Faint Hearts

Erika grimaced at the unfamiliar scent the second she stepped into the small shop on the corner of two main roads in some city up in Germany, which was where she was at the moment, and the sound of needles pressing onto people's bare skin. Posters adorn the otherwise boring, plain light blue walls, and the only livin thing in the small store other than the owner and a few people wating to get something done on them is a small dachshund relaxing soundlessly in it's little oval-shaped bed. Ludwig stepped in from outside behind her, Matthias, Lukas, Gilbert, Alfred, and even her own very pissed of brother crowding in shortly after. Matthias had a strong grip on Vash's arms, which he kept pinned behind the Swiss man's back for further annoyance of him.

"Lilli, I swear to Gott, if you really fucking do this -"

"It was a dare, Switzy! Jeez, chill out every once in a while," Gilbert interrupted with a broad grin, rubbing the top of the shorter man's head, earning him a low growl. "She'll live. And I doubt you'll kick your precious little sister out of your...humble abode," he soon added.

"I...I'm not so sure I want to do this..." Erika whispered, visibly shaking. Ludwig shook his head and backed further into the corner beside a potted plant, muttering things to himself in German.

"Trust me, it won't hurt one bit!" Matthias assured, a goofy smile breaking out on his face as well. Lukas just stood silently beside him and slightly shook his head, much like Ludwig, with his eyes cast towards the ground, presumably of shame for being seen in public with Matthias, Gilbert, or, even worse, the both of them there. Alfred just leaned against the window and texted somebody nonstop, loudly chewing gum and ignoring everyone else in the little group.

"I won't let her do this!" Vash shouted, lashing out against Matthias, much to the Dane's surprise. He knocked the taller blond over successfully and readied a punch aimed at Gilbert before Alfred suddenly swooped in and a lamp was suddenly smashed against Vash's head, knocking him out - much to Erika's expressed horror. When noticing her shocked expression, the American simply shrugged, and said,

"Once in a lifetime chance to see you get something like this. Now go and get 'im done, chickie!" And thus, Erika was shoved to her impending doom in the guise of an average-height man with various tattoos on his arms.

Arthur was shoving Alfred's seat far away from his at the world meeting before everyone else had arrived when the doors slowly opened and in walked an embarrassed-looking Erika with her head hanging low and her brother mysteriously nowhere in sight. Arthur arched an eyebrow, but nonetheless continued his work.

"What's wrong, Lilli?" he inquired softly. He could see her turn red beneath the blond bangs obscuring her face and frowned. Just what...?

"I...I lost a dare..." she whispered do quietly he could barely hear her voice. "And...and I had t-to get this..." She lifted her head up just slightly and the Brit could see a blotch of red on the side of her nose - well, until he looked closer.

"You got a nose piercing!?" he shouted. Her shoulders sunk.

"I-it didn't hurt, if that's what you're...indirectly asking..." she said. "But...aha...it is still kind of...embarrassing...and it doesn't...feel like me...y'know?" Arthur took a deep breath. The nose piercing didn't look all that bad, really - it was a rather appealing ruby color, just like her birthstone - but, as she'd said, it didn't really...suit her...not in his eyes, at least.

"Who dared you...?" he asked slowly, lips pulled back thin. She frowned.

"...Why?" Erika questioned.

"I'd just like to know," he replied.

"...Gilbert." He exhaled angrily and began stomping away, scenes of murder already flashing through his mind.

"W-wait! Where are you going?"

"I have business with a certain Prussian," and he slammed the doors shut whilst sending rage-filled death threats to the idiot's younger brother, just in case he didn't get the message to watch the albino after he was through with him.

I'm sorry! ;-; For being gone awhile! But here is a new crappily-written chapter!

I wrote this cause I got a nose piercing a few days ago. :3 But mine isn't ruby, like Lilli's - it's turquoise~

~~weaver of the celestial skies