AN: Just a heads up, this is unbeta'd, but I wanted to post it asap, and I'll update it once my beta is available to look it over.

Shameless Sportsmanship

Draco stood beneath the shower head, steaming, hot water cascading over his head, the pounding spray rinsing dust and sweat from his body and easing the ache that had built in overworked muscles. The Quidditch game had been a brutal one, taking hours to play; and mostly due to his own interference, so he had no room to complain for his soreness. Harry could have easily ended the game several times - had his mind actually been on the game, and not the naughty, sinful words Draco had been whispering to him throughout it. But between that and the daydreams likely flitting through his mind as a result, Harry had been a bit...distracted and lost the snitch numerous times.

Much to Draco's advantage.

Smirking to himself for a job well done, he tilted his head forward, dropping it so the spray could splash against his stiff neck, allowing it to work its magic there before it streamed over shivering, pebbled skin in thick, heavy rivulets as he washed the day's grime away. Seeing Harry's face when he plucked the snitch away from him, almost out of thin air, had been priceless. The poor man looked torn between tossing Draco to the ground and beating him senseless for cheating, or tossing him down and shagging him senseless for his teasing.

Not that it mattered in the end. The game was merely for fun, but Harry's notorious competitive streak wouldn't let that pass without issue. Or at least, that's what Draco hoped.

Quidditch hadn't officially recommenced this year, as Headmistress McGonagall and the other professors had been far more focused on revamping the curriculum and making certain that the castle was safe for the students to be bothered by extracurricular activities. But that hadn't stopped the more industrious students from forming their own teams and competing. Harry had been insistent on playing his final year, citing that he had missed far too many years due to circumstances beyond his control.

So, he pulled all former team members together, along with anyone else who had an interest, and thus the Hogwarts Quidditch League was born. Draco couldn't blame him, as he had been less than happy to hear that Quidditch had been cancelled as well, and had been all too happy to throw his lot in. And it had been successful on many fronts.

One, they were playing Quidditch.

Two, due to the nature of the league, it was mixed house, which supported the inter-house cooperation party-line that had been crammed down their throats since they'd come back.

Three, he got to play Quidditch.

Four, McGonagall was so happy with their little experiment, that she'd asked if he and Harry would write up a proposal that she could present at the next professor's meeting for the potential future of Quidditch at Hogwarts.

Five, he got to play Quidditch against Harry.

Sensing a trend here?

While he was thrilled that their league had flourished and garnered recognition, he really was far more interested in playing against Harry again. He had to admit, getting Harry thrown off the team in fifth year, while immediately satisfying at the time, had been the stupidest thing he'd ever done. Once Harry was gone, there was no real competition, and he had been bored to tears with each game he played. There had been nothing more exciting, and dare he say arousing, than watching Harry's eyes flash at him as they hunted down the snitch.

But he digressed.

Tipping his head back, Draco closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair, rinsing the suds from it as he turned his mind back over the game he'd just won under questionable methods, relaxing minutely as the locker room emptied around him. And his lips spread into a smug grin as the visual of a flushed, aroused Harry flashed before his eyes.

Draco, having seen the snitch first for once, had flown up to Harry, and began whispering quietly into his ear on how he wanted Harry to find him after the game, push him into the shower tiles and shag him silly. Harry had flushed oh-so-prettily at his naughty words, squirming on his broom as his cock filled and barely bit back an oath when Draco flicked his tongue over the shell of Harry's ear once he noted he was sheltered from others view.

This all in conjunction with Draco holding and stroking the shaft of Harry's broom suggestively.

Harry's lashes had fluttered beautifully, his lips parting slightly to allow the tip of his tongue to peek out and flick over parched lips. His breath had fallen in delicious little pants as Draco continued to manipulate both Harry's broom handle and his words, mentioning how he couldn't wait until Harry's cock stretched him fully, and pounded him relentlessly into the wall, hot water slicking over their equally hot, sweaty bodies. Harry had moaned at that point, his eyes sliding shut as he gripped the handle of his broom tightly, his knuckles blanching under the strain of keeping his hands to himself.

