Vegeta looked down as the Kamehameha's momentum slowed enough for him to roll away from the tremendous power stream. The pain from the Kamehameha wave fuelled his anger as the saiyan prince with battered clothes cursed his opponents. Screaming into the air furiously, his anger grew though his power refused to come back to him after the exertion from his powerful Galick Gun. "Why?! These fools should be kneeling before my power! Why is their power superior to mine?! I am the most powerful Saiyan in the universe, Prince of all Saiyans, they should be begging for mercy!" Vegeta yelled, almost scolding himself for feeling weak. "Wait." He told himself. "Kakarot's tail was missing, meaning he can't achieve the Oozaru transformation. I just need to wait until the moon is out. Raditz still has his tail though, I can't risk him matching me in the great ape form...I'll have to remove his tail before the moon comes out, it's the only way."

Vegeta began descending to get his opponents into view once again, after having concocted his plan, ready to use it and win the fight. 'Curse them, making me use this transformation. It's meant for wiping out planets, yet I must use it to squash these insects before me. No matter, so long as they're destroyed I can prove once and for all I am the strongest saiyan in the universe.'

Back on the ground, Gohan listened to the final instructions of his uncle and readied himself for the execution of the plan they had devised. It was risky, but worth a shot. He jumped over to a cave on the left of him and waited for the time to strike. Raditz looked back at his brother, who was now sat against a rock with his body still recovering from the painful technique he put himself under moments ago. "Stay safe brother, I won't lose you again. Look after him short one." Raditz told Krillin as he began to walk away, taking on the burden of the fight after watching his brother give it his all. He was ready to lay down his life to protect the planet, for the first time he could remember, he had a reason to fight.

"Raditz, I can still help. We've not stopped him yet, my fight's not over." Goku told his brother, his wheezing between words showing how weakened he was from the power struggle. Krillin helped him up slightly but didn't offer any help to get him up, knowing how injured his friend was and that he wouldn't give up on the fight if he could just stand back up.

Raditz let his head down for a moment and sighed. "I know you can. But you've got to learn that we're here to help as well. You can't take the world's problems onto your own shoulders every time. Let us carry some of the weight for you, it'll all be over soon enough brother." Raditz reassured his brother, hoping to put him at ease if only for a moment. He knew that this fight wouldn't be so easy, and he was risking a lot with the plan him and Gohan had devised.

"I'll be right behind you anyway, just give me five minutes." Goku told his brother, cheer still coming through in his tone.

Raditz flew upwards to reach the same level as his opponent, coming eye to eye with his old leader.

"You idiots will regret that last attack. You may have injured me but I am far from unable to fight, unlike Kakarot down there, holding onto his last breath. You know you will NEVER beat an elite like me!" Vegeta shouted at his enemy, his rage overtaking his thoughts.

"We'll have to see about that Vegeta. You look beaten and broken, whereas I feel like i'm beyond my full strength, certainly beyond yours. Who's really the elite here, prince?" Raditz taunted the small saiyan knowing that he was past his boiling point.

Vegeta shot towards Raditz at incredible speed, lunging for him, his full power put into a punch. Raditz caught his hand and felt instant regret. He felt how much power the saiyan prince still had left in him as the punch crunched his left hand, leaving it limp as Raditz bounced backwards from the force of the strike. He had no time to focus on the pain in his hand however, as the prince continued his onslaught and sparred with his enemy at a rate that left Gohan watching them come in and out of his vision, their speed making them move faster than his eyes could follow.

Raditz felt each hit connect, though he was still able to dodge or block some. With each attempt to return a strike, the saiyan prince instantly found a gap in his defense and pressed onto it. Raditz had no room for error in this fight. One wrong move and the plan would fall apart, it was all balancing on the few moves they had left to make.

He deflected Vegeta's fist to the left, blocked a kick from the right and went to return a punch straight to his enemies face, though Vegeta was expecting as much. He tilted his head forward and allowed the fist to connect with his head, though with the difference in power, Raditz felt a shock down his entire arm as Vegeta's strong headbutt far outweighed the power of his punch. He was sent falling backwards allowing Vegeta the one moment he needed. Concentrating his energy into a thin, sharp blade of energy coming from his hand he sliced the long haired saiyan's tail off clean in one swipe. Raditz felt pain beyond belief as his tail was cut from his body. Pain surged through his spine as he screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Fool, you fell right into my trap. Now neither you nor your weakling brother can do anything to stop me. It's time you realise the gap in our power. As soon as that moon rises, i'll transform into an unstoppable beast and there's nothing you lower-class clowns can do about it before I crush this tiny planet into a million pieces!" Vegeta announced, laughing at the fallen brothers, watching as the moon came out through the clouds perfectly on time.

