Author: Yeah, so I know the characters are not mine. But thought this would be an interesting story to write out. Hope you all enjoy and reviews or comments would be awesome! Let me know if I'm doing good or bad here. XD

Chapter One

The cold was biting. The wind blowing so hard that a random purple cap went flying off of a passerby's head and up above the buildings. Once, a few years ago, the small town had been a quaint one. With shops ran by families, customers that were as familiar as their own household, and children running around without worry of strangers. That had been some time ago though and times had changed.

Now the small town was quickly turning into a large city. Distant corporations having come in to build larger buildings and establishing monopolized stores and merchandise. The small owners that had once flourished within the town were now being over powered by bigger corporations and only one single figure stared down with frustration. A lone figure that squatted precariously on the ledge of one of the large buildings, staring down at the sight of an older man closing up his shop, and hanging an out of business sign on the door.

Jack Frost was angry. Sure, towns grew and people either gained or lost, but this one hit a little closer to home than he felt comfortable with. His eyes stared down at the older man, aged about forty now, wearing a worn out brown beanie, a heavy beige winter coat, and black shirt and pants that were worn down to a fade. The old man, who's eyes were slightly glazed from weary fighting had once been golden in color, and a face that was now sunken but once had been rosy and full. Jack could only stare on with anger and an even stronger feeling of guilt building in his chest. He tore his gaze away, letting out a sigh that was exaggerated with the billow of foggy breath, and a burst of snow.

The man hadn't always been that way. Once, he had been very different and Jack couldn't help but turn his gaze back, his mind also going back in the strongest memories he held.

Thirty three years ago.

A young boy stared up in awe as he saw Jack Frost for the first time. Golden eyes shining brightly, mouth hanging open slightly, a slow curve coming to the corners as a youthful joy filled him. Jack Frost paced in the small boy's room, mumbling under his breath at times, exclaiming in joy at others as he realized that the young man saw him.

It was a time that had filled them both with pure happiness. The boy having confirmation that his belief wasn't in vain and Jack Frost, finally being seen by someone after 300 years of loneliness. What followed after this, a battle that had tested both of them to their tipping points, had just cemented them to one another even stronger. The boy, Jamie, being one of the few that knew without any doubt, that a magical world did exist. Jack Frost, having found a purpose and owing the young boy everything.

The rest of that year, they were almost inseparable. Jack only parting ways with Jamie to do his work, casting snow and ice along the roads of distant countries that were due for winter, while Jamie sat idly in wet and hot grass. Then the winter came back to Jamie's small town and he found himself outside during all hours, playing with newly laid snow that the mystical being had placed for him. Sliding on slick ice with his shoes as he held onto Jack's staff, while the Guardian pulled him dangerously fast across it, giving the young boy the ride of his life.

The years passed quickly after that for Jack. Watching as Jamie quickly grew into a tall elementary student of eleven years old, still lanky in his appearance and his shaggy brown hair becoming even more wild. His eyes were still golden and shining, still looking up into the sky as he waited for Jack to appear, and both of them sliding across the ice to play another game or trick. Some mockery still came towards Jamie from other students that didn't believe his wild tales and Jack could only stand by and watch, annoyance on his features. The children that did see him, were the only ones that Jamie could lean on, and their bonds were as strong as that dangerous night.

"Run!" The scream rang out along the length of the snow covered park, children spreading out in numerous directions as a rain of snowballs fell around them. The children's laughed filled the air as Jack flew through the air, creating snowballs in his hand and tossing them at the children as they ran.

"That's not fair!" Yelled one of the girls, laughing as she tried to duck the raining snowballs while attempting to mold one in her gloved hands. Jamie ducked down behind her as he ran, making one of the snowballs hit her directly in the forehead. He laughed harder as he ran off, his friends behind him, standing their ground as they tried to pelt Jack with their own hand-made ammo. Jack saw this and as the children turned their attention to each other, raced through the air to chase after Jamie.

He tackled the smaller boy, wrapping his arms around him as they rolled across the snow. After the inertia wore off, they both lay on their backs in the snow, wide smiles on their faces as they laughed tiredly. Jamie looked up, only coming up to Jack's chest in height, and Jack stared back down in turn. Jack smiled down at the young man as an older brother would to a younger sibling, a playful teasing smile before his hand came down to ruffle Jamie's cap.

"Running off like that. Think you can get away from the infamous Jack Frost!" He teased and Jamie couldn't say anything, his breath labored from running and laughing. His golden eyes didn't look away though. Instead, they stared a little more intensely and with a slight confusion in the orbs. He felt his heart doing something strong and his smile faltered a little as he finally looked away. A hand came up to touch his chest, feeling the strong and quickened rhythm of its pulse. He just shrugged it away though, moving to stand up and dust off the snow before they both returned to play.

But times change. Soon they were all in high school, teens that had grown into their early adult forms, and their beliefs following suit. Before either of them realized, Jamie was left alone in his belief of the magical realm, and his teen years were filled with hurt. Even more so as he neared his eighteenth birthday and he found himself sitting along in his room, staring down sadly at his bed. His hair no longer wild but cut short, styled on his head to give him a much more adult appearance, but there was no mistake in his age.

