I actually have a lot of short little stories for HTTYD, but they mostly get published on my Tumblr account. So publishing them here is a good way to keep cleaner track of them.

Some are very short, some a very long, some continue in more than one part. Some are about Hiccup and Toothless (not romantically though…I'm not into that), others Hiccup and Astrid (I am into that romantically), and some are about the other teenagers. A lot of these will be based on head canons, some AU's, and perhaps a preview of ideas I'm working on.

This story in particular is taken from episode 108 of "Riders of Berk" when Hiccup fell in the cave and Toothless went off after him.

It's just a dumping place, really. But still, feel free to enjoy my weeds from Tumblr!

Hiccup and Toothless — "Falling for You"

Hiccup heard Astrid scream his name as the ground beneath him broke apart. Scrambling for solid foundation he stumbled too slowly and all he was wrapped in was familiarity. Yet not the kind he would've liked.

Hiccup never really knew what happened the day he fought the Green Death after he was knocked out. He remembered heat, he remembered thinking he was going to die….and he remembered falling.

Hiccup had never been too fond of falling at that point. The first time he'd fell off Toothless he'd nearly spilt his lunch once he stepped foot on solid ground. But falling after he'd fought the Green Death was different. The heat he felt was death warmed over, and it was encompassing him slowly until all of sudden, he felt safe again.

He later found out that it was Toothless who had saved him, wrapped him in his wings and held on tight to assure he wouldn't burn. And that he fell from hundreds of feet in the air and somehow survived with only a missing limb and not a lost soul.

The familiarity of falling in the caves of the treasure hunt struck a frantic beat in his heart. His stomach began to churn through the ripping winds as he saw Astrid's panic stricken face while he fell further down. She began to leave his vision, and more rocks filled them.

Hiccup stopped screaming, his reflexes adjusting to a familiar fated feeling. Falling was something he and Toothless did all the time at that point. But he had known the dragon was going to catch him, it was the only thing letting him enjoy the sensation. The wind through his hair and ripping passed his eyes, the gentle light as air feeling he felt as he tumbled down.

And then he heard a roar. His eyes opened and the darkness around him made it hard to see…but he knew those piercing eyes anywhere.

He should've known.

He reached out desperately for Toothless, his eyes pathetic and he didn't even care. Toothless sped down towards him, spotting his friend and his claws gently took both of his sides, pulling Hiccup close to his body.

Hiccup welcomed the warmth and the savior, gripping close to Toothless while the dragon closed his wings around him yet again.


The impact of the fall rumbled Hiccup, he hadn't been conscious for it when they fought the Green Death, bit this time it left a sting through his spine that felt so shocking he thought his bones would break.

He was ripped away slightly from Toothless, the dragon's claws losing grip. But his wing was heavy as he paused Hiccup from rolling away, pinning him to the ground and keeping him there as the rocks bunched around them.

And then it got quiet….

Hiccup looked up, seeing nothing but black yet feeling warmth. He touched the roof of his encasement and felt a smooth wing atop him. Toothless's wing. And he smiled.

"Thanks bud…"

Since I have a lot archived already another will be up extremely soon!