Disclaimer: I do not own any of the featured media, any of the rights go to their respected owbers,
To The Call of My People
Chapter 2
Morgana had gone with Gaius when the Physician had all but ordered for "the boy" to be brought to his room, Arthur had hesitated before she had stood harshly on his foot and got him moving to carry Merlin – his now betrothed, whether he liked it or not.
It hadn't been a pretty sight; seeing such a powerful man limp and pale against her brother, and had been even more unpleasant when she had to help Lady Natalie up and walk. The knight had exhausted her reserves to a point that even when the blonde had tried to pull away in respect and protest it had been useless.
Lady Natalie was spent. She had nothing left to give and Morgana was hardly going to make the woman crawl her way to the physician's quarters simply because she was stubborn - not when it was completely unnecessary and she was there to help.
It had taken a lot more strength then it would normally for Morgana, to which she blamed the amour that added to Natalie's weight, 'Almost there' Morgana had breathed, and felt the knight's muscles, that had been knitted in knots, start to relax, most likely against Natalie's will.
It wasn't much of a relief when they had arrived to Gaius' domain as, as soon as they had walked through he had been shouting orders for Arthur to place Merlin on the bed – Gaius', and strip him of his outer layer of clothing.
Natalie hadn't liked that idea much and had tensed right back up again, but bit her lip and said nothing as she herself was sat onto an unstable wooden chair which obviously had one leg shorter than the other three in the corner of the room.
Morgana stayed by the Lady knight's side as she watched with a tight expression as the sodden, woolen robes were hastily dropped to the floor, which was followed by the man's tunic that had one point been a deep blue but now a dark, unforgiving black as it was stained with blood.
As soon as his torso had been revealed Gaius had paled and barked for Gwen as he rushed to a bowl and his own supply of water, quickly and carefully pouring the content in and getting a cloth while making Arthur retrieve honey.
Once Gwen had entered she had whitened in seeing the crimson soaked udder body and had been snapped at because of it. She was sent off to get more water, blankets and candles while Morganna helped Natalie out of her amour when Gaius had spared a glance to the blonde.
Morgana had done so easily and without compliant; she, unlike most women of her station, knew and understood how to put on and remove amour, as she had helped with both her sister's and her brother's for tournaments when they had come of-age to be allowed to fight for them. Gwen, her maidservant, and the only servant to last more than a month (she and her siblings were infamous for driving workers off), had been taught as well, so Morgana needn't suffer stuttering fools. She had a rather low tolerance for boot lickers who didn't commit to their job.
Lady Natalie slumped in the seat as soon as the last chest plate was off (refusing, although safe, to allow Morgana to touch her chastity belt), seeming to wilt now the extra burden had been taken care off and Morgana had to keep her hand on the blonde's shoulder to ensure that she didn't fall to the floor.
Natalie barely murmured a "Thank you"; her attention purely on her lord and his weakened state, which was commendable as Lady Natalie seemed to value station highly – but placed her lord above all manners.
It had been a long and stressful night, Gaius was obviously panicked by Merlin's condition and had given the Warlock various stitches for the deeper wounds which were scattered around his torso and back after cleaning them out with hot water that had been collected had heated by Gwen (Merlin had stirred at that point and started to struggle, to which Arthur had to restrain him) before adding honey to the injuries that was meant to starve infection that Gaius had pointed out could set in if they did not hurry. Especially when the Lady Natalie had informed Gaius of the woodland hike they had to partake in, in order to reach Camelot.
The stitches, like the cleaning of the wounds had not gone down well with Merlin as he moaned and seemed to start to fight them; Arthur had to increase the strength that he had been using to keep the dragonlord still while Gwen took his fidgeting legs.
Morgana had continued to support the knight as she could tell that Natalie was not happy with the ill health of her prince and looking at it, if Morgana had been in her position she was likely not to care for it either.
Once Gaius had started to bandage the wounds (which meant dressing the entirety of Merlin's torso, right up to his left shoulder) Gaius had finally breathed a sigh which had helped defuse some of the tension in the air, before going to one of his shelves and getting Merlin something for the pain.
