Notes So, I had a dream last night and just thought I'd write it down.


Arthur's pained voice echoed through Camlann as Merlin threw himself between Arthur body and Mordred's blade, its vicious lick piercing through Merlin's skin, burning through is veins. Without thinking, Merlin's eyes flashed a harsh gold sending Mordred flying backwards, his soulless body lying in a crumpled heap in the ground.

Arthur stood frozen, wide-eyed unable to tear his gaze away from this strange man who stood before of him who had embodied Merlin, only brought back to reality as his best friends legs gave way. Arthur's arms wrapped around Merlin's limp body, cradling him to the hard ground beneath them.

"I'm sorry Arthur, I am sor-"

"hush, hush"

Arthur cut him off cradling his head, his hand brushing through Merlin's hair, the soothing motion calming the two of them.

"I didn't want you to find out this way I swear, it was my destiny, to protect you everything I have done was for you Arthur. I told you once, I

swore to protect you or die at your side"

Merlin's voice becoming weaker with each breath. A sudden realization of what Merlin had done to save and help him washed over Arthur.

"I understand Merlin everything you have done, for Camelot, for me. I realize and I am sorry that it is only now that I have"

"Leave me Arthur, I am a dead man"

Merlin's eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"You're not dying , do you hear clotpot, you are not going to die!"

Arthur's voice broke, succumbing to his emotions, he could not lose the one person who made him whole, the one person who had always been at his side through one person completed him.

Merlin gently put his hand on Arthur's cheek using his thumb to remove a tear that escaped haunted blue eyes.

"Arthur, It's okay"

Merlin whispered as his eyes locked into Arthur's making his hold on Merlin tighter.

"No Merlin. I am the King and I'm saying that you are not dying"

Merlin chuckled, wincing in pain at his stubborn king, his best friend, the man he loved.

"Alright dollophead"

Arthur brought his head down to Merlin, their foreheads resting. Merlin's eyes widened as the pain delved deeper into his body his hand tightening on Arthur.

"It's okay Merlin, I'm here, I'm holding you and I am not letting you go"

Arthur gulped his hand finding Merlin's heart, his other holding Merlin's head.

"stay with me" Merlin begged his hand over Arthur's, the blind panic spread across Merlin's face, turning Arthur's stomach

"I'll be by your side, wherever you go, I am never leaving you"

Hands intertwined Merlin

"Ar-Arthur, I need to say something...I love you"

Before Merlin could utter another word Arthur's signature cheeky smile appeared on his face as he gently place a kiss on Merlin's forehead.

"I guess I love you too"