Hold it! You are about to enter a chapter that doesn't really affect the actual plot of this story, the main attraction is down below in the author's notes.
But I guess you can read this random little short anyways. :3
I sat next to Ike on the bus to school this morning…which was a living hell in this freezing cold, and when I say cold I mean my entire body is shivering and ever so slowly going numb.
This is what I get for forgetting my jacket.
Today is supposed to be the coldest day of the week, and I was well aware of it too, but of course the only winter jacket that fits me goes missing in the house somewhere and when I realized little too late that it wasn't where it usually was in the closet a school bus with a paper tapped on the inside of the window with a #5 printed on it pulled up near the street corner.
At this very moment I had two options,
A: Miss the bus
Or B: Suffer through the cold.
…That shouldn't even be a multiple choice kind of question; I'm dead if I skip school. The price I'll have to pay will be far worse than freezing my butt off.
So here I am sitting in the bus-let me rephrase that, sitting in a freezer on wheels next to Ike and dying a slow, torturous death. Yup, that sounds just about right.
"…Are you that cold?" Ike nudged me a little as if to make sure I'm still alive…he probably thinks the cold has completely froze my brain to nothing but ice. All I could do is nod in reply, even that was not easy to do with my entire body shaking feverishly.
Ike unzipped his backpack he had sitting in his lap and dug his way through all the books and papers that had overtime accumulated in there, one by one pulling out a pair of black winter gloves, a plaid trapper hat with brown fur on the inside and a dark red scarf. "Here," He said as he wrapped the scarf around my neck before awkwardly fitting the hat on my head. " Mom wouldn't let me leave the house without these." Ike explained while holding up the gloves near my frostbitten hands. I didn't hesitate to snatch them and hastily put them on-a quick incoherent 'thank you' slipping past my paper dry lips as I could feel the tips of my fingers tingling back to life.
…Of course I was still cold, but these were ten times better than nothing. I held the scarf closer to my face, letting the heat of my breath circulate in the scarf and restore some warmth into my cheeks, the ruthless biting of the cold slowly becoming little pinches. As for the rest of my body…yeah, I had gone so numb I almost feel warm...oh well.
I inwardly smiled, scooting closer to Ike and leaned my head onto his shoulder. "Thanks," There was a short pause-and I could've sworn I heard him bite back a laugh before replying, "No problem, bae."
Glaaaarrrreeee "No, just no."
Ike laughed. "Sorry, sorry, sometimes I forget your hate for that word runs deep."
Glaring intensifies.
"I said I was sorry…" He paused before giving me his best puppy eyes he could manage. "Please don't stay mad, I don't like it when Mar-Mar is mad."
That last line made me lose it. Any previous annoyance was gone and I was laughing at Ike's little act of begging for forgiveness. "Fine, I forgive you." I even pet him on the head.
"Now all that's left is a dog collar…" A familiar angel peeped over the bus seat from behind.
"I feel as if the collar would suit Marth better." Kuro surprisingly joined in.
"You think so?" I'm sure Ike tried to imagine me wearing one, a noticeable gleam in his eyes making me shiver. "Ike, you're scaring me."
The other smirked. "Good."
Oh god.
Author's Notes
Hey everyone!
It's been a pretty long while, hasn't it?
Ike: More like months...
Ike hush! My mind has been clogged with massive writers block, but I finally got the gears going again and should be taking more time for writing and less time playing Osu!
Marth: So that's what you've been up to all this time, clicking…circles.
I'M SORRY, I CAN'T HELP IT! I'm now completely addicted to the point where I'm around rank 50k and slowly progressing up, and if you don't play Osu! I'll clear it up a bit more for ya: I still suck at this game and have a long way to go until I'm so pro you don't even know.
I honestly felt bad for a loooong time and wanted to do something "special" for my birthday, so I tweaked the usual traditions this year. Instead of getting the presents, I give them to you-which are this extra chapter and chapter 7, which should be out these next couple of days along with some other stories I've started on here which are…
-The Boundary Between Friendship and Love (A cute fluffy Seto x Crow story based off of the game Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon)
-Mine (An extremely smutty Dark Link x Link monstrosity based off of The Legend of Zelda…Ocarina of Time if you want to be specific)
And a big thank you guys again for being patient with me. School has been weird this year and there are so many distractions prying my eyes from writing. I hope I didn't disappoint any of you and make you think I'm not active here anymore, but there's something I'm planning on doing soon that does involve me "leaving" FanFiction.
Originally I just wanted to make a secondary account and post stuff back-to-back that are allowed here and dump the rest on Archive of Our Own, but I'm not sure anymore. I've realized some of my future stories and ideas are not allowed here like letting the readers choose what happens next in a story or an interactive entry (which is a surprise for later in another story ssshhhh). I've also been bending the rules just a bit when it comes to the actual rating of my stories. Course of True Love is slowly shifting over to an MA rating which is not allowed (or so I think it is...maybe I'm just over thinking this), Mine is a bit over the top if you haven't noticed already, and I don't wanna cause any trouble.
I've already made an account on Archive of Our Own under the exact same name, IceFire1212, but I haven't posted anything there yet. Once I've made up my mind I will probably abandon this account and leave a note on my profile with a link to my new one.
I probably gave myself away by now, oh well! XD