And then Draco had smirked, and took off after the snitch, leaving a dazed Harry reeling in his wake...

Moaning quietly, Draco slid his hands over his chest, pinching his nipples once before allowing them to continue their trek over his abs and down to his groin, where one wrapped around his rapidly filling cock, and the other braced his weight against the wall. Fuck, but Harry had been hot once he had realised just what Draco had done. Giving a slow tug on his prick, Draco sighed, and allowed his mind to fill with those tantalising images.

Harry had rebounded quickly and was after him in a flash, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he shadowed Draco relentlessly, blithely following him under the stands to his own doom. And there, Draco had ambushed him, slowing his pace enough, so that Harry rode along side him, looking at him in confusion until Draco had latched onto his broom and shoved him against the stands. Harry had let out a startled breath, green eyes staring in open bewilderment until Draco invaded his space. And then they flared with heat.

"M-Malfoy, what are you doing?" Harry stammered, groaning when, instead answering at first, Draco ran his hands over the seeker's svelte form, taunting and teasing him as promised earlier, his already overheated body growing hotter to the touch.

"I should think that its self-explanatory, Potter," he purred silkily, capturing those sweet lips for a long, unhurried kiss that sent his heart racing and his blood rushing, all the while tracking his hands trailed over Harry's very fit body, the potential of them being caught only adding to the excitement coursing through his veins.

"Malfoy…Draco, please," Harry whispered, his breathing ragged as Draco released his mouth, knowing all too well that they couldn't linger. Smirking at the other boy's deliciously debauched appearance, and the neediness lacing Harry's voice, Draco leaned over and pressed another hard kiss to those tempting lips before abruptly pulling away.

"Catch me if you can, Harry," Draco taunted, echoing the words that had started this entire venture? Relationship? And then he bolted once more, leaving a very frustrated, rumpled Gryffindor glowering after him and clutching the side of the stands as he caught his breath.

It had continued in that same vein for the entirety of the game, until Harry had been all but snapping and snarling at his each and every approach, and looked as if he were tempted to throw Draco onto the field and have his way with him regardless of the consequences.

Just as Draco had planned. He so needed this.

Recently their trysts hadn't been of the planned nature; instead they usually happened at every turn and in any chance they could get their hands on each other, and they were filled with sweet kisses, soft touches and hot bodies pressed tightly together. And he had enjoyed it; loved the deepening of their relationship. It was exactly what he wanted for the long run.

But after weeks of tenderness, sometimes he wished for those first seethingly hot moments where Harry took control and pressed him into the nearest wall, or table, or mattress, or whatever surface was available and teased him with punishing kisses and rough caresses. Which is why he had begun his tormenting game today; enflaming the fiery Gryffindor with his words, taunting him with visuals of them wrapped together until Harry could barely see straight. And then, he'd snatched the snitch right out from under those glassy eyes, fully knowing that the irritated Leo would see his distraction as a form of cheating and would end up stalking him to take his revenge.

And he couldn't wait until his actions caught up with him, leaving him at the mercy of his wrathful lion-snake, who would all to happy to prove that Harry Potter could not be tamed despite their recent rash of softness.

"Someone was being a teasing, little prat today…" a husky voice whispered darkly against his ear, yanking him from his thoughts and halting his slow, tantalising movements mid-stroke; a soft, sinful rasp that, when paired with Quidditch-roughened hands wrapping around his hips, sent his heart thrumming madly. Gasping softly as Harry jerked him back against a hard, damp chest, Draco closed his eyes and moaned as bare skin moulded to his.

"I don't know what you mean," Draco drawled 'innocently', fighting to keep his breathing even and unaffected as a warm, wet, solid form slid sinuously against his own, and he knew in the split second before Harry shoved him unceremoniously into the tiles that the other boy was as naked as he.

"Of course you don't," Harry agreed, his tone sardonic as he pressed deeper into Draco's back until they were flush, thigh to thigh, hip to hip, and chest to back with Harry's cock snuggly nestled between Draco's arse cheeks. It left him breathless and aching. Hot breath wafted over the shell of Draco's ear as Harry continued conversationally.

