If there was one thing that the group of friends piling into the small red pickup truck agreed on, it was that winter was unfriendly. It was cold, harsh, and did not allow them to drive very far. Of course, Wally drove around regardless.

"Please, drive slower!" Megan squealed from her seat, gripping the back of her boy friend, Conner's, chair while Zatanna, Dick, and Kaldur laughed at her.

A small grin grew on Wally's freckled face, "Oh, c'mon Megs, driving fast is fun." his foot jumped on the gas in attempts to prove his point.

The girl glared at the back of his head, "Wally, cut it out. We all know you just want to go to the diner to-"

"Shut up." he growled, foot tapping the pedal again to warn her. She'd already seen his cheeks redden though.

This made the two girls smile at each other wickedly, "Wally's got a crush, Wally's got-"

"Guys, come on!" He whined, glaring at the two of them through his rear view mirror.

The other three boys in the car all raised their eyebrows as if on cue. "What are they talking about, Wally?" Dick asked from beside him, a small smirk on his face.

Fantastic, Wally thought bitterly as he stared ahead to the icy road before him. "Nothing. They think I like the new waitress at the diner."

"The blonde?" Conner asked, his own grin surfacing as he turned behind him to share a look with his girlfriend.

"That's the one," she cheered in a sing song voice, "Wally is totally head over heels for her."

"Am not!"

"Oh, but you so are," Zatanna cooed, her grin growing more mischievous.

Wally didn't say anything, the last thing he needed was the manipulative girl getting him to say something he didn't want to. "Look, I just want a coffee, okay?"

The others didn't respond, all of them either smirking or rolling their eyes, but went along with him regardless. He quickly parked his truck and all of them crawled out into the chilly air, bee lining it to the door of the small building. The bell rang out, and the potent smell of burnt cofee swarmed over them. Most of the food there stunk, they all knew it, but it was one of the only diners in town that didn't mind if they hung out there to escape the cold.

The group found their normal booth and squished into it. Less than a minute later, the blonde they had spoke of earlier approached, pulling her pen out from behind her ear, "Hi there, what can I get for everyone?"

"I'll have a coffe," Wally said, his foot nudging not so lightly against Dick's leg when he heard the dark haired boy mumbling about Wally wanting a date. The rest of the group called out similar orders and like that the blonde was gone.

Dick's smirk was still present as the blonde left, "She is cute."

"Shut up," Wally grumbled, glaring at him as the rest of his friends snickered. The banter continued, back and forth with a few swears and threats thrown into the mix. "I'm going to the bathroom." The redhead muttered after a particularly nasty comment from his best friend about how he could never get a girl like that.

He had spun quickly in his seat to get up and go, wanting to be out of earshot the humiliating laughter as fast as possible, but his problems only worsen after bumping into the solid object behind him. Or more a person.

The blonde had returned, tray with drinks in hand that had now toppled onto the floor, and evidently all over her work uniform. "You have got to be shitting me," she snarled, her soft grey eyes suddenly hostile as she pelted Wally with daggers made purely of glares.

Their entire table had fallen silent, shocked faces on all of the teens. Wally felt as though he had swallowed an entire jar of peanut butter, "I am so sorry, please let me help, god I am such an idiot, oh my g-" he had snatched a pile of napkins off the table and was moving to dab at her shirt before he slipped on the spilt coughing, falling headlong into her, and unavoidably tackled her to the ground with him.

"Get off me!" She yelled, pushing him away with her booted feet.

"I..." He stared wide-eyed at her. How had this turned so wrong? "I am so sorry, please let m-"

"Just stop. Go." She demanded, pointing to the bathroom door he had been heading to just moments before. Everyone was still sitting in silence as the green eyed boy stood and hurried off to the desired place.