I ran up the stairs to my room where upon entering, I slam the door shut before Deliverance could say anything more to me. He kept shouting apology after apology but I just refused to listen. Tears slid down my face, I blubbered loudly, wanting my precious babies to come back. Deliverance tended to sleep walk some times when he was stressed out and with a job interview coming up, he was really stressed. Well, some time last night, he was walking around and the idiot opened the front door then fell on the couch, no longer walking for the rest of the night. At some point, Annie and Malishka, my dogs, ran out and there was no sign of where they could've went. It's nearly 7 o'clock, Deliverance and I have been looking around town ever since noon but no luck. Deliverance finally called Dad and Papa when we got home from our day of searching.

"Indie! Come on! It's not my fault I walk in my sleep!" Deliverance exclaimed on the other side of the door but I would have none of it. "Independence! Open the door, please!"

"Go away!" I yelled, my voice cracking as I continued to weep.

I heard him sigh then walk away from my room. Slowly, I stumbled over to my bed and just collapsed on it. There was only one thing to get my mind at least somewhat calm: Hetalia. As strange as it may seem, Hetalia is just the thing to calm down my nerves and make me laugh instead of cry. So I reached down under my bed to grab my laptop. I usually have to hide it or else Deliverance or Dad will steal it and look up who knows what on it. At first, I just watched some episodes which stopped me crying but didn't make me laugh. So I moved onto google to search for Hetalia fanfics. Mostly about Hetalia Units, how some OC either accidentally or purposely orders robots that look like the characters from Hetalia. Even though I'm not particularly fond of OC stories, these ones just peek my interest, especially since I've heard rumors going around that there is a possibility of real Hetalia units.

Just as I was criticizing yet another fanfic, mostly for a few grammatical errors, a small window appears on my screen. It was white for a second before large red letters popped up, saying "Order your own Hetalia Unit today for 50% off!" I stared at it for a second before scoffing at the idea. As much as I love Hetalia, having multiple robot versions of them inside my house, which isn't very big, would be hectic and cost me a great amount of money. I also doubt my Dad would be too happy that his youngest daughter ordered robotic men with even getting his consent.

I scrolled over the "No thank you" option and clicked it once. The window went white again and then said "Thank you for selecting 'Order now'! Please select any unit of your choosing or select our package deals!" Then various pictures of the countries popped up along with a big price.

"But I didn't click it!" I was absolutely flabbergasted. Immediately, I tried to exit out of the window, but it was one of those stupid windows that wouldn't let you exit and get on with your life. It just kept flashing and making a ding noise whenever I clicked on it. I went with the next best thing. I shutdown my laptop and turned it back on.

There was a knock on my door. It creaked open to reveal Papa, smiling softly at me.

"Hey baby girl," Papa said and jumped on my bed next to me. "Dee told us what happened."

"Papa." I whined, starting to feel the tears come back. "I just stopped crying. If you keep mentioning them, then I'll start up again!"

"I'm sorry, Baby Girl." Papa apologized and pulled me into a hug. "Tomorrow, we'll take the day off and check all the dog pounds and parks and alleyways in the town. Tonight, we're going to print off flyers and post them everywhere we see fit, okay?"

I sniffled and nodded into his chest. Papa, in return, just continued to hold me and stroke my hair, muttering words to me that were supposed to make me feel better. They didn't work. Yet what we failed to notice was a quick little pop-up appearing in the bottom right corner of the screen saying "Thank you for purchasing our package deal! Your first unit will arrive in 2-3 days!" before disappearing.

Waking up the next morning was hard, but Deliverance forced me to wake up. Seeing that I wasn't going to be in the best of moods, my parents and Deliverance decided to let me stay home and call the local animal shelters. Not wanting to start an argument with them, I agreed and let them run off around town. There was no success. The second day I actually ventured out of my house and looked around with Dad but still no sign of Annie or Milashka. My hopes of ever seeing my babies again was dwindling by the hour. On the third day, I once again stayed home to call animal shelters, even ones outside of town.

It was around 2, the usual time when my house receives mail, when I was dialing up another animal shelter. It was the third and last animal shelter in town and I was just praying to whatever deity was out there that my precious babies were there and safe. Before I could even put in the last number, my doorbell started ringing. It wasn't even a fun doorbell. It just makes buzzing sounds that annoys the hell out of everyone in my family. And because whoever was there was pressing it non-stop, it was starting to piss me off.

"Hold your horses!" I yelled, hopping down from the stool I sitting on by the counter and jogged to the front door. "I'm coming!"

At my front door was a man dressed from head to toe in green. He looked to be in early to mid thirties with brown hair but it was mostly covered up by a hat that had a pair of green wings embroidered on it. The man looked at me with kind blue eyes that held just a hint of sadism and smiled then gave me a small wave.

"Hello, ma'am. Could you sign this please?" The man asked politely and held out a clipboard towards me.

I cautiously took the clipboard and read over it. "May I ask what was sent to my house?"

His smile widened. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, Miss Neils."

Shrugging, I signed the clipboard and completely missed the fact that he knew my name. We usually get packages sent to us at least once or twice a month from our relatives in England. Most of the time it's a couple of t-shirts for the rents, tea for Choice, some sort of video game for Deliverance, and a Doctor Who item for me. They like to send them in big moving boxes, just so they can fill them to the brim with those tiny styrofoam bits that stick to you and is nearly impossible to get rid of, just like glitter.

