A/N: Okay, I don't even want to begin counting how many years it's been since I've last touched fanfiction. I took a step back, and that step turned into a giant bloody leap that I never quite came back from - until today. The beginning of this has been sitting in my Evernote folder (and bothering me immensely) for ages now, and I figured there's no time like the present to reinvent myself and my creativity.

Side note - I've been told that I've unknowingly made a vague Doctor Who reference, because one of the companions in the show was named 'Rose Tyler'. This was, unfortunately, unintentional (I don't watch Doctor Who, don't stone me please), but if it makes you enjoy the story more then you are of course welcome to picture the lovely Rose Tyler in this fic.

Side note 2 - I'm rediscovering this wonderful website and all that comes with it (including formatting and uploading) so I apologise in advance for any inconsistencies or hiccups. I've also changed my name, because I honestly couldn't look at 'way2cool4uxx' and not cry a little. That's a part of my childhood I definitely want to leave behind.

Now without further ado, allow me to tie up my "loose end" story.

Her recovery wasn't swift or miraculous, but eventually the broken ribs and fractured arm healed. After a couple weeks she was taking some tentative steps; after 2 months, she was back in the lab. The project she and Bruce had been working on was swiftly resumed, and more scientists were recruited to replace the dead.

Dead. Rosa shuddered, not for the first time realising that it could've been her. A comforting hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Bruce's voice was laced with concern, and she smiled shakily.

"Yeah, just..." she trailed off, uncertain of what she actually wanted to say. Bruce frowned, and then suddenly put down the beaker he was holding.

"Come on," he tugged lightly on her arm, flashing a smile. Rosa blinked, confused.

"Come on where?" She asked curiously, her worries momentarily forgotten.

"Out," he shrugged, already walking towards the automatic doors.

"Bruce, wait!" She called after him, "we can't just leave!" That shit eating grin was still on his face when he stepped through the door.

"I think I just have," he spread his arms out, "will you join me?" Rosa laughed, making her way towards him.

"What's gotten into you today?" She asked playfully.

"I think we both need a break," he explained carefully, and Rosa sighed.

"I think you're right," she smiled softly and looped her arm through his. He immediately tensed and she nearly backed away, but almost just as quickly she felt his body loosen up and relax into her, and they walked into the elevator in companionable silence.

Bruce was comforting. There really was no other word to describe the warm, fuzzy glow Rosa was feeling as they zoomed up towards the surface of the helicarrier. His smile was soft like his lab coat, and she found herself leaning her head on his shoulder. She felt a strong sense of belonging, a kind she hadn't felt in a very long time. The kind that made her want to hold on to him and never let go, the kind that made her see a future with him.

The kind that made her fall in love.

The realisation that she was probably in love with Bruce didn't hit her as hard as she thought it would. She supposed it was because she'd known it all along, ever since she'd woken up in the hospital bay and he was there, looking so guilty but so, so relieved. He had saved her life without thinking, twice now, and really there was nobody else in this whole damn world that she felt more alive with.

The elevator dinged once then opened, but Rosa made no move to detangle herself from Bruce. She was content and comfortable right there, right next to him, and as they wandered out into the cool night breeze she thanked her lucky stars that he seemed to feel the same way.

All of a sudden she wanted to break this fragile blanket of hush that had fallen over them, wanted to say something, wanted to tell him a million things that were racing through her head (I love you, I love you, I love you) but her mouth and her brain seemed disconnected. He was quiet too, but that wasn't entirely unusual; he was an awfully quiet person by nature, and that was just another thing she appreciated about him. They'd made it all the way to the bow, still silent and with an air of something unspoken between them, before Rosa finally snapped.

"Look, you can see Cassiopeia from here." Perhaps snapped wasn't the right word, because it was more of a murmur that left her lips. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bruce smile.

"Ah yes, Cassiopeia, the vain queen who boasted of her beauty and got placed in the night sky for everyone to admire as a punishment. How unfitting." He mused quietly, tracing each star with his gaze.

"In the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of angels." Rosa recited faintly, letting her head loll once again against Bruce's strong shoulder, but he turned her abruptly, grabbing her waist to steady her.

"A Tale of Acadie? How do you know it?" She opened her mouth to ramble something about high school and compulsory reading, but he never let her speak. His warm lips covered hers and it was so sudden but so welcome, and she'd been waiting for it for so, so long and it truly felt like coming home. He smelled curiously musky, but there was also the black coffee that he always drank and the gunpowder that they had been experimenting with earlier, and just the smell of Bruce.

His hands wandered over her, caressing from the nape of her neck down to the dimples of her lower back. She threw her own around him recklessly, sliding her fingers into his hair as he nipped at her bottom lip, their kiss becoming more heated. Before she knew it she was being pressed against a railing, Bruce's knee firmly between her thighs and his breath hot on her neck. She could see the waves, hundreds of feet below, pushing and resisting and caressing, and gripped him just a little tighter.

"We should probably tone it down." She whispered breathlessly, nodding towards a CCTV camera almost right above them. Bruce chuckled, taking a step back.

"We'll I suppose you're not entirely wrong, though it seems like whoever is on duty tonight already knows our secret." He held his arm out to her and she took it, lacing their fingers together.

"What exactly is our secret, Bruce? And do we really need to keep it a secret?" Rosa asked nervously, looking up at him through her eyelashes. It wasn't a direct question, but he was a smart man and easily read between the lines.

"I'd like to see where this takes us, if you'll have me, Rosanna Tyler," he moved a stray piece of hair away from her forehead, "and no, we won't need to run off in the middle of the night like teenagers." He placed a reassuring kiss on her cheek and tugged gently on her arm to lead her back to the elevator.

"Well I think it's quite cute when you put it like that," Rosa giggled, relieved, "in fact I think we should sneak around more often." Bruce raised an eyebrow, but a small smile still lingered on his face.

"Is that what you're wanting? An illicit, scandalous affair with an Avenger?" He asked jokingly and she rolled her eyes.

"You've caught me red handed, Bruce Banner. You've seen through me and my plan, whatever shall I do now?" Rosa gasped dramatically, throwing her hand up in the air.

"I can think of a few things." Bruce retorted slyly, and she flushed a little at his double entendre.

"Well, uh," she cleared her throat, lips suddenly dry, "perhaps we should take those few things somewhere more private?" His grip on her hand tightened as they entered the elevator.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me a pretty comfortable room," he remarked conversationally, "maybe you'd like a couple drinks?" Rosa bit her lip.

"It's a date?" She asked, desperately trying to sound cool and casual. He smiled at her.

"It's a date."

A/N: Here we go, the final installment of my little trilogy. I believe that a 'bow' is the front part of a ship, but I could be wrong especially since the helicarrier isn't exactly your standard ship. I'll take some creative liberties with that one.

If there's any interest in some kind of continuation, I will probably post it separately as I'd like to keep a K+ rating on this bad boy. I feel like I've come a long way (writing wise at least) since most of my previous work was published, and looking back on it has been a little cringy. Regardless, whether you are a completely new reader or someone who by some miracle is still around all these years later, I hope you enjoyed.

That's me out, have a good one folks!