Jamie's body had filled out. Wide shoulders, muscled arms and legs from the years of hard play and the newest sport he had engulfed himself in, snowboarding. At his full height, he stood just over six feet. His height shown even more with a long and tapered waist and a set of long, strong legs. He sat in his bed wearing only a pair of black pajama bottoms, feet bare to the cold air, and upper torso chilled slightly with goosebumps. At the moment though, his mind whirled with depressive thoughts.

He had attempted to rekindle his friendships with his old friends, attempted to connect with others that he had once been so close to, but they had shrugged him off. They knew his strong beliefs were just as strong at this older age, as they had been in his youthful years, and they scoffed at him. Leaving him to stand in an empty hallway alone, feeling completely rejected after having invited them to hang out on his birthday. It had been too much and he found himself running out of the school to sulk in his room, sitting and staring at nothing as he just thought.

"Ya know, just staring like that will probably make you go blind. Blink man!" Came a playful voice and Jamie's eyes stared up to see Jack sitting precariously on the window sill, his staff lying across his lap, and a crooked smile on his face. He hadn't changed one bit over the past eleven years but what else would be expected? Jack was an immortal being and nothing could change of him. Not that they hadn't tried. Especially one disastrous night of Jamie trying to give Jack a hair cut and both nearly screaming in fright when the white hair grew back in an instant to its original length. Jamie tore his eyes away, anger laced on his features.

"Aw, come on now. I was just teasing." Jack said as he hopped of the sill, walking lazily into the warm room before closing the window shut behind him. He leaned his staff up against the wall before he hopped up onto the top of Jamie's foot board, squatting and placing his arms across his thighs. Jamie still didn't meet Jack's gaze and the spirit's smiling features soon turned to one of worry, eyebrows furrowed and a heavy frown on his face. As he spoke, he crawled down from his perch to sit at the foot of the bed.

"Hey man, what's up? You alright?" He inquired, a hand reaching out to touch the young man's shoulder, head tilting to the side as he tried to look at Jamie's downcast fast. Jamie shrugged off his hand.

"It's my birthday." The words came out barely a whisper, revealing a low tenor of a voice. Jack's face turned to a smile once again and he propped up once more, sitting straight.

"I know! You're eighteen now! Happy birthday!" He said but Jamie didn't look very happy from it. Instead, his eyebrows came together in hurt, eyes squishing shut tightly. Jack's joy quickly went away.

"It's my birthday and no one will come to celebrate with me." Jamie said, his voice breaking slightly at the end as he turned his gaze back to Jack. His eyes were lightly filled with forming tears, his hands gripping tightly at his ankles, shoulders raising up as he fought back the urge to cry. The hurt was so evident and Jack's own realization of the situation grew to its peak.

"...why?" He asked tentatively but he had a feeling that he knew the answer already. Guilt permeated through him. Through the years of watching the young boy grow into a man, he had seen the once close friends disappear from the scene, all growing up into their adult mindsets that made them not see the spirits anymore. Jamie's eyes clenched tight once more as he nearly yelled out his next words.

"Because they all think I'm crazy!" The words hung in the air for a moment, both knowing what and why the situation had come up, and both feeling too guilty to admit it out loud. Jack's gaze fell down to the tight grip that Jamie had on his own ankles, fingers digging into the warm flesh, causing the skin the get slightly red from the pressure. Then Jack's head shot up, a smile on his face, meant to be comforting.

"Come on, they don't think you're crazy. They probably-"

"They think I'm crazy cause I can still see all of the Guardians. I still talk to them. I still go out and hang out with you! People don't see me hanging out with you...they see me walking around by myself and talking to air." Jamie said, his words coming out in a rush, hurt laced with every word. The words caused Jack to sit back a bit, surprised by the young man's outburst. Blue eyes stared down then, biting down on his lower lip as he knew that what Jamie said was the ultimate truth. It was a hard truth to take, for both of them, but it was a realization that they knew they would have to face at some point.

"Do you not want to believe in me anymore?" The words were a whisper, words that were so hard to say. Jamie's head snapped up at them, eyes wide as he stared straight at Jack, who looked away with a slightly fearful look.

"No!" Jamie growled out between clenched teeth.

"But Jamie-"

"No! I...I don't...I want to believe in you...I don't think I could even try to forget you." Jamie said, confusion and frustration filling him as he began speaking, and ending with a defeated tone.

"Then what do you want to do? Either you believe in me and you'll be alone forget me and you can live a normal life." It was a difficult choice. One that hurt both of them to their cores. Jack not wanting to lose the most important person in his life, the first person to ever see him, the first to ever believe in him, the first to be like family to him, the first...that he actually cared about after his rebirth.