He had checked the dragonlord's temperature before piling the blankets around his injured form and handing Gwen clothes on the floor for washing and repair. He walked over to Natalie with heaviness in his steps that conveyed his age and weariness. Morgana barley kept back a sigh; the man had no apprentice to take over for him and was like her father in the respect that he was simply too stubborn to allow old age to get the better of him.
Natalie hadn't been thrilled with the examination but had been grateful for the help now that she was in her chain-mail and plain trousers. She hadn't had as many injuries as Merlin, only a nasty cut on the top of her arm which was open and bleeding badly down to her wrist and a bad gash over her eyebrow to the same side.
Gaius had been quick to clean, close and dress them before allowing her to sit with her lord. He had turned to the visibly stunned prince (who still seemed in a daze) and calm princess then with a look that clearly had "explain", to which Morgana did. When she was finished the only way she should describe his expression was ... distressed.
Gaius had backed up to lean against the wall and hadn't said anything for a good few minutes until he shook his head as if to clear it 'I... I was the boy's wet-nurse; I helped Hunith conceive while visiting the clan in my training years' Gaius had said, talking through thin lips 'It had been by accident of course but their physician had been taken ill and I was the only one of merit to help. I did' he stated before going on 'Hunith and Balinor were - are some of the greatest people I have meant on my travels ... to think...'
Gaius hadn't gone any further but they didn't think he needed to. Morgana had glanced at the morning sun momentarily and like Gaius had just noticed himself, sent both prince and princess off to the sleep.
Only one would come back the following evening.
Since the foreign prince had collapsed Arthur had not seen hide nor dark-hair of him, and it was just as well as he seemed to hear enough about the Dragonlord without visiting him; that however didn't mean he was going to get away with not going, it simply meant that he had been... busy and that the need to see his intended was not as…prudent as his need to attend to his duties.
No, unlike what Morgana had suggested at meals, he had not been avoiding the still unconscious (and from what he could make out, still very ill) Warlock, he simply had princely… things to do.
Morgana had looked irritated when he had said that, his mother seemed...disappointed, if that was the correct word, and his father had just shook his head before commenting 'This is not how we raised you to be with visiting dignitaries, especially the dignitaries you are now to betrothed to' he must have opened his mouth because all of a sudden Uther's face had turned stern 'No, Arthur. You shall visit the boy - and you will be happy about it'
And that had been the end of that discussion. But Arthur just couldn't bring himself to go to the castle's largest guest bedroom; his legs would not take him there and when he tried a little harder it felt like his knees were buckling.
He could not make it there and that frustrated him to no end; it should not be this difficult. But it was and so Arthur spent another good half a day laying into his knights (who had leant thanks to gossiping maids just why their prince felt a need to beat them into the dirt, and stayed cleverly silent). No one had come to force Arthur to his betrothed's room, however that did not mean that he had been freed of the obligation, simply that he was being given space - space he did not know what to do with.
True he had been crowned prince for a good few seasons now and while there had been talk about marriage proposals linked into treaties it had never gotten far and he had never thought about it when it was not up for debate. It was just not one of his worries with his duties and council meetings and training and patrols and a number of other things that few outside of royalty thought of when musing of their Heir to Camelot.
His days were never dull and despite what some might think the title of crowned prince wasn't an easy one to bare. Arthur had responsibilities and it was difficult to think that it had now been raised by one, in the form of a man that he was meant to wed, and that the promised day could be... well, any day.
It hadn't been a thought worth thinking about, but now that it was here; looming over his head he couldn't concentrate and definitely couldn't bring himself to set eyes on the man who had set all this in motion. Not yet.
(Arthur didn't blame the Dragonlord for the actions he had taken; Prince Merlin hadn't even suggested they wed, he had just bargained with the only thing that he could in the position he had been in. Himself. And Arthur, if anything, respected that. There weren't many royals who would give anything to save the man they would one day inherit from.)
What got to Arthur, or rather what he knew how to do in acting, was smile for a woman, how to kiss their hands and just plainly... behave towards them in a... friendly way; the appropriate way. He had no idea how to translate that to a man, especially one of station.
He hadn't a single notion of how to treat Merlin, who has a clan head, a dragonlord and a prince. All three titles that would have given Merlin different trainings - different looks on life and how to act, and how to be handled. Such was the way of nobility.
