A/N So here's the chapter I promised to write since I got my internet back again! My B-DAY is coming so excited! OK here comes the chapter! Read on my peoplezz.

Chapter 10 B')

As much as she could see through Natsumes had Mikan could feel and she the shadows of the color fading out as the room became clearer. Natsumes had slowly receded and I peering around the room.

Looking around the multicolored walls and the blue floors and chairs I stopped on a huge blank wall of all white. "Is that….?" I asked. Natsume nodded and sat at one of the chairs in front of the wall. Gesturing to me to join Natsume gave a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Waiting a moment I moved and sat next to him. Automatically the wall changed to a screen. Like a movie from the older years of the world. It started with me being in the same room I was in before except there was light this time.

Turning in the room the me on the screen glanced around the room and sat up. "How…?" she whispered then turned slowly. "Natsume? Where did you?" Confused she turned to the door. As if she wished it the door opened and in came a beautiful man dressed in white and black.

"Hello." He said and made a bow. "I am your escort for the trip." He announced starting to walk closer and closer crowding her to the wall. "My escort where? I don't want to go anywhere. I'm waiting for someone." I answered straightening my back and turning to walk away. The man's arms stopped me short.

"In a hurry I thought we could have a chat before we left." He said smiling and walking me to the center of the room. "Oh do you want to die that bad." He pouted as I answered, "leave I want to leave." Sighing he moved so only his arm was around my shoulders.

I turned to glance at Natsume who's hand had covered mine almost roughly. He seemed frustrated.

In a flash we were in a room with another man.

Natsumes hand squeezed tighter and he closed his eyes as if knowing what to come.

"Where are we?"

"Don't you know. You've been sold."

"Sold? I can't be sold I'm a free person." Mikan stepped back. And the man's arm fell off. "Not if the prince deems you gone then we have you."

"The prince who's that? I don't belong to whoever he is."

Natsume cringed at what I had said.

"The prince of course is Natsume, Demon king." The man at the door said. "You should at least remember the name of your future king." Mikan froze. 'It's rude to lie." She said even though she knew it was different.

"Natsume, that's a lie right?" I asked turning to him. "Mikan I -" I cut him off. "Shut up! I can't believe you would… you I thought you… I was wrong wasn't I? I can't I'm leaving!"

Mikan ran out the room through the big grand door.

A/N Ok there promise fulled REVIEWWWWWW PLZZ