Lords Amongst us
Warning! Language, Drama, horror, violence, and Heavy Lemon!
You have Been Warned!
Note to Readers: Hello everyone welcome to chapter 2 of Lords amongst us!
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Rated M
Chapter 2
Atem woke to the sound of a trumpet blaring from outside. Atem blinked, rubbing his eyes, and wondered why the hell was a trumpet blaring so damn early in the morning?
Atem slowly peeled away the covers and slid out of bed, despite all his sleep deprived muscles begging him not to. Atem dragged his feet to the dirty cracked window, that slowly leaked the cool morning air into the room. Atem stared out to see Joey in front of the house blowing the trumpet. A few moments later Tristan came flying out the front door.
"Joey stop blowing that trumpet so freaking early in the morning or I will take that trumpet and shove it up your ass!" he yelled.
"What? This is the only time I have to practice…" Joey defended.
"I don't care, stop playing that thing so early or your never see it again" Tristan threatened, then stormed back into the house.
Atem just watched, as Joey stood out there looking confused and wounded, staring at his precious trumpet. Joey then glanced up at Atems' window to see him watching him, Joey immediately perked up, smiling at him and happily waving his arms at him.
"Hey Lord Atem, come on down here, for a moment will ya?" Joey called.
Atem stepped away from the window out of Joey's sight, and sat down on the bed.
Atem felt taken back by just being called a lord. Atem didn't fell like a lord, let alone a commoner…
Atem then got up from the bed and made his way out of the room, Atem stopped halfway down the staircase to hear Joey and Tristan having a conversation in the kitchen.
"Just leave him alone man, he's been through so much in one night, just give him a little time to rest and collect himself" Tristan informed Joey.
"I just wanted to see how he was doing, what's so wrong with that?" Joey angrily questioned.
"Nothing, but knowing you, I don't believe you'd just pull him out of his room to see how he was doing" Tristan doubtfully stated.
"Are you callin me a liar?" Joey yelled, getting in Tristan's face.
"What do you think, trumpet boy?" Tristan shouted and pushed Joey back.
"Gentlemen please no more, I am at my wits-end as it is" Atem wearily pleaded to them slowly entering the kitchen and sitting down at the table.
"See man, you're stressing the man out!" Tristan snapped at Joey.
"I am stressing him out, what about you pony boy?" Joey angrily barked.
"Pony boy!" Tristan roared, the two of them about ready to brawl right in front of Atem.
Atem hears the front door open and close, and then sees Duke enter the kitchen, while removing his black leather gloves and placing them in his pocket.
"Good morning my Lord" Duke greeted Atem with a smirk.
Before Atem or Duke could do or say anything Joey and Tristan were already brawling on the kitchen floor…
Atem then turns back to Duke.
"Relax my Lord this happens most every morning, just ignore them" Duke informed him, walking past him, around Joey and Tristan then opening the fridge to get some breakfast.
"Are you hungry my Lord?" Duke asked riffling through the fridge.
"A little, why do you guys keep calling me that?" Atem responded a little frustrated.
Joey and Tristan even stopped fighting at the sound of the comment Atem just made. Duke pulled out some bacon and eggs to cook on the stove, while Tristan and Joey slowly got to their feet.
"Do you not remember the conversation we had last night my…Lord?" Joey asked hesitantly.
"Yes, yes I remember, I just find a hard time believing it" Atem replied.
"We understand your frustration my Lord, but please be patient you have Amnesia after all" Tristan reassured him.
"But how do you know that I have Amnesia, how do you have the right prince?" Atem questioned.
"We've met you before, for a banquet in your palace, with you and your little brother as the hosts" Duke explained, while frying the bacon and eggs on the stove.
The tasty scent of the bacon and eggs made it even harder for Atem to think clearly.
"Yugi right?" Atem replied.
"Yes, you remember him?" Tristan answered with a hopeful look on his face.
"No, nothing what so ever" Atem flatly stated.
"Don't worry my Lord, it will all come back to you in time" Duke comforted him, while serving him his fresh eggs and bacon.
A few awkward minutes pasted as all of them began to eat their breakfast.
"So what now?" Atem asked, still picking at his food.
"We protect you for starts" Joey said with a mouthful of eggs and bacon.
"Have you no respect Joey?" Tristan scolded him.
"Anyways, we will answer any questions you may have, and help learn your old routine, that will help you remember your past quicker" Tristan added.
"We will also try to locate your belongings and everyone you were supposed to arrive with" Duke informed.
"Correct me if I am wrong, but that sounds like a lot of work for just three men" Atem replied.
"Oh don't worry we won't be doing all the work, we have a couple good friends, Rebecca, and Cliff Erthanheart, you were once acquainted with them too" Duke told him.
After finishing breakfast Atem was escorted by Tristan and Joey to a nearby park. The large park was overflowing with oak and pine trees. Once deep in the park Tristan and Joey started enlightening Atem on what they new about his past.
"You come from a very wealthy family, that dates back to the Egyptian pharaohs" Tristan informed him.
"You have residences in Egypt, England, Hawaii, and even Japan, and China!" Joey exclaimed, "But your main palace is in Egypt" Duke added, Atem blinked while rubbing his temples trying desperately to hold on, and process all this information.
