Destiny Ch. 1 Destiny
Ch. 1/?

By Dani aka Arus

Disclaimer: Voltron and its characters are a copyright of World Events Productions, LTD.

Rating: PG (for some adult language)

Author Notes: I am posting the first chapter of a new Story in my new timeline. This one follows right after my Birthright (so if you missed it, check the archives - can't read this one without reading that one, otherwise, you'll be thrown for a huge loop)

"I won't be gone long. 2 days at the most."

Keith smiled as he packed a small duffle bag.

"I really hate these formal meetings," Lance commented. "Vallis has already been accepted into the Alliance. I don't see why they need to send an official to oversee the last part of it."

"Since we were Vallis' sponsors, it is our duty to see it all the way through to the end," Keith said as he closed up his bag. "And since Coran and I are the only one on 'staff' that knows about the procedures, I chose to go to Vallis." He then smiled again. "And a good excuse for me to take a small vacation."

"Wait, did I hear the V-word?" Lance asked. "I must have heard you wrong, but did you actually say, vacation?"


Lance smiled. "Well, remember, Allura's ball is this weekend, and she will have your head if you don't show up to it," he stated.

"That masquerade ball right?" Keith asked. "I haven't even chosen a costume..maybe I should extend..."

"Keep that thought outta your head," Lance warned. "Or else, Allura will have more than just your head."



Anala smiled as she greeted Keith in front of the newly reconstructed castle. She hugged him tightly as Xue and their mother joined them.

"Hope that our little ruse hasn't taken you away from your duties?" Alysson stated after she hugged him. "I must thank Coran for all that he has done for us. He must really care for your team."

Keith smiled. "He sure has a strange way of showing it, however." He then looked around. "I see that you have been very busy."

"We've done much in the last few months," Anala stated. "Thanks to the help of the Galaxy Alliance. But there is a lot more that we have to do."

"Time is what you have," Keith said. "I'm starved. I hope that you have dinner in mind."


"Dr. Gorma wants any information you can give on our people," Keith said as they sat around the dinner table. "Any medical information that could help him."

"We have what he needs on record," Alysson said. "I'm sure he's taking every precaution."

"I think he finds it more fascinating than for information sake," Keith stated with a smile. He then turned to Anala. "You said that it was important that I return."

Anala slowly nodded as she met her mother's gaze. "Once we finish with dinner, we'll discuss it further in the study."


Anala smiled as she handed Keith a glass of wine while they took their seats in the many chairs in the study. She took a seat next to her mother as they turned their gazes to him.

"Actually, its kinda a good thing that you did ask about the medical files," Anala started. "Because, we wanted to speak to you about it."

"Am I going to grow a third arm or something?" Keith asked.

"Nothing like that," Anala said with a smile. "But, you could say that its something...very personal."


"Maybe, I should leave the room, and just let mother explain it," Anala said. "I don't think this is something you'd want to discuss with your sister in the room."

"Whatever it is, you both can tell me," he said. "So what is so personal about it?"

"Even though you are half-human, you will experience some of the developmental stages that Vallusians go through in their lives," Alysson began. "And unfortunately, some of those developmental stages can seem a bit..."

"Animal-like," Anala finished.

"I see," he stated. "And in what way will this happen to me?"

"There are three additional developmental stages a Vallusian may go through after their right into adulthood," Alysson started again. "Since you've already gone through that rite, you will soon be entering your last developmental stage."

"One of three possible stages," Anala added. "I say one of three because all Vallusians go through only the first stage."

"What about the other two?"

"The other two are for only those who have destined to be something more," Alysson stated.

"The three stages are named. The Rite of Nilan; the Rite of K' chau, and the Rite of Ylren," Alysson continued. "The Rite of Nilan is the only one that we all go through."

"What happens?"

Alysson slowly stood and walked around the table that separated them and took a seat next to him on the couch he was on. She slowly pulled up the sleeve on the gown she wore and showed him the chain of marks that surrounded her wrist.

"These are the marks of Nilan," she said. "I've darkened them for you to see, but normally they are unnoticeable. Much like the intricate lines of your fingerprints. These will start to form, and usually will take months to fully encircle your wrists. They will also appear around your ankles as well as your neck." She then turned to Anala and had her come over. She pulled up Anala's sleeve and showed him the same marks. "She has started hers and you can see here, that they are incomplete."

"When will they start?" Keith asked. "And how do they begin."

Anala smiled. "It starts when you are ready to court someone."

"Court?" Keith nearly blurted.

"As I stated, this is a left-over attribute from our ancestors that will seem, animal-like," Alysson stated. "But, unlike our 'ancestors', we've evolved over time. The only significance it holds to us today is that, it tells everyone that ."

"You're free to do the horizontal mambo," Anala stated. "At least I think that's what Lance called it."

"ANALA!" Alysson nearly yelled.

"Well, what do you want me to call it?!"

Keith smiled. "We call it sex, Anala," he simply stated. "Lance calls it many things, but it means the same thing."

"I see," she said with a smile.

"Much like how a male will show off himself to impress a female," Alysson continued. "Its just a little different for us."

"So until I find someone to court, the marks wont show up?"

"Not as simple as that," Alysson stated. "They could appear because another Vallusian of the opposite sex is going through it as well. Nature hasn't exactly caught up with our evolution as yet, but it does provide us with added abilities."