Raditz looked up as the moon's light hit Vegeta. 'Why didn't I let the namekian destroy it?! This is too much of a risk, but it's too late to back out now!' Raditz thought to himself, on his back in the crater created by the impact of his fall.

"Yes, YES! I can feel the raw power coursing through my veins, burning inside me!" Vegeta laughed as his body began its transformation. Each time he let out a laugh his voice became deeper and more strained. His face began to shift, his teeth becoming fangs as the middle of his face elongated slightly to become a longer nose. His eyes turned white as his laugh began to sound like an agonising scream as his body transformed into the great ape. He began to grow in size, as did his armour due to its strangely incredible stretching capabilities. Fur began to grow as his face contorted even more. He was nearly twice his original size as his eyes began to turn completely red, completing the transformation but not the growth.

Raditz saw his time to strike, the weakest point during the Oozaru transformation where the raw strength of the creature is easily wounded. He jumped from the small crater with the energy he had been gathering the whole time channeled to a point in his fist. His ki created a thin layer of energy around his whole body, flaring both outwards and inwards randomly as Raditz struggled to control the amount of ki he had put into it. The thickest point of energy gathered around Raditz fist as he focused everything he had into the one last ditch effort to end the fight. He shot towards Vegeta faster than the saiyan prince could even attempt to counter in the current state of transformation he was in. Raditz fist connected with the prince as the energy exploded outwards, creating a gigantic ball of light, growing to the size of a mountain.

Gohan watched from the position he was still in as the light began to fade. The attack had devastating results, with the saiyan on the receiving end laid out on the floor, covered in blood, armour in shreds. There was no chance of him getting back up any time soon, if he was even still alive.

The powerful attack had partially backfired on its user as Raditz lay on the floor covered in blood, battered and broken. It wasn't all in vain however, as Gohan looked at Vegeta who's body still grew with each passing moment and noticed his left side was decimated by the attack. Enough ki managed to reach its intended target before the backfire, and Vegeta's worn out left side and broken left arm showed that Raditz's attack did enough damage for the plan to work. He sensed the almost halved power level of the saiyan prince and with affirmed confidence, Gohan knew it was time to execute the final part of his and his uncles plan. He looked up at the moon and felt his heartbeat quicken. He concentrated his mind on the one goal of defeating Vegeta and let the rage and power of the great ape take its hold. It was time to use the pent up rage and channel it into pure power like his Uncle had trained him to.

'I will defeat you. For Dad and Uncle Raditz.'

Authors notes: I always wanted a proper Oozaru battle, and it seems I finally have one of my own making. Truth be told I had no idea where that was going for a while there, Raditz and Gohan made that plan of their own accord, I just wrote it down. If you're liking how the story is evolving or if you reckon it could go a different direction let me know in a review! I'll be uploading the next chapter as soon as I can, so thanks for reading!

Review responses:

I've not responded to many people as i've been writing the chapters quicker than i've had a chance to read reviews, so here's my replies, if you want them.

Firstly, thanks to people who've read this story after over a year of me not updating properly, i'm happy to see you back, and i'm glad to be back! Hopefully i'll be able to continue this for a few months without interruption, my schedule next year is nearly half as busy as this year was.

Hektols (Review to chap 10): I originally planned to do the reverse, and make the motivation for going to namek as Piccolo wanting to find out more about his heritage, but I figured the Z fighters wouldn't have enough motivation to go with him, so it would really give me any gateway into the Freiza arc unless Piccolo did everything on his own, which is incredibly unlikely. It would've been interesting to see what would happen in a universe where they didn't go to Namek however, Frieza may very well have become immortal, but he'd probably have never met Goku...Strange really.

Hektols (Chap 11): If i'm entirely honest, I had intended that, but I couldn't fit it in due to Gohan's sudden brush with Nappa's power sending him into a bit of a panic/shock. It's helped keep his power in check however, which is where the next chapter will help make sense of why I had done that. :3

Ryu-Ran 2200 (Chap 10): I had originally intended for Raditz to be head to head with Vegeta, but after a few different draft I think the fight coming up makes use of everyone a little better, though that's up to you as to whether it's better or not, let me know! :)

Power levels:

Vegeta (After Kamehameha): 15,000

Vegeta (After Raditz energy punch): 10,500 (With a broken left arm)

Vegeta (Oozaru): 105,000

Gohan (w/o Weights): 8,000

Gohan (Channelling rage): 12,000

Gohan (Oozaru): 120,000

Goku (Weakened): 6,000

Raditz: 13,000

Raditz (After sparring with Vegeta): 11,000

Raditz (After Energy punch backfire): 2,000

Krillin: 1,000