behave' look. And of course, Karin was a healthy girl, so she loved her food. And sleep. And soccer.

"Ugh, fine. He has blue eyes."

"Likes strange hair and eye colors…"

Karin chose to ignore Yuki, who was dutifully scribbling down notes for 'Karin's type'. It was Midori who asked the next question. "What else about his looks?"

"What else? Uh… I think that that's about it… a little help here, Yuzu?"

But the normally sweet little girl chose this moment to grow a backbone. "He's your boyfriend, so you answer!"

Karin immediately spat out her Sprite. "WHEN DID I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM BEING MY BOYFRIEND?!"

"There's just this chemistry between you two!"

"Chemistry? What fucking chemistry –"


"I don't give a fuck! Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter! How the hell can we have that between us –," Karin's head immediately dropped, depression lines popping up. "Oh, hell no, I'm turning into a nerd…"

"Ah, Toshiro-kun's also a genius!" Yuzu said cheerfully, writing it down for Yuki.

"Huh, so you like smart people too… or maybe just people out of your league."

"What was that?" Karin stood up and raised a fist at Yuki threateningly, a vein popping out from her forehead. It was only the 'look' that made her drop the clenched fist and sit back down. "Are we done yet?"

Midori pouted at her, arms crossed. "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Oh, screw this. He's a midget, okay? Happy now?"

"Who's a midget, Kurosaki?"

Karin jumped when Hitsugaya suddenly appeared behind her, obviously ticked off by her comment about his height. "Toshiro!"

"I take a vacation to visit you because you nagged me about a soccer game, and the first thing I hear is you calling me a midget?!"

"Hey, it's true! You barely even reach Ichi's chest!"

"That's irrelevant! Haven't you heard of respect for elders?"

"Respect for elders? Who do you think my brother is?"

"… Good point."

Karin and Hitsugaya only turned around when Yuzu tapped them on the shoulder. She gave them her ultra-sweet smile. "Nice to see you again, Toshiro-kun! Why don't you introduce yourself? We were talking about you earlier."

The raven-haired girl suddenly realized that Yuzu could see Hitsugaya, and that reminded her about anything to be angry about.

"Fuck my life! You just have to be wearing a gigai now of all times!"

"What's wrong with you today? You're the one who's always complaining about me 'sneaking up' on you without it, and the one time I actually wear it, you blow up on me?!"

"Of course it'll make me look crazy if I'm talking to thin air! But there's company here with me, in case you haven't noticed!"

"You're usually by yourself, so how should I know that you decided to stop being a lone-wolf today out of all days?!"

"Who're you to tell me that? You're even more of a lone-wolf than I am! You're the one who's always slaving away in that hellhole of yours that you call an office!"

"It's my job! I don't have time to play all day like you!"

"Why you little – Let's settle this over a soccer game! I win, you have to let me go over to visit you in Soul Society!"

"What? I'm no allowed to do that –"

"See? You're obsessed with your job!"

"Fine then! I win, and you apologize for ever calling me a midget!"

"You're on!"

The two left Yuzu, Midori, and Yuki standing alone on the rooftop, both too angry to remember that they had an audience.

"Don't worry, they're always like this," Yuzu said to Midori cheerfully, hands clapped together. "See what I mean by chemistry?"

Midori sweat-dropped. "Uh, yeah, definitely.

Yuki looked down at her notepad and wrote: 'Karin shall stay single for the rest of her life… unless that Toshiro gets a move on. Very unlikely.'