Power Rangers :Omega Squad

Arrival ,8000 years and first time being a ranger

Location : LA California

In the Park Tom and his girl friend were hanging out thinking of what else they could so they found a nice spot on the hill and set up there picnic in hopes that nothing would interrupt there date today .

"So Nicole I was thinking that maybe after this I could get you an icecream cone paid by me" offered Tom . "Oh why thank you I would personally like that" said Nicole blushing redder than Alvin's hoodie . Yes the two went to school and hung out with Adam his brothers and his sisters but something that they didn't know would change there lives forever . "Hey Nicole what do you think of the power rangers?" asked Tom.

"well some say that they don't exist at all that they are characters on tv just voiced by actors and the morphers that they use are only plastic even the weapons same with the zords" explained Nicole .

"So that's what you heard right?" asked Tom a little unsure.

"Yea that's what I heard i'm not saying that its the truth but you never know heck we could become rangers and be out saving the world but we would be like Tommy and Kim always saving the world and still having time for our relationship and what not" said Nicole .

"Yea I see what you mean I mean we go to school but something is going to change us as to what that something is not even I know in all my knowledge" said Tom.

And she was right what ever it was her heart was pounding faster than ever before .

Suddenly a portal opened right in front of them and sure enough a figure told them to come with him pack up there things and follow him through the portal that the others were already there waiting for them . Reluctantly they were able to pack up the food and fold the picnic blanket and follow the man through the portal and sure enough they changed from chipmunk to human in which there clothes that they were wearing grew to there size .

Location : Unknown

Time Traveled : 8000 years

Well did that happen while we were traveling through the portal or wormhole? I wonder Thought Tom. His Girlfriend was also a human and sure enough she had a bra along with the same clothes as well and was wearing human underwear for the first time in a long time in fact she was always wearing but didn't notice .

The others were standing Alex Cassie and Antonio who finally left to help in search of Jayden the former red Samurai ranger it was after his sister Laura the female red samurai ranger sealed away the Nighlok for good and was never able to escape but they barely made it but they made it none the less he was the gold samurai ranger but was needed far into the future .

Then there was Alex who was killed then yet revived by someone who they don't know from what Tom could ascertain Alex was killed at the hands of someone by the name of Ransik but was somehow revived as Alex had no memory then there was Cassie who was the former Turbo and Space ranger but what both of them didn't know next yet was they were about to take the first few steps into becoming part of something bigger .

"Hello Rangers as you can tell I selected you to be the the power Rangers Omega Force both SPD and Time force are already dealing with there fair share of crime but as you are fully aware your needed as a little something to crack down on crime here in the year 80002 that's right you ave traveled 8000 years into the future" said Juro .

All of the rangers were shocked the least bit shocked was Cassie she knew what she had to do but Tom and Nicole were unaware of what was going on but they both kept quite and listened to what he had to say . "With all due respect sir why do you need us couldn't have you got people from your time?" asked Alex unsure if he was stepping out of line .

"yes that would be correct but no I couldn't as everyone was afraid to step up and do something bigger for there people let alone there" said Juro with a straight poker face . Tom stepped up to ask a certain question that would surely get everyone to agree .

"Commander Juro sir since you selected us for this task I feel that we should step up and help you guys out besides if SPD and Timeforce is doing things like we are then I feel that we should as well" said Tom. Nicole Alex Antonio and Cassie couldn't agree more . And for once he was right on this .

"Very well then come forth and claim your morphers and you will be known as the Power Rangers Omega Squad" said Juro .

And sure enough Alex Cassie Nicole and Alex were able to claim there morphers but there was one other person who was waiting there with Juro that was Zack Seville and he already had his morpher . And sure enough they claimed there morphers Cassie knew that she would be called back into action sooner or later and this was about the right time she didn't have much to do so this was the right time .

Tom didn't have much either same with Alex and Antonio and Nicole was going to do what her boyfriend would do . Tom is the Red Ranger Alex was the Blue Ranger Antonio Cassie was the Pink Ranger and Nicole was the Yellow Ranger .

But suddenly there was trouble alarms were blaring all over the base. "Looks like we got trouble" said Tom . "Yea no kidding captain obvious " said Zach . Something in him just wanted to get into the action fast.

"Cool your jets there Zach" said Cassie a bit irritated with his attitude . "Looks like we have a disturbance in downtown Manhatten City whatever it is go and check it out but take your Omega Cycles with you for a means of transportation" said Juro .

Tom now knew what he had to do and figure that there would be some problems with him and Alex he's going to be quite a stick in the mud and that could be a problem even on the mission Thought Tom . "Ready?" asked Tom to his teammates . "Ready" they said back in unision. Nicole was more than ready to save the world then see it on tv .

"OMEGA SQUAD OMEGA RED BLUE BLACK YELLOW PINK" They shouted and sure enough they were fully morphed and took off toward there Omega Cycles .

