Happy New Years. So even though this si pretty depressing I have to shout it out loud. I am in love!

And I found about it on New Year´s Eve so I am feeling pretty happy and excited.

Sorry, back to the story. This is a Bunnymund/Jack story so if you don´t like, do´t read.

Warnings: Grammar and Spelling mistakes. Sorry...

Please review and tell me what you think about it. Loves to all!

"For once in your life listen to me!" screamed Bunnymund at the winter´s spirit that was trying his best to keep his icy tears from falling. "I don´t want this!"

"Why not?" screamed back the younger spirit. "What don´t you want?"

"I don´t want to live fighting with you Jack!

"But that is what we do. That is our thing. You tell me when I am being an arrogant brat and I tell you when you act like a pain in the ass; which you do almost 70% of the time."

Bunny sighed tired and looked away. Jack took some steps closer to him.

"And I am okay with that because I want you." This time Jack´s voice was softer and smoother. "I want to be with you."

Bunnymund pushed Jack away the moment he felt his hand caressing his furry hand. "You don´t know what you want."

"And you do?" Jack asked back harshly.

"I want things to be okay between us and this is the easiest way; by leaving "this" out of page."

"So you are just taking the easy way out?!"

"There is no easy way." this time Bunnymund couldn´t barely say anything with the tight that was feeling in his throat. "No matter what I do everybody ends up hurt."

Jack stared at the Bunny confused. The Pooka had his ears low and his eyes were staring at the ground. His paws were folded I fists as he tried to clear of his mind but all he could think was Tooth and her childish sweet voice talking over and over about her crush with the winter´s spirit. He couldn´t betray her, even if that meant he had to hurt himself to keep his word on helping her get Jack.

"Stop thinking about what everybody wants. Stop thinking about what it´ is right for me. What do you want?

"It is not that simple."

"What do you want?"

"I don´t know. All I know is that this is wrong."

"How it could possibly be wrong?"

"You don´t understand."

Jack jumped towards Bunnymund and then kissed him fully in the lips. Bunny wanted to push Jack away because he knew it was the right thing to do. He wanted to hop back and run away. He wanted to run away from these feelings that were corresponded but where forbidden. He wanted to run away from Jack, from his cocky smiled, from his enormous blue eyes and his natural way of making him feel butterflies in his stomach.

But instead of that he pulled Jack closer. He opened his mouth and sucked his bottom lip. He let Jack caress his long ears and furry face. He did the opposite he should have done and it felt good. Damn it felt so good and so right for God´s sake.

"Tell me what I don´t understand." hissed Jack between kisses and moans.


Bunny felt his knees weakening and seconds later the two guardians were on the floor still kissing. Bunny was now out of breath but he couldn´t care less. He smelled the scent of the grass and a memory hit him. Tooth´s castle´s backyards! Tooth!

He pushed Jack softly but Jack didn´t let him.

"Please, don´t let me go." the way he had said it was too hurt and so needy it hurt´s Bunnymund heart.

"I don´t want to."

Jack took Bunny´s face between his hands and made him look at him. Jack´s cheeks were wet with tears and his cheeks were blushed.

"Then why you keep pushing me away?"

Bunny cleaned a tear away from Jack´s cheek and kissed his lips softly.

"Because you are not for me." whispered at Jack´s ear before standing up.

Jack stood immobile on the floor as he tried to assemble those words. Bunny walked some steps away and then hit the floor twice creating a tunnel.

"That is a lie." Bunny turned around and peeked over Jack was still sitting down with his head low. "I know we are meant for each other. I have known since the Easter I ruined years ago."

I know that too. Bunny thought as he felt a tear escaping from his green eyes and running down his cheek.

"I am sorry mate." he wanted to sound so confident, so strong. "But no means no"

After he said that he jumped into the tunnel and ran away as fast as he could. Inside the tunnel he let all the teats fall from his eyes. He hated Tooth! He hated her for loving the man he loved. He hated her for making him promise to help him get Jack which obviously meant losing him.

Jack covered his face with his hands and sobbed softly as he felt the snow falling from the sky. Maybe it was meant to be cold but it felt warm on his skin. He felt so stupid and hurt. He had opened up to Bunnymund and he had rejected him. He had pushed him away even after kissing.

"Please." he whispered as he hugged himself and let the snow cover his shoulders and hair. "I just wanted you to love me back."

Was that wrong? Then why it felt so right?

Thanks for reading :3