"You can horseback ride, man a boat single handedly" Tristan added,
"You are fluent in over a dozen other languages, including Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, and even Italian" Duke stated, "I...am I really that well educated?" Atem stuttered in disbelief.
"Ha, of course you are, and that's not even the half of it!" Joey boasted, pulling of two longs swords, tossing one to him, Atem instinctively catches it in amazement.
"Wow...I-I caught it!" he exclaimed, "Ya and you can fight too, the best damn archer, and swordsmen I've ever seen" they all said to Atem in harmony, then they all looked at each other funny.
"Hmmm I don't know about this guys, when those...as you called them...goons tried to kill me, I felt completely helpless" he stated his doubt.
Joey then suddenly swung his sword at him, causing Atem to parried defensively, the spark of the two swords colliding , caused Atem to intently freeze, his vision went black...
Atem opened his eyes, and found himself sitting underneath a large fountain made from fresh cut marble, with a massive phoenix made out of sheer gold!
Atem stood up and studied the fountain and beautiful gardens that surrounded him, the large golden phoenix sapphire eyes sparkled in the sunlight, as water poured out from its peak, with its massive wings outstretched to the skies.
water lilies adorned each water bed, with colorful koi circling in each pond, flowers of every color, shape, and height, was spread out as far as the eye could see, with large palm trees providing just the right amount of shade in all the right areas.
"Wh=Where am I?" he thought out loud.
"Your majesty!" a cloaked man yelled to him from the distance, Atem turned to the mysterious man, and squinted his eyes at him.
Why do I feel like I know him, he looks so familiar, but who is he?
He desperately thought, "Come your majesty you should keep your brother waiting" he called again, "Y-Yugi?" Atem replied in question, "Yes me, who else is going to keep your sharp on your sword skills?" Yugi snapped at him, coming out from around the cloaked man.
Atem couldn't help be instinctively laugh out at the sight of him,
Him, he's my little brother? well he does have a similar hair style, and his skin is as sun kissed as mine, but my goodness is he SMALL! what is he 7 years old?!
Yugi stood no more then five feet tall...if that! his spikey tri-colored hair, was just as wild as his, but not as many blonde bangs, his innocent violet eyes glared at him, his cloths were clean, and look to be made out of silk or Egyptian cotton, gold and jewels aliened the hems of all his clothing,
"If you don't want me to tare apart your precious gardens, then you should know better then to mock me here older brother!" Yugi angrily yelled pointing his long sword at him.
"Now come to the courtyard so we can train, or I'll fight you right here, right now!" Yugi ordered, starting to turn and walk away from him,
"Like I'm gonna take orders from a little shrimp like you" Atem boasted,
Wh-what? why did I say that? he-he looks like royalty and I'm just a slave, he could kill me!
Atem thought with fear and doubt about himself.
Yugi cocked his head curiously to the side, "You seem misplaced, are you alright brother?"
"If I can be perfectly honest with you my brother, this feels like a dream to me" Atem began to explain,
"It is, but actually more like a vision/memory" Yugi stated.
"So you understand my situation?" Atem asked sounding a bit relieved,
"Not entirely, but I do know that you lost your memories, well all except your name, and your instincts" Yugi clarified,
"Thank heavens for that!" Atem exclaimed,
"Indeed" Yugi agreed,
"But we're wasting time, you need to remember how to fight, and remember NOW, or you WILL DIE!" Yugi warned his voice echoing on several words.
Yugi then suddenly flew toward him with incredible speed, both swords drawn,
HOLY RA HE'S FAST! he exclaimed to himself diving out of the way of his incoming attack, Yugi chased Atem around the garden for seemed like hours to him, with Atem barely putting up a fight...
"This is pathetic Pharaoh, stop fooling around and fight me like a real man!" Yugi shouted still giving chase, Atem then runs out into what looks to be the middle of the courtyard, the ground was paved with large clay blocks, which were chipped and cracked from all the combat training held on these grounds, lying at his feet was a bejeweled long sword, that was engraved with his name in Egyptian directly across the sharp blade, which flickered and glowed like fire in the light of the hot sun.
Atem spun around hearing Yugi coming up from behind with tremendous speed,
SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! he mentally cried as he parried all three of Yugis' duel sword attacks, "Oh come on you can do better then that!" Yugi snapped, "Fine, he goes nothing!" Atem snapped back, lashing back with power and speed he didn't know existed inside him, now Yugi was the one on his toes defending against all his attacks, under he had him lying on the ground crying out for mercy!
Atem stopped and blinked in slight confusion while looking around, he then turned his head back to Yugi who started clapping his hands, "Great job brother, just like old times, now I can rest easy knowing you can take care of yourself, and don't you dare doubt your abilities ever again, or it will be the death of you!" Yugi praised then warned, as every in front of Atem including Yugi started to fade out, and disappear into the distance.
Atem blinked his eyes know that he was now back in the real world, still face Joey, Duke and Tristan who looked at him with concern, "Are you alright man?" Joey asked? Atem then harshly counter attacked sending Joey flying into the dirt!
"That's my lord to you" Atem deviously smirked, with new found confidence.
End of chapter 2.