The silence was piercing, but he didn't know what to say or what to do. He just looked at the clock waiting for Luke to bust in any moment, and then Luke would tell him what to do. He looked down at Rory who was lying on his chest in his bed. He couldn't believe that he did this to her. He ruined her life. What about Yale? She was supposed to be something amazing. Now what? She would regret her decisions for the rest of her life. She wasn't meant to be a teenage mother. But, he went and ruined all her dreams. He should have just stayed away. Dean never would have done this to her.

Yet, even as he worries about all the bad he can't help, but snake his hand so that it rest peacefully on her stomach. That was his baby in there. A piece of him and a piece of her. It was a beautiful thought. And with her smarts and his strength that kid was going to be something great. He could picture being the dad that his father wasn't.

He couldn't help, but smile when she placed her hand over his. "I love you." She mumbled softly as she looked up at him.

"I love you too … both of you." He replied as he started to close his eyes. Even if his mind was going crazy he couldn't let her know that. He needed to be strong for her. For their family. "I will always love you." He mumbled into her hair before he kissed the top of her head.

It wasn't long before she was sound asleep and he was staring at that door. He wanted Luke to come busting through. He needed to talk to someone. It felt like years had passed by the time he heard laughter coming from outside the door. He never thought Luke would be one to bring his date home. But, sure enough Luke becomes a man on this night. He was careful not to get wake Rory up as he got up. Once he opened the door he knew Luke could see her laying on the bed. But he just looked at the lawyer chick that Luke brought home. "Luke and I need to talk downstairs alone." He said as he pushed Luke towards the stairs.

"What the hell, Jess." Luke practically barked once they got down to the bottom of the stairs.

"Rory's pregnant." Jess spat out not wanting to prolong the yelling.

"If this is your idea of a sick joke you are wrong. Now tell me what's really going on." He just stared at his uncle for a moment. He never needed help this bad before, but he needed Luke to tell him what to do. He needed Luke to tell him everything was going to be okay because then it would. Luke never lies. There was a moment when he could tell that the truth of his words were sinking in. "Damnit Jess, what the hell did you do?" Luke hissed under his breath.

Normally this would be where he would say something along the lines of 'you know what I did', but he needed Luke too much right now. So, he just kept his mouth shut and looked at the floor. "I fucked up everything, that's what I did." He spoke barely above a whisper. "I ruined all the plans and I brought the only person I have ever loved down with me. Now just tell me what to do. I need some guidance here."

Luke just looked around for a moment. It didn't take much to make Luke speechless, but this time was understandable. "Hide the coffee and run from Lorelai. That would be the logical first thing to do. Then as much as you don't want to hear it. You need to put on your big boy pants and talk to Rory. There are lots of things that you two need to figure out. I can't tell you what to do. Hell, I couldn't even get you to graduate high school." Luke mumbled out as he looked at his nephew.

Jess was about to reply when he heard the door upstairs open up. Luke's date said something before the stairs squeaked. "Dodger what's going on? I woke up and you were gone." Rory's soft voice said as she stood in the middle of the stair case.

"I was just letting Luke here know that he was going to need a different place to entertain his date tonight." Jess replied as he walked up the stairs to meet her. "Let's get you something more comfortable to sleep in." He said as he wrapped his arm around her and led her back up the stairs.

"I am fine." She replied as she forced herself to smile at him.

"No, I will get you anything you want. You got that. Even if I have to drive three states over I will always get you want you and that little person in there want you want." He reassured her as he walked by the lawyer who should have left long before this moment.

"I could go for some saltines right now. My stomach had been bothering me lately." She replied.

"Morning sickness already?" He asked. He hadn't been around a pregnant woman since he was three and his mother had her miscarriage. He wasn't sure what to expect when. She just nodded. "I will be right back. I promise." He said as he opened the door for her and kissed the top of her head. This was his life now and as scary as it is, he knows he is in love with the idea of a forever with her. Rory was always to good for him. He was always sure she would leave him when she found something better. But, now they were going to be a family. There was no way of escaping that fact.