Rubbing the back of her head Hitomi tried to find the problem in the assignment that she was currently working on but something just didn't seem to make click in her mind. With a sigh she took off her reading glasses, placed them on the table, and rubbed her face.
In the background she could hear the shower running and, very faintly, the voice of her girlfriend as she was singing a song. She didn't know the name, but she liked it. Especially when it came from her girlfriend's lips.
A few months had passed since that night in Hong Kong and they were back in Freiburg back to the old routine.
Well maybe a few things did change. Ever since Leifang and her father started to regularly talk with each other the atmosphere around their place had become very relaxed. Things between them were still a little rough, but that was to be expected, but it was a start and they even had spent Christmas as well as New Year with the Chinese's parents, much to her dear father's dismay. But Joachim knew how important it was for Leifang though and quickly got to accept it. In return Hitomi had cooked him a few meals with the recipes that she had gotten from Leifang's mother.
She chuckled when as she remembered New Year's Eve where she loudly wished them a happy new year, only to remember that in China they celebrated New Year on a different date. Man that had been embarrassing, but at the end they all shared a laugh at it.
She hadn't heard anything about Christie and in a way she found that she didn't really care, much to her own shock. What the woman did was wrong and she could only hope that the police would eventually catch her.
Though Hitomi had the distinct feeling that she hadn't seen the last of her. And this time, Hitomi wouldn't let her guard down.
Shaking her head she banished these thoughts from her mind and rather focused on more important things. With Leifang's family problems out of the way the two finally got to sit down and talk things through concerning their future and how they would proceed.
First thing they agreed on was that they needed to balance their relationship, since some day in the future they would have jobs that would take up more time. Luckily with Leifang's endeavors she could most likely also work from home as a composer thanks to the internet, which also brought them to another decision they had made.
Getting a new place.
While Hitomi's place was nice and all, and big too, it was ultimately made for only one person in mind, so if they didn't want to get on each other's nerves down the road it was important to get a bigger place. Ideally one where they had enough rooms so that Leifang could use one for her eventual composing.
In fact they would meet a real-estate agent tomorrow.
She leaned back into the sofa and looked out of the window. Sometimes she couldn't believe how things had changed. And still did in fact.
Deciding that she wouldn't be able to finish her assignment today she pondered what she should do now. Lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice that the shower had been turned off for a few minutes now, neither did she notice the bathroom door open and Leifang, dressed in her favorite bathrobe, walking over to her until she could smell the scent of her shower gel.
"What's the matter?" Leifang asked while circling her arms gently around her neck. A few still wet locks brushed her cheeks a she did so, but Hitomi didn't mind.
"Just growing a little bit nostalgic."
"Are you an old woman now, or what?" Leifang laughed softly and pulled away, walked around the sofa and sat down on the German's lap, once again putting her arms around her.
"Now that you mention it I do feel a bit stiff these days." she chuckled.
"What did you think about?"
"Everything. Mostly when I first entered the tournament. If someone would have told me that I'd end up falling in love with that Chinese girl I practically crashed into I would have called them crazy and gave them a good spanking on their way. Funny how things can turn out."
"Hey. Let's go for a walk when your hair is all dry."
"What about your assignment?" Leifang said and pointed to the papers lying on the table.
Hitomi huffed. "Can wait, I'm really not in the mood for it today and I could use some air." then her face brightened as she got an idea. "And once we're back we could watch a movie. Then I'll make us dinner, we dim the lights, share a blanket while we watch another movie..."
"Sounds wonderful." Leifang closed her eyes and started to hum the song she was only singing moments ago. Hitomi brushed her nose against Leifang's cheek, making her smile.
"Ok, just let me get dressed." Leifang said and reluctantly let go of Hitomi, got off her lap and walked to their bedroom.
While she waited Hitomi gathered her papers and put them neatly together. Leifang returned dresses in a simple white dress, her hair left untied. The couple left the apartment and headed towards the park, Leifang circling her arm around Hitomi's as they walked.
After a while they arrived in the park and sat down on one of the benches.
"What are you thinking about?" Leifang asked to break the silence.
"What makes you think I am?"
"You got that look on your face whenever you're thinking about stuff." Leifang did her best to copy Hitomi's expression, making the German grin.
"Guess I'm just an open book to you by now."
"So?" Leifang looked at her expectingly.
"Alright alright. I was just wondering how I managed to make you fall in love with me."
"That's simple. By just being you." Leifang leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek, then leaned her head against the younger girl's shoulder.
"We came a long way, didn't we?"
"And we still got a long way to go. Together."
Hitomi smiled and looked towards the bright sky. Together they could do everything. They were Leifang and Hitomi after all.
"Powering up." Hitomi said under her breath and grinned.
The End
Aaaaaand, it's over. This is it. Though don't worry this isn't the final end. I've already got some ideas for side-stories as well as a real sequel to this one. Though for now I'll take a little break, this story has taken me quite some time to finish after all, but I'll be back eventually.
So see you all around :)