Lollie: Here it is! The final chapter! Enjoy :] There are a few guest stars today: Skye, Summer and Saturn from my other story "Tokyo New Mews" (and their creator, Cee-Cee). This is the very last chapter to this story, so if you loved this, please check out that story :) thanks luvies! Here are the guest stars!


Summer:Hello! *waves*


Skye: Now I think this story has a load of-.


Skye: Huh? *Looks around* Eh, it's probably I was saying this story has a load of-


Summer: The heck is that?!






Skye: *glares at Saturn and drops a brick on his head*

Saturn:Ow.*Passes out*

Skye: Anyways...this story has a load of ROMANTIC FLUFF IN IT!


Skye, Summer & Cee-Cee: Lollie does NOT own Tokyo Mew Mew (even though she wants to :( ) She only owns the plot. Enjoy :D

"Ichigo?" Kisshu called from outside the hospital room, then walked in. "Are you okay?" He said softly.

I nodded, feeling the tears in my eyes welling up. I think I knew who I was in love with. Masaya didn't ask me how I was, he just told me to follow my heart… and even though that was kind, it wasn't something a lover would say. He said it like a friend would. Ryou would NEVER even think of asking me how I was feeling, or even give me a break at work. I heard that guys treat you bad when they like you, because they're afraid of being too 'girly' in front of you, but I wouldn't be able to live with a guy who treated me like crap just to make himself feel better.

Even though they all made butterflies appear in my stomach, I knew that Kisshu was the one. I only needed to tell him. But how would I tell him?

"Kisshu?" I asked as he sat in the chair next to me.

"Yeah?" He whispered all-too-delicately. Is he afraid to say something that he would later regret, because I'm in such a mess? I asked myself.

There was a long pause. I had no idea what to say.

"Ichigo?" He asked, leaning in closer.

I turned my head from the sleeping Ryou, to look at Kisshu. "Do you like Mint?"

His eyebrows knotted together in confusion. "No… why would you think that?"

I felt broken. I didn't know what to think. I was scared that he loved Mint, but I was also scared to tell him I loved him, even though I desperately wanted him to know.

I burst into tears. I couldn't help it… that was so embarrassing!

"Ichigo…" He pulled me into a hug. "Why are you crying?"

"I… I don't know." I lied.

"You're lying, Ichigo."

Damn! "It's… it's just… I want Ryou to get better. I'm so worried." That was another lie (not that I don't want Ryou to get better, I do! I was just crying about how Kisshu might love someone else…), but hopefully that would work.

He nodded, making a burning sensation shot through my heart. I almost wanted him to pick up the lie, so I could tell him the truth… but I couldn't tell him the truth. I was a scaredy cat (A/N: Pardon the pun XD), and I knew it. But somehow, I finally got the courage to tell him how I really felt. "Why… why were you and Mint exchanging weird looks before?"

"Oh, uhm…" He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. I knew it! He liked Mint! The love of my life loved someone else! "That's not important."

"It is important, Kisshu!" I begged, looking down to the ground. "It's killing me."

He lifted my chin up slowly and softly with his hand, like I was a delicate piece of glass. "Why?" He looked… sympathetic. What?

"Why what?" I asked, still sobbing and sniffling.

"Why is that hurting you, Ichigo?"

"Just tell me, please!" I pleaded. "I need to know. It must be bad for Mint to keep a secret from me…"

He cleared his throat. "I-I don't think I can. You would hate me if I told you…"

"You like her, don't know?" I assused him.

"What? No!" He actually looked shocked… for real! "That's not it, at all. I… I like someone else."

"Who?" I asked, with pleading eyes. It hurt knowing he liked someone else, but I had to get it out of him, even if the truth hurt me. What hurt more, was that Kisshu didn't trust me enough to tell me.

He sighed and closed his eyes. Once he opened them, he whispered in my ear, "It's you, Ichigo. I love you."

There was a long silence. "You love me?" I asked.

"I love you more than anything."

"Then why are you keeping secrets from me, Kisshu?" I felt my eyes fill with burning, salty tears again.