"It's different for all of us," Anala stated. "Though after you finish the Rite of Nilan, your new gifts shall manifest themselves."

"Again, I hope it wont a be a third arm or something."

"Nothing that severe," Alysson stated.

"What about the other two stages?"

"Nothing for you to be concerned about, since those two stages," Alysson stated, since you are most likely not going to be able to go through them."


"Mom, it wont hurt him to know," Anala stated. She then looked to him. "The Rite of K'Chau is the developmental stage that will determine if a Vallusian is to be an Elder. And no one has ever gone through the 3rd Rite."

"The Rite of Ylren?" he asked. "Why?"

"That Rite was undertaken by only one Vallusian, more than a millennium ago," Alysson stated. She then pointed up to a portrait that was hanging on the wall. "And that Vallusian became our God."


Anala smiled as she walked out onto the balcony that overlooked the foyer where she would address her people. She noticed the lone figure who was standing by the rail and decided to go over to him.

"Hot Chocolate," she said as he turned to her. "With a little something to help soothe the nerves."

"A little something?" Keith asked as he took the cup from her.

She smiled as she joined him by the railing. "Its so different being here at night," she said. "So quiet."

"I like the quiet," he said. "Its easier to think."

"Keeping yourself isolated from others can make you seem dull," she said. "Do you like to be alone?"

"Like to be?" he asked. "What makes you think that?"

She shrugged a little. "Things I've noticed," she said as she drank from her own cup. "It seems that you want to push people away, so that they don't see something of you. Like you're afraid to show them something about you, that you think is a weakness."

He laughed to himself. "From observing me, you came to that conclusion?" he asked.

"Call it intuition," she said with a smile. "What is it you're afraid of? Why keep those who care about you away?"

"I'm not like that," he defended.

"Ever had a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No, but.."

"Besides Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and the rest of the Voltron Force, do you have any friends outside your group?" she asked.

"No, but."

"But what, Keith?" she asked. "Do you even know anything about your close friends? Do they really know anything about you?"

"Its not what you think."

"I understand fully," she said with a deep breath and stared out to the sky above. "You're afraid that if you show one moment of weakness; one instance of a mistake, that no one will be able to trust you with the duties you have taken upon yourself to preside over. You seek to find challenges, keeping yourself as well as your emotional self, in check, hoping that you will not fail. And the harder you try to succeed, you forget about the people who are there to help you succeed."

She then met his gaze. "I too know what it is like to be scrutinized day in and day out," she stated. "But I know where to draw a line so that I don't go insane. You're going to end up being a burnt out shell of a man if you continue to push away those that love and care for you. Everyone has their weaknesses, and its from those weaknesses we grow stronger."

Keith could only shake his head as she placed her cup down on the railing. He then quickly grabbed her wrist, slowly pulling back on her sleeve to study the marks that were forming.

"So, if it takes the stigma of someone you're courting in order to start this," he started then met her gaze.

Anala could see what he was hinting at then blushed as she tried to pull her arm away.

"It's none of your concern," she stated.

"Well, being the big brother, I should be concerned," he said with a smile.

"So, its none of your business," she said with a smile. She then pushed him aside. "We are going to see the elders tomorrow, and then we will accompany you back to Arus."


"It's customary that we visit planets to 'study' their plant life as well as the established system of government," she said. "Didn't get to do that much of the three times we were there."

"Or, you're just looking for an excuse to see Allura again. Man, girls will be girls," he said. He then looked her over. "Oh, no, you've got to be kidding me."

"What?" she asked.

"Why didn't I notice it till now," he said as he looked at her. "You are looking for any excuse to see Lance!"

"What?" she said as she stepped away from him.

"That's it, isn't it!" he exclaimed.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she said as she stepped away again, and with a smile she could no longer hide she started back toward the door that led to the balcony. "But..all things considered."

"And where do you think you are going?" Keith asked as he chased after her.


Alysson smiled as she gave some last minute instructions to one of the caslte's maids as she readied to turn in for the evening. She then turned around when she heard some commotion. She then quickly stepped out of the way as Anala ran past her with Keith following close behind. She stared after them wondering what they were doing.

"It seems that Keith has found out about Anala's little crush," Xue said as he appeared before her.

Alysson smiled. "So, that's it," she said. "I wonder how he is taking it."

"Quite well it seems," he said with a smile. "Are you turning in?"

"Yes," she said. "We have a long day tomorrow."

He smiled as he offered his arm to her. "It would be my pleasure to see you to your room."

She smiled as she linked her arm with his, and they headed down the hallway.

"Do you think he is handling everything about his birthright well?" she asked as they walked.

"He seems so," Xue said. "But seeing that he likes to keep to himself, I can't really say."

Alysson nodded. "I think Anala will be able to handle him," she said. "They are so close to each other, it hardly seems that they've only met a few months ago."

"Well, in defense of the young when it pertains to personal problems and parents, they are the last people they will turn to," Xue said. "But in time, he will open up to all of us. Anala is much closer to him because of their age."

She slowly nodded as she looked up to him. "I guess the only thing we can do is to make sure we have a listening ear."

"Im willing," he said.

She smiled as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "I know you are."