Close Knit
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Turkey/Russia; Sadiq/Ivan
Beware: OOCness, maybe? AU
Disclaimer: Turkey, Russian, and the webcomic/manga/anime are not mine, if they were, this story would be true.
Positive comments are welcome, negative comments will be ignored, and flames will be your hell. Have a nice day!
A little two-year absence and TurkRus fics are still a rare specimen. I will not stand for this! DX
A long, hot stream of smoke blew from his iced lips. The bitter wind choking the warmth from his body and forcing the man to curl further into himself to keep any left over warmth captive under his darkened skin. It seemed that at no matter what time of the year he visited the young Russian, he was always met with the bitter sting of General Winter. He tossed his cigarette bud onto the frosted ground as a sort of token of spite for the General, at least that is how he wanted to see it as.
"Do you have frostbite, yet?" A soft, childish voice asked from behind his sitting form.
Sadiq lazily turned his head to the grinning Russian and gave a humored grin back. "No, but I'm sure you would like that, wouldn't you?"
Ivan made a noise close to a giggle and sat beside the Turk. "Yes, but only so I could nurse you back to health."
A deep rumbling exploded from the older man's throat, shaking the snow that had packed onto his shoulders off and onto the wooden front porch. "Maybe I should get frostbite if it means you'll have sex with me!" Sadiq shot the Russian a teasing wink as said Russian's cheeks slowly heated up.
The light-haired boy turned away with a small (frighteningly cute) pout and replied in a snarky tone. "I don't need a reason to have sex with you, Sadiq."
Sadiq could only chuckle at Ivan's royal pride and he rubbed his hands together. "It is pretty damn cold though..."
"It's probably because that ragged old scarf is not doing its job." Ivan said as he tightened his over-sized coat around him. "You should have bought a new one."
Sadiq gave a confused blink and looked down at his worn, yellowed scarf curiously. His fingers ran over the loosened fabric and snagged at the tiny holes that would stretch more if Sadiq was not touching the cloth so delicately. "But...why would I throw away something so valuable?"
Sadiq looked at Ivan and smiled affectionately. "You did make this for me after all."
Ivan realized that he was not feeling the cold as heat spread over his body. He looked down and undid his scarf, scooting closer to the Turk. He wrapped one end around the other's neck and tied it to his own end, connecting them.
"I'll make you a new scarf so..." Ivan said softly as the wind stilled around them, wrapping them in a moment of serenity. "Put that old thing on display or something if you love it so much..."
Sadiq did not respond. He only leaned down to warm his lips against Ivan's.
There. I hope this brightens up your New Year ^^
P.S. I guess this is some sort of AU. I'm not really sure, I just wanted to write it ^^'