Flowers and gifts wouldn't be appreciated as it would by a woman and favours would seem condescending. He couldn't treat Merlin like one of his knights - he was his betrothed for Gods shake! He had no base to work off of. Morgana took after their mother and he couldn't exactly use an older version of his sister as a model... Morgana was one of a kind.
However he couldn't just… do nothing, the correct behaviour was expected of Arthur now – he knew that, he knew that he couldn't keep himself hidden, training his knights and using his duties (paperwork) as an excuse, it just wasn't done. Morgana was going to start to get annoyed with him soon; his mother was still looking at him with those eyes of hers – the eyes he couldn't quite meet while his father would end up dragging him down to Gaius' sooner or later.
Arthur preferred to make it there on his own – without intervention as that definitely wouldn't make a good impression with his intended, even if he was still asleep, he knew that if his Lady Knight was worth her weight (and she would be for a lord to keep her around, despite the trouble it would no doubt cause), that she would report back to him on their behaviour. Leon certainly would; right down to the last sideward stare.
What the truly most frustrating thing about this was, was that this whole thing had been caused by Merlin's desire to save his father – which meant that Arthur had to act accordingly to such a sacrifice, especially given the circumstances that his and Prince Merlin's were rumoured to not have gotten on.
Arthur would have to make Merlin well welcome, any slip on his part could be seen as derogatory and cause more than just problems between their two kingdoms.
Stupid Morgana and her Sight.
He couldn't demean her Powers however, a royal pain in the rear end she may be but Arthur had learned his lesson from not listening to her; and would take her council seriously as members of the court were beginning to, too.
'Arthur' said blond's heart jumped to his throat and he halted immediately from his onslaught onto the training dummy to poise the blade at the voice's throat. Only for his eyes to widen and for him to lower his weapon onto the smirking face of his half-sister.
'My, aren't you jumpy' she observed, briefly giving him a once over with an amused gaze 'I wonder what would have caused that'
'Morgause' Arthur acknowledged stiffly, a hint of warning in his tone that, for once, was taken to heart as the princess lifted her head in silent apology and her expression smoothed.
'I came to tell you that your intended's fever has broken. And that Morgana is starting to threaten to skin you' Morgause said seriously, face impassive and her stance ease even if her eyes were disapproving and told all Arthur needed to know; she was not happy with him.
Arthur's eyes found the ground and his sword hung loosely from his fingers. Morgause didn't speak again and that gave Arthur the hint that he was expected to say something – to explain his behaviour, 'I am… unsure on how to act in this… situation' Arthur admitted in discomfort, something akin to a flush warming his cheeks palely.
'As anyone would be' Morgause allowed 'But this cannot surprise you; Uther has been talking about your marriage since your captaincy to the knights'
Arthur sighed in his vexation, dropping the practice sword with unusual carelessness to tear a hand through his hair, he still didn't meet her gaze, 'Yes... I suppose that it has been in a matter of time for years, however...'
'Now that it has happened you are unsure on how to precede?' Arthur stayed silent, giving just one minute nod and Morgause narrowed her eyes 'This has nothing to do with his gender, does it little brother?' she waited for him to respond and when he didn't, sighed herself 'Arthur are you aware of why our House and that of Ambrosius has never managed to reach an agreement in terms of an alliance?' she inquired and waited until Arthur gave her his attention.
'No...' Arthur answered in confusion, a frown drawing his brow 'I have... heard whispers from father's council that it is because they - father and king Balinor, are just too stubborn to agree and clash like steel on steel'
A tired smile appeared on Morgause's face and before Arthur could tense at her change in demeanor, took her brother's arm in her's and started to walk away from the damage that the prince had made of the practice area and silently led him inward - to the castle, ignoring Arthur's protests and demands to where she was taking him until he gave up and shut up.
Morgause went to a particularly unused wing of the castle - one where she knew that they were not be disturbed and entered the last room to the left, not taking notice of the thick dust or white sheets that shadowed the few pieces of furniture and sat herself down on one of the thick wooden chairs, uncaring of how unclear it might seem.
Her brother was still stood by the door, looking at the room unsurely; eyes scanning it for a moment before they came back to rest on her, 'Sister...?' he must have sensed something through her stoic mask and any other time she would have congratulated him for such a feat.