"It must have been some other blond Slytherin that kept flirting with me. Teasing and taunting me with visuals of fucking him in the broom shed? Touching me when we followed the snitch, but lost it under the Slytherin stands; all but wanking me off before he conveniently disappeared, leaving me with a massive hard on?"

"Better not have been," Draco muttered, his tone darker and icier than a midwinter's night, his eyes flashing a steely grey at the thought of anyone else touching the perfect body behind him. Draco's breath snagged when a sexy chuckle rumbled in his ear at that response, and then exited in a rush as an arm cinched around his waist possessively.

"I'd have to kill Theo," he added breathlessly.

Teeth sank into crook of his neck, scraping over wet, tender skin, sending sparks shooting down his spine, igniting the lust pooling in his groin. Merlin, but he did love this side of Harry; he wished it would come out to play much more often. Sighing as greedy lips, teeth and tongue sucked and bit and lapped at his neck, Draco rubbed his hips against Harry's, loving the way they fit together and the frisson of electricity that shot across his nerves from the friction.

Groaning when Harry's mouth moved down over his shoulders, Draco was tempted to push the Gryffindor away and turn around for what would be his first full view of naked Potter, but the thought melted away under a renewed onslaught of callused hands, which joined those soft lips in pushing him to higher realms of pleasure. Especially when the nips and kisses were mixed with the sinfully sexy sighs and hitches of breath coming from the man worshiping his body.

"I believe you owe me for that little stunt," Harry rasped, his hands running the length of Draco's torso to settle on his hips, digging into the soft flesh as Harry nudged his cock between Draco's thighs, and Draco couldn't help the catch in his voice when he asked.

"Owe you for what?" He pleaded innocence, and then smirked when the other man huffed.

Harry gave his arse a little admonishing smack, making the skin tingle with a delicious burn, and his cock jumped to attention at the action. Fuck. The lucky bastard would stumble onto one of Draco's kinks without even trying. He groaned in earnest when, noticing his reaction, Harry hummed in approval and smacked him once again, this time on the other cheek. Gasping aloud, Draco squirmed as Harry then slid rough hands over the warmed, reddened skin, squeezing and massaging it in emphasis as he growled.

"For making me so hard, I was more focused on pushing this pretty, white arse against the locker room shower wall, and fucking you senseless, than playing the game."

Draco arched into those caresses, inviting more of the same, and pouted when Harry just laughed softly and stepped away, pulling all that hot, pliant skin away from his needy body. Draco shivered at the sudden chill, but it lasted only a second before his skin heated once more as Harry hauled off and smacked his arse for a third time, this time on the full cheek, eliciting another shudder. But this one was from delight.

"You cost me the snitch, Malfoy," Harry accused, his tone the same colour as the richest, dark chocolate and just as velvety, each word punctuated with a solid smack to Draco's backside; and each of them just enough to sting and make his cock twitch in anticipation, but not enough to bruise. It left him an aching, shivering mess. Yes, this is exactly what he wanted.

Arching into the final blow, ten total, five for each cheek, he panted and squirmed, attempting to rub his aching cock against the cool tiles for a spot of relief, but was halted by firm hands digging into his hips again. Once he'd stilled, waiting for Harry's next move, he huffed and grew increasingly frustrated when the raven seemed content to run his hands soothingly over his injured flesh instead of bloody well doing something.

This was so not on. He wanted…no needed Harry to lose his control and just take what he wanted, not worship him as he had done some many times before in the past few weeks. Biting his bottom lip, he glanced at the occupied raven with a sly glint in his eyes and decided to fan the flames of his ire by reminding him just why he sought Draco out.

"I did no such thing," he declared unrepentantly, turning up his nose haughtily and sniffing with a touch of disdain. "It's not my fault you're so easily distracted."

Draco held his breath as the man behind him inhaled sharply and then froze to a near cellular level, and fought from taking back the words when the other man growled a warning in his throat. He knew there was nothing that Harry both loved, and hated with a passion, than to have his authority challenged; it automatically made the brunet want to prove the challenger wrong in that endearingly brash, Gryffindor way of his. And for all of Harry's Slytherin traits, Draco knew that it was this Gryffindor trait that would get him exactly what he wanted – a hot, commanding raven bent on making Draco succumb to his each and every whim.