"That was the secret." He said calmly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"That's what I told Mint."

"You told MINT… that you love ME?" I asked, trying to piece everything together.

He nodded.

"But… why?"


Kisshu's POV

Ichigo's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Okay," Mint smirked evilly. "This is getting boring. How about another game of A to Z?"

I grinned. "You're planning something, bluebird."

She gave me an innocent look. "I would never!"

"Yes it is. Who's this?"

"Kisshu." She smirked again. I knew it! She gave me the hat and smiled. I was sure to choose from the bottom of the hat, just in case she had something planned.

I uncrumbled the folded paper and read it out. "T: Truth Time – Who is your crush? Dammit, Bluebird!"

"Ohhh…" I looked at Ichigo. She mouthed, 'It's Akasaka-san' to us.

"Do you like Ichigo?" Mint whispered.

I felt like saying, 'I hate you', but I didn't want to be kicked out of her house.

"Yes…" I felt my cheeks burn up. Mint and the others went, "ohhhh"! She giggled.

"Hey. How, uhm… How are you?"

"You CANNOT tell her. You hear me?" I whispered to her, trying to make sure Ichigo didn't hear that it was about her, but she seemed busy talking to her boss.

Mint put her hands up in mock defeat and grinned again. That cunning witch…


Ichigo's POV

He told me the whole story, of how Mint found out.

"Wow…" I sighed, smiling like the Cheshire cat. "That was adorable."

"It wasn't meant to be adorable!" Kisshu blushed, looking down. "I just confessed that I love you, and instead of saying 'I love you too' or 'get lost, freak' you just told me 'that was adorable'."

I shrugged, pecking him on the lips. "It's better than 'get lost, freak', right?"

"Yes." He sighed. "I'm so glad I got that out."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled innocently. "Thank goodness, for Pudding and her 'A to Z' game, right?"

He nodded, kissing me again. I was so glad I picked Kisshu. I realised later that he may have been that creepy guy at Cafe Mew Mew, but that doesn't bother me one bit. I knew he was the one, and that I would spend the rest of my life with him.

Lollie: Did you guys like it?

Kisshu: YESSS!

Ryou: What about me? :[

Lollie: You get better the next day. It turns out you just had food poisoning from Ichigo's cooking.


Ichigo: I was kind of OOC...

Lollie: Shhh, everyone knows you love Kisshu. Don't deny it.

Ichigo: ...

Kisshu: AHAHAHA MY KITTEN LOVES ME! :D *kisses Ichigo*

Lollie: Stop sucking each others faces off, and read the speech I gave you!

Kisshu: OH, right. Eheemm *clears throat*... Thank you for reading Lollie's awsome, amazing, totally cool and... who the freaking heck wrote this?

Lollie: Me... you know it's true, though!

Kisshu: Okay... *backs away slowly*. Thank you for reading Lollie's 'alright' story. Please review and tell us what you liked (and even didn't like) about this story :) Yay for me for winning over my kitten :D

Lollie: Okay, okay, that's enough. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR REVIEWING! Each and every one of you gave me the courage to continue on and finish this story :)

Thank you to all of these people:













(Sorry if I forgot anyone :( )

And to the anonymous & guest reviewers (not sure if you actual have an account, so I won't mention you just in case I mention someone else :P) and everyone who favourited/followed this story :)

Kisshu: I LOVE YOU ALL! ... hey, just because you can control me doesn't mean you can make me tell random strangers that I love them!

Cee-Cee: AWWW!Its all over!

Summer: I'm happy with Ichigos choice.

Cee-Cee: Why?

Summer: Because Kisshu is hot!

Cee-Cee:Saturn won't like you saying that...


Saturn:BECAUSE YOURE MINE!*grabs Summer* Ill be kidnapping your OC now, Caoimhe



Cee-Cee:*gets baseball bat and hits Saturn*

Saturn:*drops Summer* OW WHAT THE FU-



Summer:*takes baseball bat*Lets kick some alien butt!

Skye:I agree...

Lollie: Shush, you. Good bye everyone! I hope to see you all review one of my other stories :D

All: WE LUV U! :D