'Sit, Arthur,' Morgause said with a shake of the head, deciding to put off his questioning expression and put on a stubborn manner until he petulantly stalked to another lone chair set close to hers and dropped into it, obviously unimpressed.
'What's this all about Morgause?'
'What do you know about other worlds, or even being reborn?' Morgause asked in accordance.
Arthur's mouth set itself into it's frustrated placing as his eyes glinted, 'And what would this have to do with -'
'Your engagement?' Morgause interrupted doggedly, raising her eyebrow as she stared at her brother, 'Everything if you are to understand what it means for Ambrosius and the Pendragons to be joined - in any capacity'
Arthur made a noise in the back of his throat but did start to seriously consider the question, which in all honesty he didn't have an answer to. He wasn't much of a scholar - especially when it came to the Arts. He just struggled with it and wasn't sure why when it made up such a large part of his family and his kingdom.
'If you know, Morgause then explain it to me' which was Arthur's way, in his irritation, of giving up and admitting defeat. Morgause took it easily.
'The first thing you should always keep in mind Arthur is that Mother Magic is in all things; the Earth you stand on, the Air that you breath, the Fire that warms you - and that burns you, the Water which kills your thirst and cleanses you - which could drown you, in the Metal that will protect you and will kill you. It is in all things.'
Morgause took her index finger and leaning forward, planted it into his chest, ignoring the wisps of blonde hair which stroked her face tenderly with her movement, her eyes purely on his slightly round ones. She took a breath, 'And it is in you - us. It is everything. Nothing is without it, for without it's touch it would simply not be'
'Mother Magic will go onto bless few and many with Her powers; to manipulate, to give, to create and to take. Not all can wield her, but all are Her. Do you understand?' Morgause asked severely and when she got a mute nodded, continued.
'Good. Remember that for when I say this; now, answer me this, have you have felt, even in passing that you have said or done something before even when you know that you have not? Like going to a foreign land and thinking it familiar, or making a connection with a stranger? Perhaps remembering an outline of a memory but... the full picture escapes you?'
Arthur's brow tugged ever downwards as he tried to grasp what Morgause was saying: truly thinking on it, as he answered 'I...when I was first introduced to Uncle Agravaine, on my tenth Winter... I had been looking forward to meeting Mother's brother and yet...' he trailed, only getting more lost as this conversation lasted.
'And yet you took an immediate dislike to him, I suppose you do recall what you said to the man?'
Arthur grimaced as he did indeed recall what he had said; it had been an odd experience as something within his mind had cleared for a moment; something in his voice deepening and when he looked at the man who had smiled down at him and held at his hand... he knew like he knew that sun was hot and the wind cold that the man could not be trusted.
Step away. You are no Uncle of mine, just as you are no brother to my mother; all you know is bitterness.
'Yes. But I would not know how to explain it' and he couldn't; he wouldn't be able to recall the rest of that evening, try as he might and he had never asked anyone about it however he had never set eyes on his uncle again. He had not questioned this fact.
A brief smile touched Morgause's lips 'Of course not. Another version of Arthur Pendragon spoke through you'
Arthur's expression morphed quickly, asking blandly; 'Come again?'
Morgause expected this and it didn't faze her 'In all that Mother Magic is, it is also a connection to our other selves; from other realms - and for all their differences these realms will hold the same people... the souls of the people remain the same.' something akin to distress twisted Morgause's face, something glimmering in her eyes which made her look so much older; like she knew too much 'In all realms that are known, our two Houses have been in great conflict; Nimueh has stated as such, with her Sight she has seen a world much like this one only people were ripped apart and circumstances... were changed because of how the Fates were played. Uther did something unforgivable and since he has learned of it, has been trying to put it to rest. However King Balinor was equally informed and they were never able to truly forgive and forget; as none of us that have knowledge of the tale of that other world have'
Some unsettling feeling came about Arthur, a chill hugging his skin and fingertips trailing his spine as he swallowed, 'And I have not been told this before?'
