Dan stood alone gazing out at the open doors that everyone had just vacated out from. His mind was swirling how quickly everything had gotten so messed up. In a manner of months he had managed to isolate himself and destroy almost all the relationships he had spent the last six years of his life building. Then, in a manner of minutes he had put the final nail in the coffin. He knew there was no way he was going to be able to get close enough to Blair to try to explain himself or in the least beg for mercy. He knew that Nate would not lend an ear to hear him out and even his partner in crime, Georgina, had turned against him the first opportunity to land in favor had presented itself. He sighed deeply before walking through the door in an attempt to retreat and head back to Brooklyn before accepting his fate and taking his suggested absence.

When he walked through the threshold he was presented by Serena who pushed him with a finger backwards into the room before slamming the door. She looked him up and down with disgust radiating off her face.

"How could you do that?" she asked him sadly.

"I thought it was the right thing to do," he responded simply not meeting her eye contact.

"I need you to explain this to me," Serena said with almost a compassionate yet exhausted tone.

"I love her Serena. I can't explain it but I do. I just thought that if she thought it was Louis's that when it ended I could be there," Dan uttered.

"So you were impacting the life of an unborn child on the notion that her and Louis wouldn't work out and you could sweep in and be the hero?"

Dan just looked at her without so much as a motion.

"How could you do something so callous? What did you think that they really wouldn't know? You out of anyone have to know how connected Blair and Chuck are and you don't think one of them wouldn't have had a second thought?" she asked astonished.

"I was thinking in the moment. I wasn't looking through the whole scenario," was all he offered.

"If you never would have done that. If you never would have lied. There's a chance," she began looking at him with tears brimming in her eyes.

"You can't blame that on me," Dan mumbled finally looking her in the eyes.

"Yes. Yes, I can. You set into motions a series of events that may have never happened if that paper said what it was suppose to. It's not just Tripp whose to blame here for what happened," she said to him with the tears finally coming. "I just can't believe that this is what you have become. I loved you. I really loved you. You were the first guy I ever truly felt that for and this is what you have become. Your dead to me. Take Chuck's advice and stay away. For everyone's good."

Serena walked back out the door and again left Dan to try and gather himself. He had neglected Serena's feelings for so long that her words had no weight with him. All she had done was further the anger that was brewing in him from the turn of events that evening. He walked out the door and proceeded to find the media room of the party. He was determined to have the last word even if it was his own funeral.

Bart, Lily, Chuck and Blair had been standing in Bart's office for a few minutes without anyone saying a word. Blair and Chuck sat on the sofa with her face shoved into his shoulder without enough room for what even seem like a single breath of air. Bart and Lily looked at one another sympathetically before Bart finally cleared his throat to speak.

"Charles, Blair, I'm sorry that I had to bring this to your attention this evening but I wasn't aware if I would have another opportunity where you would hear me out," Bart explained

"No, father I appreciate you bringing to my attention," Chuck stated formally without a hint of emotion.

Lily stared at him with her mouth slightly agape. "Bart, I think that maybe we should give Charles and Blair some time alone."

"Yes, well if either of you need anything please let us know," Bart said with confusion as Lily pulled his arm and yanked him from the office.

Once the door had finally closed Blair pulled her face from Chuck's shoulder. Her mascara had run down her face along with the tears from her eyes. Chuck offered her a sad smile before kissing her cheek.

"How are you so calm right now? Shouldn't you be throwing something or punching someone again?" Blair asked with a sniffle.

"In time, maybe. For the moment you aren't exactly in the best frame of mind so I can put aside my feelings until we begin resolving yours," he explained as he took her hand in his.

"I was such an idiot for trusting him," she mumbled.

"I can't disagree with you on that," Chuck replied. "But, you can't blame yourself for how all of this has played out."

"How could I not," she shrieked. "If I never would have befriended him, confided in him, if he never had access to that piece of paper."

"Stop. That isn't going to solve anything and we can't change what has happened. We just have to focus on the future and rebuilding," Chuck attempted at a loss for how to fix the situation at hand.

"How can you just be brushing this off? That was your child. If it wasn't for him then we would have a child right now," she yelled standing up from the couch.

"I understand that," he said standing up to join her.

"Then why are you acting like an emotionless robot!"

"What do you want Blair? Do you want us to both stand here and yell and scream and cry? You wanna take turn picking up awards off the shelf over there to throw at the wall? I told you, I am trying to remain calm here till you come to your senses and start looking at this rationally but for some reason you want to rile me up rather then let me help you calm down," he blurted finally losing his patience.

"I wanna know that your hurt. I'm hurt and you look like, you look like what happened doesn't even matter to you. I see that your worried about me and how I'm feeling but I want to know that this is hurting you," she lamented as the tears began flowing again.

"Blair, I was hurt before we even knew this information tonight. What I said to you in that limo that night I meant. The baby was an extension of you, no matter who the father was. I was hurt then and I am more hurt now," he said to her calmly while wrapping his hands around her waist. She let out a choked sob before resting her head back on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to you when I found out in the first place. I should have told you that at least it was possible. I should have handled everything so differently," she mumbled without moving from her position.

