To all my amazing followers, hello.

I got a guest review a few days back which prompted me to write this quick note to everyone.

I'm very sorry. It's been a while since I've updated this, and I personally feel like I owe it to everyone to explain why there hasn't been a new chapter in a long time.

I will be honest. I've been going through a bit of a writer's block. And by a bit, I mean to the point where I stare at my laptop for a few hours and nothing really happens. No inspirational magic. Last week I finished an entire chapter, but after reading it over I felt that the quality of the writing was poor and that it also diverged from the story in a way I personally felt was bad. As well as conflict with future plans.


I just want to make that very clear. This is a temporary break until I find inspiration. I'm probably going to start this story back up after swim season ends and I can destress a bit. That's also why I've been writing a Homestuck fic at the moment; to destress while still writing and improving.

But I just want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. A year has gone by since I first started this, and I'm currently sitting at 98 favorites and 119 followers. That's insane! You guys are insane! And I know there are many guest reviewers out there too! Thank you all so very very much!

Hopefully I'll be back in full force by March!
