Sakura Haruno is a child of Civilians of the Hidden Leaf Village, she is a newborn around 3 weeks.. During the time her parents took interest in traveling they had left the village and started to travel around the Land Of Fire. They were ambushed by rogoue ninja on their way, Sakura which survived the attack by her parents was alone, and crying for hours. Konan wingwoman of Pein found her and gladly took her in.. Will Pein accept this child? As she grows will the Akatsuki love her more than they've ever had?

March 28th - Time: 8:40 am-

-Mebuki Haruno POV-

Mebuki Haruno screamed to the top of her lungs as she'd push once again, her right hand gripping onto her husband's for support, ''Push Mebuki!'' yelled a brunette infront of the hospital bed as her husband's blue eyes fell over her form, stareing into her Jade eyes as he'd smile at her, holding her hand in return as a child's wail started to fill the room, ''Thank you, Mebuki'' giving his wife a smile as he was on the verge of tears of being a father.. Tears falling down her cheeks as she'd look up at her husband, ''I love you..'' she'd almost say in a whisper as she'd pant, regaining her breath as she'd sit up on the bead warily, her eyes looking towards the doctor holding her child.. ''Its a girl'' said the doctor as he'd hand the child wrapped in a white cloth to the Blonde female, ''Congratulations, Ms and Mr Haruno..'' said the doctor as he'd back away to watch the beautiful moment between the new family. ''Oh my god.. Kizashi, she's beautiful..'' said Mebuki as her Jade eyes orbserved over her pink headed child, ''She certaintly is..'' said her husband as he raised an arm to wipe the tears from his eyes.. The nurse stepping up now as she'd smile at the parents, ''Have you two decided on a name for her?'' tilting her head as Mebuki looked up at her husband, they both seeming to have the same idea.. Kizashi having a smile grow on his lips as he'd look down at his child, Mebuki's Jade eyes stareing at her child as she'd caress her child's cheek..

''Sakura... Sakura Haruno..''

-Normal POV-

March 28th was the day young Sakura Haruno was born, the new addition to Konohagakure. She was taken home a week after her birth, exactly when the Haruno family decided to take interest in traveling. Seeing how they wanted to give their child a chance of adventure.. A chance of new openings and opportunities.. April 16th is the day when the Haruno's left Konoha. Preparing for the future.. Thats what they thought.. April 18th is the day Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno died from an ambush by rogoue ninja.. Taking their belongings, except for.. one important thing.

-Mebuki POV-

Rogoue ninja had just set fire to our wagon, with no other hopes I hid our precious cherry blossom in the bushes, upon hearing my husband's scream I ran back over to only see blood surrounding his body.. At seeing the horror a scream escaped from my lips, tears running down my cheeks as I fell to my knees, stareing at my beloved's body.. 'If only I could of been there to..' My thoughts were stopped by a blade crossing over my neck, my eyes widening in realization as I let my guard down, before another thought could run through my head the sword's blade cut along my neck deeply, a sharp pain hitting me as I fell foreward as the blade left my skin, her eyes widening as I saw my own blood soak the terra floor.. Extending an arm among the terra as my last thoughts were upon my family.. Kizashi.. the love of my life, .. and my dear cherry blossom.. what would become of her? will the rogoue's find her to?.. I saw mental pictures of how our life would be, together.. as a family.. using the last of my breath as I whispered the name of my child..



-Konan POV-

'I had to get away.. From Pein in Yahiko's body, I still wasn't used to it.. ' My orange colored eyes snapping away to look into the distance as a faint crying was heard, 'A baby?..' hesitating at frist before she'd start to head over towards the sound.. Walking past trees that stood in her way as she'd stop to stare at a child wrapped in a white blanket.. Raising an eyebrow at this as I'd walk over to pick the child up, looking around for any signs of anyone, a wiff of fire only hitting my nose as I'd start to gently rock the baby in my arms, looking through the branches as I'd see a sight I was so used to seeing.. Burned rubble of a wagon, belongings thrashed around.. A man with unusual pink hair lying dead in blood, a blonde woman not to far also laying in a pool of blood.. both dead. I then examined the child in my arms, I should just kill it, end its misery.. but.. I just couldn't see myself doing it. Holding the child with one arm as I'd move cloth from the child's face.. seeing the child's pink hair.. her eyes being a greenish color as they'd stare up at me, tears filling up in them as a smile started to grow on the baby's face.. 'Beautiful..' I'd examine the white cloth.. seeing a name that had been printed on the blanket as I'd carefully read over the name,.. Sakura', this child was a girl, a child named Sakura. Fitting I should say.. I didn't know what I should do, killing this child was out of the question.. So I did what was best, 'What would Pein say? A baby growing up in the Akatsuki Organization?' Is that a life to live? .. It seemed to be the best option, I carried the child away, away from her dead birth parents.. Heading towards the temporally base of the Akatsuki.. A slight smile on my lips..

-Normal POV-

Konan walked into the temporally Akatsuki base, holding the child in her arms as she'd try to cover the child in her Akatsuki cloak the best she could. As she had put the child asleep on the way back to the base.. Walking past many member's rooms as she'd slowly walk up to wooden doors that would be Pein's office as they'd stayed here.. Not caring for permission as she'd turn the handle of the door walking it and kicking it shut gently behind her.. Pein's rinnegan eyes looking up at the rude barge in at the blue haired female that was his, 'bestfriend' according to her. What drawed my attention was the bundle she was desperately trying to hide in her cloak.. ''Konan what have you brought?'' I said in a stern voice, leaning back in my chair as interest seemed to take over me.. She took out the white bundle and held it gently in her arms as she'd walk over, walking past his desk over to him instead.. bending down abit to show him the face of.. a baby? ''Whats the meaning of this?'' glaring his orbs at her as he'd frown at the child. ''Pein.. I found this child, along with her dead 'parents' It looked like they were ambushed.. '' said Konan softly, not wanting to wake the baby.. ''So you brought IT here?!'' Seeing how foolish his partner was for doing so, ''You should of killed it, not bring it here.''.. Konan looked saddened at this as she'd shake her head, holding the child to her. ''I want to keep her..'' Pein glared at her as she said this, ''Its worthless, throw it out.'' said the orangette,.. ''Sakura is a newborn Pein, her parents are dead. She's here now, all alone. Just like we were..'' softening her gaze at him.. ''You named it already?'' Pein's expression starting to soften as the mention of their 'past' was brought up.. ''No, her name is printed on the cloth.. Pein please?'' Her orange eyes pleading for the man's approval as the orangette shook his head, sighing.. ''Fine..''

''Welcome to the Akatsuki 'family' Sakura..''

OMG MY FIRST FANFICTION! HOW IS IT!? I-I'll get better.. I just really like the fact of Sakura being taken in by Pein and Konan.. BTW I LOOOVE DRAMA. So you'll be seeing a lot of it!