His sisters face became even more shadowed, 'Because it pertains to you. You were the one to deal with the consequences... Uther - Father made... he made a terrible mistake Arthur, and you never lived to make up for it; you would have, it was written in the stars. But... hatred and bigotry blinded the path and made the goal unattainable; people were hurt, people were killed. These kingdoms of stone and blood fell and all was based on you, Arthur... you and Merlin'
Arthur stated out of his line of thought, '...Mer- Prince Merlin?' he asked, forgetting himself for a moment as his muse had over taken his manners.
Morgause didn't mention the slip, just inclining her head 'Yes...Nimueh has seen it; all of it. From the moment that other Merlin first stumbled into Camelot and of the last he walked from it; Uther was the first to be told of her Vision, then of our mother, me... Morgana, Gaius.' she took a breath; steeling herself 'And do you know the one difference between this world and that one? The difference that linked our two realms so closely that it could be seen - touched by a mere High Priestess?' Arthur numbly shook his head 'It is that in this realm Magic was never prosecuted; it remained free, and so the destinies of all those whom had had them changed because of one man and his broken heart. Now, brother, tell me... do you want to know this story?'
A choice; which was rare for Morgause, Arthur recognised it has her attempted at being delicate. It was not her way; nor was it the way for any Pendragon that did not hold the title 'Queen'. However there was a reason that this had been withheld from him, just like there was a reason that it probably had to be told.
Again, he was a Pendragon.
He did what he must.
He nodded, jaw tight and muscles taunt with understanding that he would not like what he would hear; what Morgause had already disclosed was never to unsettle his sleep this night. Morgause studied him and he faced the scrutiny without a blink of the eye. Still and resolute.
Morgause started with the tale of a villager, Merlin.
How Merlin the villager was meant for great things that could not be seen much less comprehended by the people around him.
How Merlin the villager had been sent away from his home because it was no longer safe for him there.
How Magic had been banned because the king of there-Camelot could not see the deadly mistake as his and had to misplace the blame.
How Merlin the villager had started to work for the motherless prince of Camelot and began the long process of shaping the boy into a man.
How Merlin the manservant was really a criminal. For being born.
How Merlin the manservant worked for nothing.
How Merlin the manservant was a Warlock and protected his then-master with everything he had.
How Merlin the Warlock turned into Merlin the Liar as the years past.
How Merlin the Liar turned into Merlin the Lost as things got more complicated and life less rewarding.
How Merlin the Warlock never learned his Magic beyond what was needed for his master's life. Nothing more. How his innate ability with dragons was left untampered with. How the burdens grew and the weights dragged ever heavier.
How Merlin the manservant stopped lying and started being Merlin the Warlock.
How the prince turned king of Camelot had died in Merlin's trembling arms. How, all for one loss, Hunith of the Druids never discovered her leadership - never gained her rank. how king Balinor lost his chance of his destined family - his wife and his son, was hunted like a dog and abounded his kingdom to keep it safe from Uther's rage. How the unity of the Pendragons never came to be and how Merlin - all that was meant to be, was not.
The prince and princess of Camelot would not leave that room until the air had lost the warmth of day and the night sky took the place of the previous. Arthur would get steadily more pale and feel more ill as the words spilled from Morgause's mouth and when she had finally come to the end of her tale of the manservant and his king, Arthur had barely allowed it to sink in before jumping to his feet.
He paced, his mind turning. This whole thing having gotten a lot more complicated than he ever imagined it could be before finally stopping in front of the woman who had caused such a headache, 'Why did you tell me this?' Arthur asked hoarsely.
Here Morgause stood, too, 'Because Magic works in odd ways, Arthur. You are not that Arthur; his life was not your life - just as his future is not your future. Take what I have said to heart, Arthur - as you must, but do not let it rule you; you are the king of your own fate just as you are the future king of this kingdom. Again, this... this chance Arthur, for our Houses... it is unheard of. But that does not mean it is equally not meant. Understand this when you interact with Emrys'
She went to leave, however just as she reached the door she looked over her shoulder, 'You are expected in the guest room by afternoon today. Do not do yourself the disservice of being dragged there. Morgana will - and can do it'
Leaving Arthur to think on what she had said, as Morgause never did things without a reason and there must be one for her to go against their father and tell him of the Vision that he was not meant to hear of. It was probably something to do with his upcoming marriage but he could not say for sure. Just as he knew that he would have to get to bad for some sleep before finally going back to his intended's side.
