Chapter 12
Katherine POV
It all started the day after I left my sister. Oh, how I would give anything to erase that day out of existence and make the things that happened to me just nightmares. I shouldn't have left Isa. Looking back, I regret a lot of things but most of all I regret not sticking with my family. I guess when you are being tortured for breakfast, lunch and dinner you get to see the world a little differently.
The place I am at, the people there… you could say they crawled out of hell, knowing all the horrible, twisted ways of torture. They can make you mad and look at the world with a twisted, cruel look. They lock you in a cage in complete isolation, no windows, no light, no sound, except when the little door opens, just wide enough for someone to slip your meal which consist of glass almost empty of blood. But every time that little door opens you know that the pain will follow. As soon as you swallow that little blood they give you, the door opens and they bring in the tools.
That's not even the worst part. It's not always pain that is done to you, but sometimes they make you do it to other people. It doesn't matter if it's a man, woman or a child. It broke my spirit.
Then there was this one moment I had in all these years of confinement, this little window – and I used it. I contacted my doppelganger and told her to find my family. I didn't particularly care for her problems with the originals. I needed her to believe that I was as before – strong, powerful and beautiful. I knew I didn't have a chance in staying free for long but these few hours were everything. I decided to fight again. They found me exactly three hours after I escaped. Moved the operation in Bulgaria and resumed with the torture. Now my only hope is my family.
Bella POV
Tonight is a big night. I was going to meet with Elijah, finally. I wanted to see his look when he sees me. I have to take care with this problem and hurry and save my little sister. No matter what she has done, no one deserves to be in that place.
But before all that, I had to talk to Emmet. He deserved to know what was happening to Katherine and how big the danger really was.
I found him sitting with Rebekah talking to each other quietly.
"Sorry to break up the happy reunion!" I called out. When Rebekah saw me she smiled and came over to hug me.
"Isa! I haven't seen you in ages. How are you?" She asked me enthusiastically. I liked that she was happy to see me. If she was pissed it would have been awkward for Emmet, who was sitting and grinning at us with such happiness that I felt a pang of regret to break the bad news to him today.
"Oh, you know the usual – breaking hearts, partying way too hard for someone my age." I joked and they both laughed. "I promise that I will share everything with you but I have to talk with Emmet about something really important. Can you please excuse us for a moment? I promise I will give him back quickly." I asked her. She looked curious but otherwise agreed. I led Emmet to a secluded place and didn't ignore the concern look he was giving me.
"What's up sis?" I smiled when he called me sis. We sat down on a large rock facing each other.
"I need to tell you something and you will not like it. What exactly know about what happen after I left Mystic Falls in 1964?" I asked him. He pondered for a minute, and then answered.
"Pretty much nothing. Damon said that you and Katherine somehow escaped from the clutches of those 'vampire hunters' and he didn't know how. And that's pretty much it. We didn't get far before I was reunited with Rebekah." I could imagine the blush on his cheeks when he said reunited. "Why do you ask?"
"Because that is not the whole story. I met up with Damon and Stefan later on. They were turned and we had great few years together. Then one day when I was walking with Damon some witch attacked us and a group of men caught me. And before you say anything, Damon wasn't able to do anything, I already interrogated him. These men took me somewhere, I don't know where." He grew solemn when I mentioned the kidnapping. "Emmet, you have to realize that that place was hell on earth. They tortured and did things you could never imagine. Thankfully, back then it was the beginning of the organization so they had flaws. In a rare opportunity I escaped. It wasn't easy and I would never forget what they did to me and those people that were there with me."
"Ho-how did you manage to get over that place?" He asked me with a broken voice and I felt bad for making him feel anything other than a happy emotion.
"In a way, I haven't. That place still hunts me and I will probably never forget it. But Emmet, the thing is… they have Katherine." I said, barely getting the words out of my mouth. I saw his gasp and if his heart was still beating it would have stopped for a second.
"How do you know?" He managed the words out.
"She has contacted Elena, her doppelganger. I don't know how exactly she did that, but I'm glad she did. Emmet, we have to get her out as soon as possible. If the organization was hell on earth in their beginning, when I was there, I can't imagine what it could be right now." I explained to Emmet. I don't know how we would manage with all our problems but we had to.
"Don't worry, sis. You know we'll save her. She is our baby sister after all." Emmet said with such conviction that it left me nothing but to believe him.
"Oh, and by the way, their current location is in Bulgaria." We both smiled.
"I guess we are going home."
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and Katherines point of view. Please if you do or you have something to ask me or tell me, leave a review :) Next chapter will be the dinner.