Lara came home late that night, once again. When she finally arrived, Raguna's guilt came back ten fold. He hadn't been able to eat or even work up the energy to make dinner. After being caught, Danny left, both men worried that Melody would run straight to Lara and tell her everything. After Raguna had left, Raguna was left to sort out his thoughts. Did Danny even mean what he said? Did Raguna mean what he had been about to say back? What would become of his marriage with Lara? That was the one that really stumped him. Divorce seemed like the only option, but there was still the matter of everything else. What the town would think, what Lara would think, and if Lara even wanted to just give up on this marriage.

"Raguna," Lara greeted, looking slightly surprised that Raguna was still up.

"Lara, we need to talk," Raguna murmured, rubbing his sore eyes. He'd been staring at their kitchen table for what felt like, and had most likely been, hours.

"W-what is it?" Lara asked.

"I…I did something awful," Raguna stalled, his eyes never leaving the table. Lara was quiet, waiting for her husband to continue. Finally, the truth just bubbled up to the surface and he couldn't take it anymore. "Lara, I cheated on you. I-I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing…I thought it was a one time thing, you've gotta believe me, but it…it just kept happening. I couldn't help myself, I've never felt so…so…" Raguna struggled for the right words, which Lara sorrowfully replied.

"In love?"

Raguna blushed deeply, finally looking his wife in the eye. She wasn't crying, she wasn't screaming and yelling, she wasn't storming off or hitting him, just listening. "Yeah, in love," Raguna murmured, his face burning. The house was eerily silent for a few moments, the couple mulling over everything that's happened. "Raguna," Lara broke the silence, her voice quiet and serious, "do you ever think…that maybe we rushed this? That maybe we just…weren't in love?" Lara whispered the last part, her heart clenching in pain.

"I…yes, I think we were in way over our heads," Raguna admitted, feeling oddly calm.

"Raguna, since you're coming clean…I suppose I should to." Lara's eyes looked everywhere in the room, anywhere but into Raguna's blue eyes. "I…I cheated too," she sighed out, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, "I was just so upset…about us, you know? I felt like we were falling apart. I went to Selphy for help and one thing lead to another…we only cuddled and kissed, but it felt…"

"Right?" Raguna returned the favor, finishing his wife's sentence.

Lara nodded sadly, but was relieved to have cleared the air. "What do we do now?" Lara asked, finally meeting Raguna's gaze.

"I don't know. There's only two options. We can fix this or…" he trailed off, his gaze dropping for a brief moment.

"Raguna," Lara began, "I think we should…I think we should end this. I just…I just don't feel that spark with you anymore; I'm sorry," Lara whispered, "I just don't love you."

"Lara, I have to agree with you. We can't be together if we're both in love with other people."

Lara nodded, her pink hair moving slightly with her head. "I-if you don't mind my asking…wh-who is it?"

Raguna blushed a deep shade of red. He wasn't too ashamed of being with a guy after Lara admitted to being with a girl, but he couldn't help but feel that if he admitted it, his already barely existing manliness would dwindle away into nothing. But, he also knew it just wouldn't be fair for her to be kept in the dark. "It was with Danny," Raguna murmured.

Lara smiled sweetly, commenting, "I thought so. You two are so close; I always had a feeling that your friendship would grow into something more."

Raguna nodded, blushing slightly. It was true, the two had grown inseparable; after years of teasing Erik together, teaming up to beat Erik at festivals, talking endlessly, spending holidays together, and finally, sleeping together, Raguna knew within the deep recesses of his mind that there was no way he could stop himself from falling in love with his best friend.

"It's getting late, we should head to bed," Lara mentioned, letting out a soft yawn.

"Yeah, we should," Raguna agreed, finally standing up from the chair and stretching.

"We'll go to the church tomorrow to sort things out," Lara added.

"Alright," Raguna responded. The couple climbed into bed, laying at a comfortable distance. The two fell asleep soundly, both having relieved themselves of their sins and the world lifted from their shoulders. The truth was out and things were slowly falling into place.

Raguna entered Materia, his eyes quickly spotting Danny, who was dusting the shelves and 'listening' to Rosetta's ideas on how to bring in new customers. "Danny," the blonde instantly turned to the familiar voice, his eyes wide with curiosity and worry.

"Hey, Raguna, what are you doing here? Did anything happen?"

"I need to talk to you, now," Raguna replied, then turned to Rosetta to add, "Can I borrow him?"

"Fine but if it gets busy I'll need him back. Make it quick," Rosetta added, a stern, but good, boss as always.

Raguna thanked her and walked back outside, Danny in tow. "Raguna, what's going on? Did Lara find out?"

"Yes," Danny's face darkened, his normally playful eyes clouding with distress, "But, things worked out."

His face instantly cleared up, but then became deeply confused. "What do you mean? She's okay with her husband-"

"I'm not her husband anymore," Raguna cut him off, a bright smile covering his boyish face, "We ended it this morning. She moved back into the church; Stella understood. She wasn't very happy and we got quite the lecture, but everything's going to be okay."

"Are you going to be?" Danny asked, worried his friend wouldn't be but very hopeful he would be.

"Yeah; I'm in love with someone else after all," Raguna half-whispered, his smile never fading.

"O-oh? And who might that be?" Danny's heart beat erratically against his chest, his mind racing with possible suspects.

"You should know," Raguna replied, taking a step towards his friend.

Danny swallowed hard, "Really, now?"

Raguna wrapped his arms around Danny's neck, Danny instinctively wrapping his own arms around Raguna. "I love you Danny, I love you so much," Raguna whispered, kissing him gently.

Danny kissed him back, pouring his feelings into the kiss. All the dreams, the fantasies, all came crashing down and melted, seeming to mean nothing as Danny faced the reality of truly being happy for once in his life. He felt like a new man with those simple words; a man who could really be someone, as long as he had Raguna by his side. They broke apart slowly, both of them smiling like crazy, "I love you too, Raguna. And I always will," he promised, giving him a chaste kiss. The two held each other close, the world disappearing as they relished in their confessions, both of them feeling as if they were floating.

Suddenly, a sharp squeal emitted, coming from the direction of the stairs leading away from the bath house. They jumped slightly and snapped their heads towards the sounds, neither of them letting go.

"Oh my God, that was…that was…oh my God, I have to tell somebody!" Mist squealed out, her eyes shining wildly. "I saw and heard everything; I'm so happy for you two! I'll be expecting turnips from the both of you now, you know! Ooh, and you can come over for a lunch of turnips every Holiday!" she ranted, then ran off, barging into the bath house, presumably to tell Melody. They stared at each other for a few moments, before chuckling awkwardly.

"I never knew Mist was so…uh, supportive?"

"I did," Raguna admitted, thinking back to Mist's fan girl episode when he had tried asking her for gossip.

"I'd better get back to work; I don't want Rosetta to get mad," Danny murmured, kissing his lover's forehead lovingly. "I'll stop by after work, okay?"

Raguna nodded happily, a smile plastered onto his face. "I love you," he said again, the words rolling off his tongue easier than ever before.

"I love you, too," Danny replied. They shared a sweet kiss, then parted, both of them walking away with a feeling so powerful in their chests, it couldn't nor wouldn't ever die down.

AN : Sorry for somewhat long break ;o; But woo, the end (kinda)! Hope you all enjoyed it ;w; sorry if this didn't meet your expectations. There will be a short epilogue, which will hopefully be up soon ^^; anyways, thanks for reading!