Morgana shifted in agitation on her stool; watching both the Lady Knight and her Lord, like she had been doing since she had returned; Merlin hadn't gotten any better since he had been brought to Gaius and had still been suffering of the fever that had warmed his brow and worsened his condition since she had left. It had broken, but the heat that had burned his body had weakened Merlin yet.
Lady Natalie had not moved an inch from his bedside and the princess of Camelot could clearly see the worried lines etched into her otherwise beautiful face. Morgana understood the concern; it was unusual that those with Magic should fall physically ill if it is not some form of Hex or Curse, and even then Sorceress – Warlocks especially, had a tolerance.
Lady Natalie had even said that she had never seen Her Lord so ill which was, no doubt, why she had stubbornly refused to even be moved into the next room, 'My apologies, if I would seem ungrateful to our hosts but My Lord was attacked out in the open, alongside My League, and in the patrol of my brother Knights but I survived. Tis a miracle at that, but we vowed that we would serve and die for Our Lord. My Brothers did their duty valiantly, as I shall continue to do until I am reunited with them'
Lady Natalie had not looked at either she nor Gaius when she had said those words silently, but firmly – an edge of steel in her voice as she kept her eyes onto Merlin at all times. Morgana could see it then; Lady Natalie did not trust them, did not like how they had treated her prince when he had appeared begging for help and was probably further incensed by the lengths that he had, had to go to for Camelot's service.
Which was why Morgana had gone to lengths while she was there to make Lady Natalie feel welcome; talking even when she nought could get a reply, fetching things needed for Gaius and allowing Gwen, her Maidservant, more hours here so to give Gaius the extra hands he so needed in his old age.
'My Lady' Natalie said, still not having turned around which meant Morgana could but see the back of her 'You do not have to stay here; you are under no such obligation'
Morgana inclined her head; that was correct, she need not be here, 'Prince Merlin did seek the aid of Camelot, did he not?'
That gave Lady Natalie pause, Morgana could tell and she was a mixture of delighted and smug when the blond did turn to face her, 'Yes, Milady, he did. He commanded that I help him walk to Camelot's walls as soon as we were able, he was desperate and both of us weak… I did not understand him seeking out the Pendragons when there were clans of druids who would have given aid to us' the dark look in her eyes made the unspoken, Without the price, clear to Morgana because that was what it would have looked like to an outsider who did not know Uther well; that he was truly greed incarnate.
Morgana's lips thinned, polite as Lady Natalie was, the woman was also honest to a fault 'Yes… Prince Merlin will probably explain this to you himself,' she stated, eyes sliding to the still form of the sickly, flushed Dragonlord 'However there has been a deep bond between that of Pendragon and Ambrious; connected by Magic Herself, that is why he would seek us out, despite… personal loss'
Rage flushed across Lady Natalie's face and Morgana knew that then that she had not been sensitive enough, 'The loss of freedom to choose his own bride, the insult to his person and his name in demanding an Oath and the Binding of his soul to this kingdom is…"personal loss"?' it was the most disrespectful tone that Natalie had used in her time there and Morgana could tell from that one loss of patience that she was probably a handful in a familiar setting.
'I meant no offence' Morgana said in ways of an apology 'Prince Merlin, from how little I have seen of him, can tell that he is a great wizard; I can feel his Magic energizing the air – and in the small amount of contact we have had – tinging my skin. And I also know that from the connect I made with our minds that he is a better man' Morgana looked at the Lady Natalie with authority in her eyes 'We may be just foreign to you, Good Knight, and I can not promise that your Lord will always be safe – always been happy here. But what I can say for certainty- from what I have Seen in his Future and what I did see again last night – is that he will always be protected. He will always find a home in Camelot and that though the times will be hard – harder than I can comprehend, you will not regret in ordering your Prince and bringing him here'
The various emotions that Lady Natalie should cooled near the end, staring at Morgana calculatingly. There was silence in the small square room of the Physicians quarters, until Natalie's face tightened, 'I should hope so, Milady, I should hope so'
Morgana watched as Lady Natalie turned back around and the sounds they had been making since Gaius had left to gather more herbs for Merlin's wounds . Morgana had forgone dinner this day – eating more in the morning to fill her for the day so she could spend more time here, to try and both appease the unhappy knight, her responsibility to the man who would one day be her brother in law and to dispel all that she had Seen during the night.