"We'll see about that," Harry responded between clenched teeth, his hands slicking up over Draco's back and gripping his shoulders tightly, suddenly flipping Draco around to face him, and then slammed him back into the tiles once more. Air exploded from his lungs as he hit, leaving him breathless, a condition that intensified as fiery green eyes clashed with his, and he suddenly had an armful of hot, naked Gryffindor.

Bloody hell, he should have done this long ago.

Groaning when Harry's cock pressed and slid wetly against his, Draco rocked his hips, silently begging for more of that beautiful friction and slid his hands over Harry's back, enjoying the play of sinew and skin beneath his hands. And barely managed to quell a squeak when Harry growled again and pressed back, ripping Draco's hands from his body and unceremoniously pinning them above his head. Breathing rapidly, Draco knew that, had he wanted, he could free himself from Harry's grasp, but as this had been the desired outcome, he stood there, passive in his hands.

Well, to a degree. Malfoys weren't passive by nature and he was the least passive of them all.

"Can't prove it," he taunted, groaning when Harry leaned in, his kiss-swollen, cherry red lips hovering enticingly above Draco's as continued to move sinuously against him, teasing Draco to newer heights. Licking parched lips, Draco defiantly tipped his head at a slight angle, so that their lips were mere centimetres apart and their breaths mingled as Harry once again moulded scorching flesh against Draco's.

"Don't need to," Harry countered, his voice low and dangerous as he skimmed his lips over Draco's, and then teasingly pulled away when Draco leaned in for more; he shuddered as that voice slid over his skin like satin, stroking his insides in ways a mere voice shouldn't have the power to do, especially when the raven taunted wickedly. "I'll just take it out on your beautiful arse." Draco gasped as Harry then smirked and squeezed his wrists, commanding in that same silken tone. "Leave them there."

The 'or else' was implied, which made Draco tremble to a degree, and then briefly consider tempting fate by pulling them away just to see what Harry would do if he disobeyed. But as Harry stared intently into his eyes, Draco only gave a little breathless nod, which then hitched as Harry slowly slid his hands over Draco's upraised arms, and down his sides to anchor at his hips. Draco returned that heated gaze, entranced by the flames licking within bright emeralds, and arched against the other man temptingly, daring him to do his worst.

Harry answered with a rumbling purr, reminding Draco of the great cat that represented his House, and tilted his head, bringing their lips just a hairbreadth apart; and then Draco's lashes closed completely as the Gryffindor captured his mouth in a fiery kiss that curled his toes. Moaning into Harry's mouth, it took every ounce of his self-control to not wrap his hands into silky black hair. Something Harry must have deduced given the smirk the spread over those perfect lips as they continued to tease and torment him, first with little kisses and nips to his lips, and then across his jaw and down his neck.

"Think you can get me to repent?" he challenged softly, a thrill shooting through his body as Harry's hands clenched at the impertinent question, and then deepened as Harry flicked darkened, forest green eyes his way, a slow, enigmatic smile curling his lips; and Draco couldn't help wondering just what manner of wickedness was flitting through that devious mind.

"Oh, I think I'll have you begging for mercy by the time I'm through with you," Harry promised devilishly, his lips sliding over Draco's jaw, nipping at the sharp edge as he added just as shamelessly. "And for my cock as well."

With that sinful threat, Harry began to devour his jaw, neck and shoulders in earnest, his mouth slowly driving Draco mad as it took the path his hands had taken earlier, licking and sucking and just bloody killing him with heat and desire and want. Shuddering with need, he jolted when Harry's tongue first flicked over a pebbled nipple and then curled his tongue around it, sucking it into that talented mouth.

