A/N What's going on friends? Hope you like this story, from both of our perspectives. Do not forget to always read the Heroes side of the story as well as the Villains. It would be pure awesome to get loads of reviews. Reviews are what make this fun. I'd like to know that y'all are enjoying this story as I am.

The man cracks his knuckles as he stretches. He holds his hands together so they form an O. He smiles as he feels the pressure forming in the O. Lightning begins to arc around his fingers and direct towards the middle of the O. The lightning begins to snap and pop as it becomes more and more powerful. The man watches Anuben and notices him smiling and staring at his hands. The man looks and sees a corkscrew lying beside the wine bottle, he directs the lightning towards it and causes it to arc around the corkscrew. The corkscrew then begins to float off of the coffee table and float towards him. "You see electricity and magnetism are closely related, for me to control one is to control the other. All of your security systems are using electricity I simply sent a pulse along the line and it overloaded. It is helpful when trying to get in somewhere undetected."

"And what of my two guards that stand outside these doors." Anuben asks as he watches the man's hands, he had seen electro-kinetics before but none to this extreme. This was great power, and this man seemed slightly unstable. Good, unstable was something Anuben liked to be around. It was something that he was himself. Instability was often created by tragedy or immense intelligence, or both. This man seemed intelligent.

"You have seen a stun gun right? Exactly like that but better. I dragged them into the closet." The man says as he gestures to the closet. Anuben raised his hand and the door opened causing the goons to fall out. "They will wake back up in about five minutes, don't worry."

"It doesn't matter they will be fired when they wake up anyway. A breach in security is a rather serious matter. So do you have a name?" Anuben asks the man as he stands to shake his hand. The electricity in the man's hand slowly receded as Anuben took his hand. The man looked very surprised at the loss of his power. "What do you think you are the only one with abilities?" Anuben asks smiling.

"No, of course not. My name is Juki, and I didn't catch your name." Juki says as he stares into Anuben's steel grey eyes.

"My name is Anuben, I am the leader of the Lost Legion and we will make the humans pay for discriminating against us meta-humans. The current plan is to cause as much chaos as possible to make them fear the very name of this team. Try to get our name out there. You could say we are simply advertising. Our name will be broadcasted everywhere." Anuben answers as he looks out the window. "It seems the rest of the Lost are now here." The three walk into the building laughing and cutting up. The adrenaline that was coursing through them was evident.

The trio walks through the doors, recalling what they had previously done. It was such a pleasant feeling to release so much power. It felt like a weight was lifted, there was always a hunger to use their power. It wasn't something that was meant to be pent up, and when they took over they would allow all meta-humans to use their power and they would imprison the humans. That's what it is like to be unable to use your powers when you wanted or needed them. They all get in the elevator and hit a button that read 100th floor. Anuben owned this whole building. The bottom half was a bank the rest was living quarters for each of them. As the elevator climbs the trio peers from the glass elevator surrounding them. The bank was empty, it usually was. The people that entrusted their money there were much too important to show up to the bank. The simply wired all their money. It was ironic the 'Elite' humans that made meta-humans illegal were the very same that stored their money in Anuben's bank. As they reach the 100th floor they step out to find a man sitting across from Anuben. It took the three all of one second to pull their weapons or get into their battle stances. Stryker pulled her .45 from her holster and expertly aimed it at his face. Outlaw swung a bo staff around and leveled it against the man's cheek. The Snow Queen formed a ball of swirling ice; the temperature began to drop steadily.

"Anuben what is going on?" Outlaw asks as he presses the bo staff deeper into Juki's cheek. Outlaw didn't like the looks of this guy, he didn't trust him. This was a man with no remorse. He would kill you just as soon as look at you. The man was tall, taller than him probably standing at 6'2. The man's hair was shaggy and unkept. Most of it hung low below his eyes. The one eye that was visible was an odd shade of purple; very dark. Too purple. There was a lack of care in his eyes, and they shone too bright. No, this man was not to be trusted.

"He is a friend Outlaw, and possibly a new teammate. Now I ask that you stand down." Anuben says as he stares at Outlaw. Each of the three stood back and slowly put their weapons away. "How do we know we can trust him?" Stryker asks as she holsters her weapon and stares the man down.

"He is a meta-human, he had an opportunity to kill me and he didn't besides he couldn't dare take me down alone. He is sympathetic toward our cause." Anuben says as he looked at the team proudly. He was glad they were suspicious that meant they were alert and they were smart.

"What can he do?" The Snow Queen asks as she winks at him flirtatiously. It was easier to get people off guard if they thought you liked them. This was just another power in her possession although it had nothing to do with meta-humans. It was more of a woman thing.

"Show them Juki." Anuben says with a smile. Maybe they would be as pleased as he was.

"Okay. I'll show you something I have been working on. I haven't shown Anuben yet." Juki says as he motions for them to stand back. Juki focuses on his surroundings, letting his environment envelope him and feel every metal object in the whole room. Juki spread his hands and the lightning returned to his palms. The lightning arced from his hands to the floor and then upwards into the ceiling. Slowly all of the metal instruments in the room floated off of the shelves, tables and desks and encircled him in from about a foot away from him. Spoons, knives, forks, glasses, rings, coins, and even Stryker's gun was floating around him. Juki slowly made them circle him. He was losing some of his energy but if he impressed them enough they would trust him and he would finally be accepted. All the metal began to gravitate to his palms were they liquefied and he reformed them into rings with very intricate designs in them. He floated on to the Snow Queen, one to Outlaw, one to Stryker, and one to Anuben who immediately slipped it on his hand. They all had their names inscribed on the inside of their rings.

"Wow. That is very awesome." Stryker says as she slips her ring on and marvels at the shininess. It really was an intricate piece of art.

"Yeah this is pretty cool." Outlaw says as he puts his ring in his pocket. The ring was nice but he still didn't wanna trust the guy much less like him. Snow Queen handed the ring to Juki so he could put it on her left hand ring finger. He complied reluctantly but still as a gentlemen.

"So I guess that makes you apart of the team. Congratulations." Anuben says as he claps his hand on Juki's back.

Finally he was a part of something.

A/N So what are yall thinking? Reviews are awesome and mean a lot to me. If you like it review. If you hate it tell me why. If you have any ideas I encourage you to tell me! Sorry for the late post but my wifi had problems but better late than never. Read & Review please