For Jamie, it was a painful loss that he didn't want to even admit. The past eleven years, he had come to realize something about himself and about his relationship with the Guardian. One that both scared him and made him almost desperate. Those many years ago in the park, he hadn't known what it was, but as time passed, he came to realize what it meant. Especially after his sixteenth birthday, when a rather raunchy dream had come to him, making him a bit awkward towards to the spirit from that point on. Even now, he didn't reveal his thoughts to the other as much as he had as a child. Jack had just chalked it up to him growing into a teenager.

"More then friends...more then anything, I want to be with you." Jamie finally admitted, gaze down to his clenched fingers, and a light blush coming over his cheeks. The true meaning of the words went over Jack's head though, a pained smile instead coming to the spirit's face.

"If that's what you really want." Jack said and Jamie gazed up, his hand also raising to wipe away the moisture from his eyes, and forcing a smile to his face.

"Of course that's what I want! Forget them, right? I mean, I know I'm not crazy." A forced chuckle came after that, Jamie's smile growing wider than was normal, and Jack quirked an eyebrow. He knew that the man was just trying to make himself appear okay, always wanting to make others more comfortable then he was himself. Knowing that the young man would just continue his facade, Jack gave a slow nod before standing up. Stretching his arms above his head, causing his hoodie to raise up to expose his belly a bit, and making Jamie's eyes widen slightly before looking away.

"Alright then. Then what do you want for your birthday? It's your day, Jamie. What do you want me to do for you?" Jack had thought about doing something with ice or snow for the young man but after eleven years of trying to top himself with self-made gifts over and over again, he was running out of ideas. Plus, it wasn't like Jamie was a child anymore, and a sculpted ice figure didn't hold as much amazement to the young man as before.

Jamie still looked away, his blush still present as he closed his eyes, words and images filling his mind. A teenage, hormonal mind at that. What did he want? Oh, he wanted a lot of things. Wanted a lot of things that were not very pure or innocent. Wanted a relationship level that he knew Jack would not go for. Hell, he didn't even know if the spirit swung that way or even if spirits could do such things. It wasn't like he hadn't asked in curiosity over the years but he only received replies that were as questioning as his own. Even Jack hadn't known if he could have relations with another human, not knowing since he had never really had the chance to do so, and not really ever having the urge to.

"Well?" The question forced Jamie out of his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see that Jack was leaning over, hands on his hips, and face only a few inches away from his own. He sat back slightly, eyes wide, and a gulp forcing down the light panic that filled him.

"Uh...I don't know..." He said, forcing out a neutral comment that didn't reveal his true inner thoughts. Jack frowned.

"Come oooonnnn...I know you want something!" It was then that Jack noticed the slight color to Jamie's face and he raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk coming to his face, but completely misinterpreting it.

" it something that involves another person? Perhaps someone you find a bit too attractive?" Jack got excited then, floating up into the air for a moment before landing on the bed beside Jamie, his knee touching the young man for a moment before Jamie pulled away. Jamie stood up, nervousness enveloping his form as he slowly walked away from the bed.

"N-no!" The word didn't come out as confident as he hoped it would, his voice breaking slightly in embarrassment. Jack not knowing how close he actually was. The spirit leaned back on the bed.

"Aw, come on. Who is she? You want me to do something pretty so she'll be all...oooooh, how beautiful! You should kiss me in this romantic moment?" Jack questioned, teasing a bit and causing Jamie to blush a bit as a thought came to his mind. An image of the park filled with sparkling snow and ice, a dim light coming from the town, and both of them standing on the frozen pond. Hands held together, their faces coming closer to each other.

Jamie shook his head to rid the image.

"No! There's...there's no girl." He said, stuffing his hands into his pajama pockets, and Jack's face taking on confusion. A teasing tone came after then, a crooked smile on his face.

"A guy then?" Silence filled the room, Jamie not wanting to meet Jack's face, and Jack waiting for a denial. The denial didn't come though. Instead, Jamie slowly turned his gaze to Jack, slightly shy as he stared over his shoulder. Jack sat, waiting expectantly. Then the smile faltered. Eyes still expectant but his mouth slowly forming into a slight oh before his eyes followed suit. Jack looked up then, staring at the suddenly interesting ceiling.

"Oh..." Jamie turned his head away.

" you want me to make up some romantic setting for...the young man?" Jack said, words not really judging but still filled with a bit of surprise. Jamie closed his eyes shut again, shoulders raising up as he fought the urge to gush out his feelings.

"No...he...doesn't even know." The words were slightly defeated as Jamie let out a long sigh. He turned around once more, a forced smile on his face.

"Let's just go hang out. Take me somewhere. Anywhere." He said, not wanting to talk about it anymore. It would be nice to lead the conversation so that Jack would realize it but Jamie was just sure that Jack would reject him. And with how things were, he knew he couldn't survive that.

Jack let the topic slide, seeing that Jamie wasn't comfortable talking about it just yet, and nodded. Standing up, he grabbed his staff before he lifted up an open hand.

"Well, get dressed then! Can't go out in my world like that."

A/C: And so there it is. First chapter. What will it lead to? We'll see. I'm just kinda going with the flow. XD Stay tuned for the next chapter! Coming very soon.