Teeth caught on the edges of it, scraping his skin and Draco keened as his hips bucked softly into Harry's; he gave another subtle roll when the raven hissed, hoping to entice the other boy into reciprocating. But Harry just chuckled, swatted his arse gently and then continued to torment his skin, blatantly ignoring the erection boring into his hip. Frustrated by the lack of response, Draco removed his hands, reaching down to latch onto those lustrous black locks and bloody force Harry to comply, but hands shot up and slammed them back against the tiles, pinning him down as verdant eyes remonstrated him sharply.

Fuck, but he really loved it when Harry got this way. It was why he spent the entire game tweaking the lion's tail.

"Dirty, little cheat," Harry censured, and Draco couldn't tell whether he was referring to this afternoon's game or his current attempt at escape, but it didn't matter as Harry's lips were on his skin once more, and it was bloody brilliant. "It's time to reap what you've sown."

"Please," Draco couldn't resist sniping, just knowing it was likely to land him in hotter water than that they were currently standing beneath; and he was right as those intense eyes flicked up again, sending a trill of excitement tripped down his spine. Grinning cheekily, he met smouldering eyes unflinchingly and sniffed. "You're all talk, Potter."

His impertinence was rewarded immediately.

Breath catching in his throat as Harry's eyes flashed dangerously, Draco watched in anxious fascination as the other man slowly straightened, his mouth set in a determined line and then gasped when Harry shoved him back into the tiles behind him. His heart rate tripled, racing so hard that he thought it would beat right out of his chest as golden skin slid, writhed against his and a hot breath whispered against his ear when his…paramour (?) scoffed wickedly. "Did you really think that I'd gone soft, sweet and docile in our time together, Malfoy? Please. Do remember that I am a Gryffindor, not a Hufflepuff; and it will take more than a few sweet kisses and short gropes to tame me."

Draco squawked in protest, his own eyes flaming at the unspoken implication that he didn't have what it took to pin the passionate lion down. Narrowing his gaze, he wrapped his fingers around the snickering Gryffindor's wrists and moved to reverse their positions and show the brat just how skilled Draco could at making Harry beg for his cock. But Harry, sensing Draco's intentions, pressed back, effectively trapping Draco within the circle of his arms, and held him down with nothing more than his body and sheer will, their eyes caught in one of those intense stares that left him unable to breathe.

The action of being so thoroughly trapped, pinned down by the other man, made Draco's blood burn and bubble, rushing through his veins like liquid fire, and sunk straight to his twitching cock, which gave its wholehearted approval to Harry's actions. Fuck the man was hot. Groaning when skin melded with skin, Draco relaxed his grip and tilted his head back into the tiles, signalling his acceptance, and subsequent surrender.

At least for now.

"You like this, don't you?" Harry purred, trailing hot kisses over his neck, nipping gently as he taunted sotto voce. "Being held down; having your fine-tuned control stripped away. Feeling just a bit helpless as I do things to you; and you, being unable to stop me. Having to trust that I won't go too far, but secretly hoping I will. Ordering you to pleasure me, while you have to wait on mine for completion."

Fuck. Yes. Could he have some more, please?

"Is that what you want, Draco?" Harry asked silkily, his hand sliding between them to cup and fondle his balls, fevered eyes running over him lazily. Draco nodded jerkily, unable to untangle his tongue long enough to answer the blazingly hot and in control man in front of him, hissing when fingers continued to tease and caress him, bringing a drop of pre-cum to the tip of his cock. Harry chuckled at his enthusiasm and murmured, in a voice almost too soft to hear, "Granted."

Inhaling sharply as Harry's magic washed over him, Draco gave a low moan as he felt it wrap and tighten around his cock and balls, revealing only then that Harry planned to use a magical cock ring on him. He really should have been paying more attention to the actual words Harry had been saying, rather than getting wrapped up in the sound of that dark, husky voice and the feeling of being held down. The man had told him exactly what to expect after all.

With that, Harry kissed him softly, his eyes seeking his to make sure Draco realised what he was getting into, and then, obviously finding the answers he sought, stepped back to flick ravenous eyes over Draco. Licking his lips lasciviously, Harry's eyes traced over him slowly, his cock giving a twitch as Draco stood there, waiting on his command. Finally, after he had his fill, Harry's eyes flicked back up and met his, a slow wicked smile curling those impossibly kissable, perfect lips.