"If were going to start questioning every choice we have made, I could just as easily say that I should have never left you leave with Louis that night. Blair, we didn't do anything to cause this. Dan and Tripp did. There is nothing we can do to change what happened," he spoke affectionately while running his hands down her arms.

"Can we get out of here please?" she asked with a murmur.

"Of course. I'll call Arthur to bring the car around."

"Can I stay with you tonight?" she asked meekly.

""Blair, after everything I think we can put aside the real estate war for this evening," he replied leading her to the door. He waited for her nod of approval before they emerged from the room.

"That asshole," Nate replied while taking a large swig from his glass of whiskey.

"How long exactly did you know about this," Serena inquired while staring with daggers in Georgina's direction.

"Only about a week. I didn't get the full version until we were arguing over what exactly to do with your infamous sex-capades," Georgina responded while sipping on her own champagne.

"And you waited to use it till the moment where you could profit the most huh?" Nate asked with distain.

"Uh uh, you don't get to blame me for this. I was just as shocked as everyone else. I mean from the beginning I thought that baby was a Bass but the evidence at the time proved to be the opposite. What Dan choose to do is all on him. You can't blame me for not running to you all with open arms the second I found out," she defended.

"I mean she did give the information to Bart and I mean look how well that actually turned out," Jack joked.

Nate and Serena rolled their eyes simultaneously and turned away. Suddenly Serena felt a pair on hands wrap around her waist and turned around abruptly.

"Sorry I'm so late," Steven whispered into her ear as he stepped to stand beside her.

"What did you get lost?" she asked slightly annoyed but with a tinge of happiness.

"Actually my driver got two flat tires and had the wrong address," he stated with a small laugh which elicited a grin from Nate.

"Well, typically I would be upset but since I think you missed most of the drama," she replied with a kiss to his cheek.

"Nate, this is Steven. Steven, Nate," she introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Steven replied extending his hand.

Nate glared at him and gave a fake grin before shaking his hand and then turning back to his drink.

"Um, Georgina, Jack," she introduced further.

Chuck and Blair approached and explained in few words that they were heading out for the evening. As they said their goodbyes, Bart took the podium and began his speech. Blair motioned for Chuck to stay for the speech.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I wanted to thank you all for attending our Annual Gala and for your continued support toward Bass industries. This past year has obviously been a time of great change for our company and..." Bart spoke only to be interrupted by a loud screeching coming from the speakers and the emergence of a video on screen.

"Can you just help me with my dress," Serena asked in the tape.

"Oh my god," Serena mumbled in person as the video began playing.

"Is that what I think it is?" Nate asked dumbfounded.

"I feel sick," Blair mumbled staring at the screen as the tape began to progress rapidly.

"Don't worry it doesn't last long," Georgina commented while smirking at Jack.

A gasp spread through the room as the tape exited PG-13 and progressed rapidly to R.

"Steven we need to leave," Serena stated nervously while attempting to pull his arm toward the direction of the door.

"What the hell is this?" Bart fumed from the podium. "Turn this off."

"amateur at best," Chuck mumbled under his breath.

Dan took in the sight from the side door before turning on his heel and exiting the building feeling slightly elated and believing he had granted himself some form of revenge.

The tape soon cut out but it appeared the damage was already done.

"Serena, I'm going to head out. I will speak with you tomorrow," Steven replied coldly while placing the lightest kiss on her cheek before turning away without another word.

"Steven," Serena called out as she headed toward him. Nate grabbed her arm and shook his head slightly, motioning her to let him go.

"Nothing you say is going to help right now. Give him some space," Nate offered with a sincere smile.

"Well, I've had enough for the evening," Blair stated with agitation before linking her arm with Chuck's and giving him a not so subtle tug.

"I'm sorry sis. If I hear that our rodent hasn't vacated by the morning I will take care of it," Chuck said.

"Nate, can you take me home please? Before my mother finds me," Serena mumbled while gulping down the last of her drink. He smiled to her before taking her arm and leading her behind Chuck and Blair toward the exit.

"Well, look at that. Just you and me," Georgina stated seductively while smiling at Jack.

"What do you say we get out of here too?" he asked with a smirk. She smiled back before taking his arm and heading toward the exit.

I know, I know. I have not updated this story in forever. Honestly, I have been somewhat distracted with life and also with working on a new story that has stolen all of my creative energy. I had planned on keeping this going for quite a while but I think I have it lined up where I can do it justice and tie it up sooner. Thank you so much for all the reviews since my last update. That last set of reviews was honestly the best and most constructive criticism I have gotten since I have began writing and I truly appreciated it. Hopefully you will all enjoy the way I wrap this up and keep an eye out for the new story. I am really excited about the next one because I really have seen very little material that has even touched on working with the storyline and it is going to allow me to change stuff up quite a bit. It is also going to be filled with quite a lot of angst which is what I feel I truly enjoy writing the most. Thank you again so much for the reviews, follows and favorites! You guys have truly made a new writer feel welcome into this amazing fanfic community.