Nicole was amazed at how fast it can go . "Wow this is awesome I wonder how fast it can go" said the daredevil Nicole. And with that she took off at a blazing speed in hopes she could beat the others but she wasn't lucky the others caught up.

But of course Cassie was kinda impressed at what Nicole could do but already Alex was starting to get angry with Nicole for reckless action and Tom was more than happy that she was testing out the cycle's capabilities .

Its not that he didn't mind as long as she didn't hurt herself . But still though Alex was a little angry but not enough to openly hurt her in front of her boyfriend . As they arrived sure enough a monster was attempting to make a clean get away with the stolen jewels and money in his bag but not before the rangers showed up .

"What's this ? Who are you people let me guess the typical police ? How many times have I told you boneheads you don't have a chance" said the monster . "Oh really now do we ? I think we should find out" said Cassie .

"well who ever you are your going down like everyone else" said the monster . "I don't think so vermin it is you who is going down" shot Alex . "well just who are you anyway though?" asked the monster curious as to who these people behind those helmets are.

"we are the power rangers Omega Squad" they shouted the last part .

"Power rangers huh? Never heard of you guys but your still going down no matter what now as to who I am i'm known as the Robber" said the Robber .

And of course he set down his bags in order to draw his weapons they were both swords and the rangers attacked with there weapons but the monster known as the 'robber' got the upper hand. And he was able to make some slashes on the rangers sending them to the ground . "Well this is too easy I was hoping for more of a challenge" said The Robber .

"Oh you want a challenge huh? Then I can give it to you" said Tom . Grabbing his weapon he charged at The Robber with everything he got of course Alex also did the same thing followed by Cassie Zack and Nicole .

They all attacked at the same time but it wasn't enough but that didn't stop them from bringing him in one way or another .

Eventually he was finally defeated and stolen jewels and money returned back to the rightful stores but for him he was being hauled off to jail where he would sit there for the rest of his natural life .

The Rangers however were able to return to base but tensions were about to rise faster than Tommy calling for his dragonzord . Eventually they made it to the main room where Alex exploaded all over poor unsuspecting Nicole .

"WHAT THE HELL PULLING A STUNT LIKE THAT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Shouted Alex . "Alright i've heard enough if you ever talk that way to my girlfriend like that again you will be kicked off the team" threatened Tom. Alex didn't like one word of what Tom threatened him with and he wouldn't stand for it.

"If I were you I would keep my mouth shut about this or I will report you to the Commander do you understand me"shot back Alex . "Don't tempt me" shot back Tom.

"Oh and by the way your tactics won't work on me I'm very well aware of what happened to you and Jen so don't even try that with me" said Tom.

It made Alex's heart remember the times he spent with Jen Scotts the former Pink Time Force Ranger and how she loves Wes Collins . "Don't you ever mention her name in front of me cause if you do I will personally make your life a living hell" shot back Alex. There was a stiff silence between Tom and Alex until he finally stormed off in blind rage . What the hell's his problem and why did he storm off like that and who is Jen scotts? Thought Cassie . She walked over to the sobbing Nicole and with the help of her boyfriend was able to cheer her up .

"Tom who was this Jen Scotts?" asked Cassie .

"Jenifer Scotts was engaged to Alex the now Blue Ranger . Anyway though he was killed by the former criminal Ransik he escaped through time that was when she met Wes Collins sure he was bit of jerk but he was able to win Jen's heart and got her to open up to him basically she's in the year 2002 with her now married husband last I hear though" explained Tom.

"Oh I see well he shouldn't have shot down your girlfriend like that though I think next time he does that we should report him to the Commander and see what he says" said Cassie .

And she was right about that no one messes with someones girlfriend or even her own friends no matter if there human or not . "Thanks Cassie I think we should report for a debriefing and tell the command what happened" said Tom. That is IF Alex shows up or not Thought Tom angrily . But he was able to cool down as the other rangers took off toward the briefing room the gave the Commander there reports and had the rest of the day off expect for Alex who was training in order to become stronger than the next enemy .

This is going to be a problem just like I first though Alex if this continues then you and I will have words so don't even think of messing with me cause I've shot down recruits your nothing me at this point though so don't mess with me buddy Thought Tom as he walked into his room that both he and his girlfriend shared .

Well at least she's ok I can tell that i'm going to turn in for the night right next with her something tells me that sure she can stand up for herself but not in front of a guy it seems its up to me to protect her i'll do my best even in chipmunk form Brittany had to stand up for her even Adam and Alvin but now with out either around of them around she's got me to rely on Thought Tom as he started to fall asleep with his arm around her waist .

"Hey Nicole you think that we can handle being Power Rangers?" asked Tom. "Yea it shouldn't be a problem besides if the Pirates can do it then so can we" said an sleepily encouraging Nicole . "Well alright since I have lead a lot of teams a team of rangers shouldn't be a problem"replied Tom and for the rest of the night the entire team slept