"On your knees," Harry commanded in a soft, dangerous tone, sending a ripple of excitement, and just a touch of apprehension, through Draco.

It was at this moment that Draco nearly baulked, used to doing exactly the opposite of everything Harry Potter wanted; but the slightly feral flicker in those fathomless eyes, almost daring him to refuse, had him swallowing heavily and dropping gracefully to his knees instead. Heart thudding in his ears, Draco watched as pleasure lit Harry's eyes, and then the raven firmed his shoulders and seemed to fall into his role as dominant without hesitation; and didn't that make Draco all the hotter and harder to see. Kneeling before Harry, he dipped his head, placing his hands lightly on his thighs, and lowered his eyes in the perfect image of a submissive.

A thick silence blanketed them as Harry stalked over, and straddling his knees, stood above him, his cock jutting proudly from his body nearly at mouth level; and still, despite wanting to taste that beautiful cock, Draco kept his eyes lowered, awaiting the other man's command. Harry wrapped on hand in Draco's hair, firm fingers curling around the strands and yanked it back, just far enough so that the tip of his cock touched Draco's lips. Brushing the leaking crown back and forth across them, Harry closed his eyes and let his head to fall back, a shiver of bliss visibly wracking his body as he commanded huskily.

"Suck me."

Draco, eyes demurely cast, opened his mouth, and sucked the slick head into it, moaning as the salty, slightly bitter taste of Harry's cock exploded over his tongue. Sucking on it shamelessly, he swirled his tongue over the crown, loving the feeling of each ridge and indent as he began to bob lightly, taking a little more in each time. Releasing the head with a soft pop, Draco nuzzled the springy curls at the base with his nose, delighting in the low, drawn out moan that fell past Harry's parted lips.

Licking a long, wet stripe up the bobbing cock in front of him, Draco kept his hands balled in his lap to prevent latching onto Harry's hips and sucking him down, as Harry hadn't said whether he could use them or not. It made manoeuvering a bit more difficult, but the lovely groans, whimpers and words of encouragement from above kept him on task as he slowly tormented the other man. Slitting his eyes a touch, he watched through his lashes as Harry struggled to keep his hips still through every lick, nibble and suck as Draco treated Harry's cock like his favourite lolly, and then hummed when Harry moaned again, his hands fisting into his hair.

"You may…" Harry rasped, dropping his head to stare at Draco, seemingly mesmerised by the sight of him moving on his cock, and, pupils blown with lust, Harry petted his hair absently, threading his fingers through it for handhold. "You may use your hands…oh, Merlin."

Harry cried out as Draco immediately took that permission to heart and wrapped his hands around Harry's hips, digging his fingers into the skin, and used them to steady himself as he sucked Harry's cock into his mouth, swallowing it near whole. Harry felt hot and heavy on his tongue, and tasted like musk and sweat and heaven as he curled it around the shaft, licking and sucking languorously; and he had to fight not to gag when Harry unconsciously arched into the touch, shoving his dick further into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat.

Harry looked down apologetically, but was soon lost once more to Draco's mouth and tongue. Fingers curled into Draco's hair, tightening to an almost painful level as Harry tipped his head back and moaned his approval as Draco hummed again.

"Yes," Harry hissed, his words almost sounding like parseltongue, making Draco's own cock jolt at the sibilant sounds. Draco bucked his hips against the floor tiles, whimpering when he found no relief for his impossibly hard cock, and only felt vindicated when the vibration sent Harry's eyes rolling back into his head, and even more words of heated encouragement spilt out of his mouth. "Just like that, Dragon. So good."

Draco released Harry with an audible pop, a bit surprised by the use of his childhood nickname; he hadn't even been aware that Harry had known what his name meant. Licking his lips, he tilted his head back, meaning to take Harry's cock into his mouth again, but froze when brilliant, smouldering eyes pinned him into place, burning into him with the force of the sun and Draco swore that he couldn't possibly get harder or more turned on. And then Harry smirked and licked his lips, and quietly rasped, "On your feet, Malfoy."

