Sneak Peak

This is sneak peek of the Chapter 2, hope you happy

Searching the Guardian

"Last game, everyone out!" yelled the man.

As the kids left the building, a man known as Mr. Litwak is closing the doors of the arcade. As he left, inside the arcade, a girl named Yuni Berth from a game called Dance Dance Revolution is dancing until she stops and looks around.

"All clear, the arcade's closed!"

In a game called Street Fighter, Ryu is fighting with Ken, but stopped. Ryu told Ken that he wanted to go to Tappers. Ken said yes and went on. In a game called Fix It Felix Jr. a man is lying on a mud puddle. The man is known as Wreck it Ralph. A small man in a blue work outfit is walking.

"Hey brother, you all right?" said the man.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Ralph.

"Well, shouldn't you be going somewhere?"

"Oh, that's right, bye Felix," Ralph said.

Ralph got up and walked to a train station a bit away form Niceland. He got in and the train started and went in the tunnel. The train rolled on until it reached the end of the tunnel. It rolled and stopped on the terminal. Ralph got out of the train and walked to a tunnel that on the top it said 'Game Central Station'. He looked around the station, it had many characters walking around, heading toward the tunnels to the games. Ralph saw Sugar Rush on the way.

As he walked to Sugar Rush, he walked to Zangief from Street Fighter. He had a worried look on his face.

"Hey Zangief, what's wrong?" Ralph asked.

Zangief looked at Ralph. His face lit up. "Hi Ralph, I'm just worried, about a friend,"

"Worried?" said Ralph.

"Yes, for Chun Li," the Russian muscled man said.

"What happened to her? Ralph said, now worried.

Zangief took a breath, "Nightmares... of horses,"

"What?" Ralph said.

"Also, black sand," said Zangief.

"A nighmare, is she ok?" he said.

"A bit, but she's not only one," Zangief said.

Ralph was surprised of all he heard. The girl fighter and a friendly rival of Ryu had bad nightmares? What if she can't bypass those? Zangief saw Ralph's face and put his arm on Ralph's shoulders.

"Don't worry, Chun will overcome nightmares, I know she will," Zangief said as his eye twinkled.

"I hope she does, I gotta go, the Ramdom Roster Race in Sugar Rush is starting, I'll see you, Zangief," Ralph said as he started walking.

"Ok, bye, could you say hi to Vanellope for me?" said Zangief as he waved at Ralph happily.

The Bad Guy waved at Zangief and headed to Sugar Rush, Ralph went in the Sugar Rush tunnel. As he climbed on the stairs of the terminal, a train is waiting. Ralph got in the train. It begin to roll in the tunnel heading to Sugar Rush. Ralph wondered about what Zangief said. For some reason, he felt that danger is coming, Ralph then shook his head and pondered about Sugar Rush.

"North, are we going the right way?" Tooth said.

The Guardians are on North's sleigh flying on the freezing starry night. Sandy is bringing his dreamsand to children as they passed up the home. Tooth is talking to her fairies about teeth, Jack is sitting on the edge of the sleigh, Bunny is shivering trying to keep warm, North is mushing the reindeer as he laughed. There were Yetis and elves on the sleigh, who were there to help the Guardians to find Ralph.

"Of course Tooth, I know way," North said.

Then he asked Jack. "Mmm Jack, do you known way?"

Jack smirked."Yeah, I know where the arcade is