Again, Morgana settled herself, to practice, to think before the door to their quarters creep open uncertainly, blond hair peeping through the crack until the prince it owned to appeared fully. Morgana did not get up to greet the guest instead studying her brother. She saw in him unusual discomfort; none of his usual swagger or confidence as he shifted from one booted foot to the other, quietly clearing his throat in his fist as he tried to muffle it, blue eyes to the side – where his intended lay still and his knight stood protectively.
Lady Natalie looked at him, giving him a pointed, however polite, once over before straightening (though she remained by Merlin's sides; not moving an inch), bowing briefly to the prince of Camelot 'Milord' she greeted somewhat despondently.
Arthur held back a grimace as he had seen that look before; from Nobles and foreign Royals. This was judgement. And for once he deserved it. He inclined his head, trying to seem comely as he forced a smile 'Lady…um' he forced back a flush; not believing that he had actually forgotten his intended's Knights name! Thus was just one thing after the other but… it was just…
'Lady Natalie Nissim' and now there was something sharp about the knight's voice that almost made Arthur wince but instead he straightened 'I am Prince Merlin's apprentice and ward of ten summers. Sir.'
She was establishing her worth. This was a power play, something that Arthur could recognise all too easily. He rounded his shoulders and nodded 'Do you... do you have magic as well?' he asked, though it was an unnecessary thing to question; Merlin Ambrious was famed for his ability and there were whispers when strength of magic users was mentioned, of his talent and his future. It was a specialty of the dragonlords.
The glimmer in the knights eyes of, And what else would it be?, shone in her eyes before it was masked (though it didn't seem that Nissim minded of appearing disrespectful), 'Yes, sire' she answered quite shortly and without inflection 'He took me under his wing and has been teaching me all that he has been able, since,'
Again, Arthur nodded and tried not to twitch when Morgana sighed. He cleared his throat and gestured to the clear on the other side of the cot, 'May I?'
Natalie understood that he was simply being polite and that she, in her station, deny him even if she secretly wanted to, 'Sire.'
Arthur walked at a normal pace to the stroll and lowered himself onto the rocky seat, trying not to pay much attention the thought of, This thing's going to break with as much as a twitch, and concentrate, his gaze flickering from the knight to Merlin and briefly grimaced as he looked onto the pale face of the foreign prince when it followed with the remembrance of his first night in Camelot and the sweat, and the blood and the pure fight he had given Arthur when he had, had to be restrained so that Merlin couldn't injure himself more.
'He will recover quickly,' Arthur's head snapped up from where it had tilted in it's observations, to the suddenly calculating blond opposite him, 'Milord has never been taken sick before and when wounded... it has healed quickly. I have absolute faith that he shall be awaken and functioning soon'
Arthur swallowed, knowing that he would have to take Lady Natalie's word for it.
He would be returning to Gaius' room for another three days.
A/N (02.01.14) -
Okay, so for my older readers who suddenly got an update and thought; Oh golly a new chapter! I guess this useless author's not dead after all. Well you'd only be half right - I complained last time about the original edit's chapter's length, and you know I just really wasn't satisfied with it so I ended up (which I end up doing a lot lately), again, revisiting the chapter. It took awhile; longer than I wanted but I think this is better.
Now incase I've confused people; COMP is literally set in another world to the BBC series; COMP characters know of the show (or at least bits and pieces) through Seers, and I really didn't think of that little little plot bunny(?) when I first started thinking of this story, or at least not in that context... though there was this scene further in where Merlin is introduced to a character he knows but doesn't know, know from 'this' world, that he doesn't like because of what that character did in the BBC series. Honestly don't know why I've included this; seems it just wanted to be there. Not sure if it will actually play a part in the story or not - don't know much (comes from not planning. I don't recommend).
Anyway, yeah, that's about it, though I hope now that you've seen more of Lady Natalie that your starting to build up a picture of her.
And Merlin should be in the next chapter! Yay!