Draco scrambled to his feet, gasping when Harry pulled him into his arms and then pressed them both back into the tiles in one swift movement, curling and moulding around Draco as their cocks slid and brushed against each other. Harry rolled his hips against his in small, mind-blowing circles, rocking and thrusting into Draco until he finally broke down and growled against Harry's throat. "Fuck. Fuck me already, Potter."

Grunting his displeasure when Harry merely snickered, his mouth curling into a smirk as Draco practically begged to be fucked, just as the other man had predicted earlier, and sent Draco grinding his hips mercilessly into Harry's in retaliation, nearly sending the other man to his knees. Growling, Harry gripped Draco's hips and squeezed, undulating his in response, drawing a small cry from Draco. And panting softly, Harry pressed a hard kiss against his lips, murmuring. "No. Not yet. The first time…the first time should be in a proper bed, not up against the locker room wall no matter how appealing."

Draco wanted to protest at that, but then Harry was disentangling their bodies, and stepping away, his voice a harsh whisper as he commanded imperiously. "Turn around; brace yourself against the tiles."

Scrabbling to comply, Draco rested his hands against the tiles, groaning when Harry took up the position behind him, his cock prodding at Draco's backside; and for a brief moment he worried that Harry might just enter him unprepared in his eagerness. But he quickly shunted that momentary fear away as Harry's hot, stiff flesh slid along the crack of his arse instead, feeling a bit silly for his nerves. He knew that no matter how far gone the other man might be, he would never knowingly hurt Draco.

Groaning as he felt that long, hard length between his thighs, rutting and sliding against his skin, Draco still couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed that Harry didn't intend to fuck him in truth that day. How he longed to be breached by the other man. But this...this was nearly as good.

Pushing himself into the wall, Draco rested a flushed cheek against the cool tiles, and bit back a whine when Harry squeezed and kneaded his arse, positioning himself so his cock slid between Draco's thighs with ease, and moaned lowly when the tip hit the back of his balls, nudging them gently. Arching his arse into Harry's hips, he reached a hand down to stroke himself, but his hand was forcefully slapped back onto the wall as Harry ground into his arse, a low muttered 'no touching what's mine,' his only acknowledgment. Whimpering at the denial, Draco leaned into the wall as Harry began to thrust between his arse cheeks, hoping the momentum would slid his aching cock along the wall and offer some relief.

"Touch me," he demanded, nudging back with his hips, wiggling them against Harry's firm flesh, making the other man's breath hitch and fall into a helpless groan from the depths of his chest. When Harry to didn't immediately comply, Draco shifted his legs, closing the gap around his thighs and Harry's cock, subtly adding to the delicious skin on skin friction.

"Fuck," Harry muttered, reaching between them to wrap his hand around Draco's weeping cock, and began to languidly stroke it until Draco, fed up with the lack of speed, groaned and began to shamelessly fuck his hand. Harry squeezed Draco's shaft, allowing him to rut into his hand for a few moments, but then quickly took the reins once more, setting an almost bruising pace as he fucked the tight space between Draco's thighs, his body trembling with desire and exertion.

Draco strained in Harry embrace, the spell on his cock and balls making his movements near painful as Harry denied him his orgasm, content to rut against Draco's body while he was helpless to Harry's every whim. Fuck, but it turned him on and he loved the feeling of Harry's cock pounding him from behind, the crown rhythmically nudging his ball sack as the other man ground and thrust against him, over and over until, finally, Harry's orgasm ripped through him with a low growl.

"Mine," Harry whispered possessively, fiercely, as he finally released the spell that held Draco's pleasure in check, and then ground into him once more as he rode out the last of his own pleasure.

'Yours,' Draco agreed in the back of his mind, crying out Harry's name as his body tensed in a familiar way, and one last stroke had him teetering over the edge, his sight whiting out, and stars bursting in his brain as he came harder than he'd ever come in his life.