The man took back the clipboard and wheeled in a giant ass crate. It easily loomed over me, nearly six feet tall! I examined the crate with a frown and an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. The man started to leave, wishing me a good day, when I caught a look at a logo on one of the sides. The logo was a flying mint bunny in mid-flight with the name of the manufacturing company circling the creature. I had a right to have that bad feeling because I immediately knew what was inside the crate.

I ran to the door, prepared to yell at the man to take back crate but he was already speeding away in a large blue mailing truck.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled to the heavens above and slammed the door shut.

Glaring at the crate, I trudged over to it and saw an object heavily taped to it. Obviously someone was too lazy to put it in an envelope or something. I ripped it off the wooden container and peeled the tape off and saw that it was a manual for whatever unit I ordered.

'IVAN BRAGINSKY: User guide and Manual'

"Oh . . . shit." I don't mean to bad mouth him, he's actually my favorite character. Despite being very creepy, he was also kind of cute. But I'm not sure how my family will handle it, the fact a very intimidating unit thingy will be living with us. And that the unit thingy is male.

I sat back on my stool and looked from the manual in my hands to the phone. How long do I really want to hold this off? "Like Choice always says, it's better to get it over and done than feel that agonizing feeling of a kid waiting to open Christmas presents when it's still a week away."

As quickly as I could, I ran down to my basement and looked through Dad's tool box and almost immediately found his old crow bar. I grabbed it and ran back upstairs. Then I grabbed the manual and flipped through it, looking at some solutions to waking him up. Most ended up with him running off in search of some unit, except the first.

"Here we go," I whispered to myself and took a deep breath. "брат!"

Just like the manual said, I immediately heard sobbing coming from the inside of the crate. But there were no chains to unlock so I pried one of the long sides off and immediately Russia stopped crying. On second thought, I should probably start calling him Ivan. He does come with a name so I should call him by that.

"You're not Natalya!" he said, almost sounding thankful for that fact.

"Nope!" I said, popping the P. "I'm Independence, but I'd prefer it if you would call me Indie."

The Russian cautiously poked his head outside the box, looking just a bit worried. "Is Natalya here?"

I smiled up at the tall Russian and gently grabbed his arm and led him out of his box. "She's not here, nor anyone else. Just me and you and . . . Oh shit! The shelter!" I yelled and ran over to my phone. I pressed the call button after dialing the last number and put the phone to my ear. I was immediately greeted by one of my best friends: Snow.

"Berry's Animal Shelter," Snow said into the phone, sounding just a bit dazed.

"Snow! It's Indie, you know? The girl you've been friends with for nearly eight years? The girl who converted you to anime? She just about saved your ass a million times when it came to tests-"

"I get it Indie!" Snow exclaimed but there was a giggle in her voice. "What's up?"

"Why else would I call you during work, dummy? Is Annie and Milashka there?"

"Not sure, I could go check if-"

"For the love of all that is holy, YES!"

"Okay, jeez! You don't need to scream!" Snow snapped. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't hang up."

"Alright," I said dejectedly.

I looked over at where I left Ivan and squeaked, yes squeaked, in surprise and nearly fell off my stool. He was standing right next to me, a bit too close for comfort, just staring down at me. I laughed nervously a bit and wiggled my fingers at him as a sign of hello.

"Hello, Ivan," I said.

"Zdravstvuyte!" Ivan said with his smile, which I found to be very cute. But the next thing that happened, I would never forget for the rest of my life. He leaned down so he was eye level with me and . . . kissed me on the mouth. It was more like a peck but it still made me turn red like Spain's tomatoes. Because one: I just met him and he kissed me. Two: I had virgin lips before that happened, sad right? And three: He. Fucking. Kissed. Me.

"Y-You-But-ki-kiss!" I stuttered out, mentally facepalming at how stupid I sounded.

"Hey, Indie, you there?" I heard from the phone.

I immediately turned my attention back to the phone, though my face was still red. "H-hey Snow."

"You okay? Before you answered, it sounded like you were having a panic attack or something." Snow said.

"Fine, I'm fine. So are my babies there?" I mentally cursed myself when my voice when an octave higher when I said the first fine.

"Yep, Don said that they came in last night. Found them on the edge of town." Snow said.

I sighed, relieved that they were alright. "Okay! I'm going to be there in a jiffy! And . . ." I looked at Ivan from the corner of my eye. ". . . Don't freak out when I show up, okay?"

"Huh? Why would I-"

"Bye Snowy! Wuv you!" I yelled and hung up. I turned to Ivan and faintly blushed again. "S-so I have to go and get my dogs . . . I'm afraid to leave you alone, so do you want to come with me? We'll have to walk because my Dad and my brother have the cars."

He smiled and nodded. "Da."

I hopped off my stool and headed for the door. He was right on my tail, acting like nothing just happened. I'll have to look that up later.

Hallo, is'a me, Gabrielle. So I've jumped on to the band wagon and wrote a manual fic. So sue me (please don't). Any who, random facts about the story.

1: Milashka means Cutie in Russian (Google translated it, so if it's wrong, then blame Google)

2: If you haven't guessed yet, her parents are very patriotic people.

3: The kiss . . . if you look it up of Russia's wiki character page, then you'll know why he did it. If you are too lazy, then it shall remain secretive until the next chapter.

Until next time, au revoir my lovelies!