Breathing harshly, Draco slumped against the tiles, trying to regain his composure as Harry slumped too, a heavy weight at his back, thankfully holding him up, as he was certain he'd slip to the floor otherwise. Drawing in several deep breaths, he whimpered as Harry's hands slid over sensitive skin, gently, but deftly rinsing their release from their bodies and he purred when he felt warm, soft lips at his nape, pressing sweet kisses along the length.

They leaned there, pressed together for several minutes, enjoying the feel of each others body and the warm cascade of water falling over them, until finally, their surroundings came back to them and Harry reluctantly pulled away. Turning to face Harry, he was surprised when he found the Gryffindor blushing and staring at his feet, obviously embarrassed by something. Walking over to Harry, he slid a finger under his chin and lifted his head, meeting wide, almost apologetic green eyes. And that's when Harry's behaviour dawned on him.

"Ummmm...errr," Harry stammered, his cheeks heating further when Draco just grinned at his adorable display of nerves. Only Harry would feel bad for dominating him and giving him exactly what he had been all but begging for the entire time.

"Potter," Draco stated dryly, but fondly, as he pushed a stray black curl behind the other man's ear. "If you even think about apologizing for what we did, I just might have to tie you down and show you how it's done properly; and without remorse."

"Right, right," Harry blushed, but grinned at him shyly, his eyes lighting in interest at the mention of being tied down, and Draco deftly filed that away for later exploration.

"You did nothing that I didn't want you to do," Draco emphasised meaningfully, his eyes dancing when Harry's shoulders released their tension, and he sagged in relief for a moment before sharp eyes turned his way, having caught his words. Draco merely grinned unrepentantly.

"You..." Harry began before trailing off to narrow his eyes thoughtfully, his lips thinning in feigned displeasure at the implications; unfortunately the sparkle of humour in his eyes gave away his utter amusement at being expertly played. "You did this on purpose."

"Brilliant deduction, Potter," Draco drawled with Gallic shrug, sweeping back his hair and turning off the water as he reached for his towel to dry off, and lobbed Harry's earlier words back at him with a slight twist. "Do remember that I'm a Slytherin, not a Hufflepuff."

"I ought to spank you for playing me like that." Harry shook his head disparagingly, but the quirk of his lips and twinkle in his eye let Draco know he wasn't serious. Thankfully. As he didn't think his arse could hand another that day. On another day however...

"Mmmm...perhaps later," Draco purred, voicing his thoughts, and delighted in the pink spreading across Harry's cheeks as he reached for his own towel, hastily scrubbing off and wrapping it around his waist. Draco wrapped his own towel around his and then sauntered towards their lockers to dress, taunting over his shoulder, "right now, I have a celebration to attend," and then chuckled when the Harry grumbled under his breath at that reminder, still smarting over Draco's win.

"Run along like a good boy then," Harry snarked, patting Draco condescendingly on the arse, making him whirl around with a mock frown.

"You did not just pat me on my ass, Potter," Draco choked out, slightly indignant.

"Oh, I think I just did," Harry mocked, grinning unrepentantly as he sauntered past.

"You'll pay for that..." Draco vowed, his eyes following the subtle shake of Harry's hips as he made his way to Gryffindor row, licking his lips as he mentally planned their next tryst and when he could get his hands on that delectable arse.

"Promises, promises..." Harry lofted with a smug grin, waving him off without concern as he turned down the aisle. "Now run along; your public awaits."

Draco narrowed his eyes as he watched the raven disappear, a slow, sly grin spreading across his face as he began to plot his lover's imminent downfall. So, Harry liked the idea of being bound...well, lucky for him, having Harry tied up and at Draco's mercy had long been a favoured fantasy and he had no qualms in setting that particular scenario into motion. It would only take some strategic manoeuvering; and with the Weasel spending nearly as much time in the Head Girl's room as he did in his own, infiltrating Harry's dorm would be a snap.

Turning on his heel, Draco slipped into his favourite mode of stealth and intrigue, planning out each step meticulously as he dressed and prepared for his team celebration. And if this didn't make the Gryffindor his for life, he'd willingly admit to defeat and just take whatever Harry had to offer, for as long as he were willing to share his life and time.